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Thresh Build Guide by Vapora Dark

Support Vapora Dark In-Depth Support Thresh Guide Season 13

Support Vapora Dark In-Depth Support Thresh Guide Season 13

Updated on January 11, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Vapora Dark Build Guide By Vapora Dark 1349 76 5,179,583 Views 74 Comments
1349 76 5,179,583 Views 74 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Vapora Dark Thresh Build Guide By Vapora Dark Updated on January 11, 2023
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Bogger the bogart | July 11, 2022 3:23am
tacowo_ | April 25, 2022 6:35am
Why would you ever take Steel Shoulderguards? Relic Shield is literally free damage?
Vapora Dark (624) | April 26, 2022 2:11pm
Thresh's E passive scales with AD and it's the main source of his damage in lane. For this reason Steel Shoulderguards is both more popular and also better performing according to winrates than Relic Shield is.
Gvea | April 14, 2022 7:45am
I have a question about the runes. Is it on purpose that bone plating is on the first slot? because in the rune section I can't pick both conditioning and bone plating as they are both in the second slot. Also there's no chrysalis.
Vapora Dark (624) | April 19, 2022 2:30am
No, you should take the runes that are in the cheat sheet at the top of the guide, I need to update the mid-guide rune chapter.
AnonimousKaisa | December 17, 2021 1:18pm
Why you archived your Kaisa guide? Please, revert it. It is still the best one!
Vapora Dark (624) | December 18, 2021 3:35am
I archived most of my guides because they took too much time to update. The Kai’Sa guide might return one day but I wouldn’t count on it for a while :(
ElOniApinceladas | December 15, 2021 1:55am
Nice guide
SmellyPyjamas (1) | August 20, 2021 8:32am
Probably the best thresh guide on here!
Voidsinger | August 17, 2021 1:06pm
thanks for the guide
Deadlears | July 5, 2021 10:12am
It's kinda fun i want a caitlyn guide i found Vapora. Sivir ? Same. And now Pyke and Thresh too is vapora ... half of the champions that i like you have made a guide on it x).

Anyway great guide as ever but for the rune there is a problem as you put at first : Guardian, Font of life, Bone plating, Unfliching, Perfect timing and Biscuit delivery. But in the detailed section it is : Aftershock, bone plating, conditioning, overgrowth, cosmic insight and biscuit delivery. Maybe i miss other things but i think it's the main problem ^^
Just have a question : Why do you not use the THREATS & SYNERGIES ? Is it because you don't like it, it's too little for the mass of information ... or because why not xD ?

Well Thanks again and have a nice day :)
Vapora Dark (624) | July 5, 2021 3:39pm
Yeah I need to update the runes in the text, thanks for the reminder, I'll take a look at that soon.

Yeah it's too little for the mass of information, and for the most part threats & synergies look almost the same for every champion. Strong laners are tough to lane against, weak laners are easy to lane against. It's highly repetitive.
Deadlears | July 6, 2021 9:12am
Okay thanks for the answer :).
Makigrim (2) | June 5, 2021 1:26pm
swmtothemoon2 | April 22, 2021 8:44pm
runes need to be updated...
Jayke51 | March 30, 2021 11:41pm

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Pure Panphobia (33) | January 22, 2018 1:26pm
Why would you EVER level Q first on Thresh? There is an undeniable advantage to leveling E first, and even if you haven't played enough to know that, every site I know of for builds/skill order even tells you to level E first.
Lasoor (29) | January 23, 2018 1:49pm
Ask C9 Smoothie why he maxes Q first every game on thresh. Really getting tired of people thinking there is only ONE way to play a champion and any deviation from that is wrong. There's also Galakticos Veux who maxes Q after 2 points in E every game. And the people whom truly know their champions don't just max the same things every game. They put points in what they need.

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Vapora Dark (624) | January 22, 2018 1:01pm
Aftershock seems too broken to pass up

Revitalize is much better on supports who are focused on healing or shielding, i.e. Taric, Lulu, or Soraka.

I know you're leveling up E first for the slow but Q is, imo, better

Also why do you not have 40% cdr in your example build? The actives are nice but Thresh needs cdr to compensate for his long cooldowns (on everything except flay)

Probably because as far as supports go, Thresh isn't one of the most CDR reliant since hooking/flaying a tank isn't really that useful, while supports like Janna/ Lulu directly increase their ADC's damage and survivability with lower cooldowns, and even despite this fact, I still get 30% CDR while one of the items that doesn't give CDR is Ruby Sightstone which is unskippable and the other is Locket of the Iron Solari which is also completely core and unreplaceable, and I'm not going to cater my entire build from the start of the game to "must aim towards 40% CDR in case this game goes to 50 minutes and I end up reaching full build"?

The_Nameless_Bard (635) | January 22, 2018 7:19pm
Everything else aside, I feel like the point of Revitalize increasing the amount healed by Font of Life is missing. Those two runes alone have a lot of synergy, even if you weren't also taking Guardian.
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Admiral_Munson | January 22, 2018 5:04pm
You are trying to counter my arguments with a bunch of winrates that are all very similar (excepting aftershock). The comparison between leveing Q and E is particularly ambiguous.

Leveling Q probably won't work for people who are just bad at landing it (you have this low cooldown ability you can't land but you're also stuck with a flay with 20% slow) but it works extremely well if you can. As you know, the cooldown is reduced by an additional 3 seconds if you land it, even on a minion. It is also much harder cc than flay as it is also a 1.5 second stun and you can travel to wherever someone has flashed or e'd ( Ezreal) if you take it late enough.

No doubt, I'm sure you know that combo'ing hook with flay, lantern, and the box makes for some sick plays. It's harder to do that when Q is still on 20 second cooldown (assuming no CDR) 15 minutes in.

"I'm not going to cater my entire build from the start of the game to "must aim towards 40% CDR in case this game goes to 50 minutes and I end up reaching full build"?"

I realize you are being sarcastic but you can get 40% cdr, often by 20 minutes and sometimes less (i.e. by building coin) and it is very useful. Thresh's hook is central to his kit and not landing it or not being able to frequently throw/land it does make things a lot more difficult in terms of peel and securing kills. I do not agree when you say that Thresh is not cdr reliant. He is all about cdr, in my humble opinion.

As for your statistic for revitalize, a tiny difference in winrate isn't very significant imo and varies from one elo to the next. Second wind is still very good for in-lane sustain and playmaking. Revitalize is only good if you've got a bunch of shield/heal based actives, as you said yourself. I'll try guardian in my games and see if it makes a difference, however (since aftershock isn't effective unless I'm on top of the enemy adc -- which may or may not be dangerous depending on who I'm laning against).
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Hydrowarrior | January 22, 2018 2:15pm
@ Vapora Dark There was no reason to dismiss his claims or try to assert that his way of playing thresh is 'wrong'. You even included statistics in which you tried to show that it had a higher winrate, but then upon closer inspection one realizes that the winrate is marginally better. Maxing Q can allow the thresh to make multiple hooks in a teamfight, but the increased slow and increased damage on the E is also good. It all comes down to how you decide to play thresh. However, I do agree with your first claim, about aftershock being worse, upon seeing that particular statistic.
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