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An other thing I don't fully understand is that Anivia is on tiny threat, whilst champions like zed and yasuo is on major. Especially yasuo isn't too much of a threat in lane because he doesn't have enough burst and mobility to burst you down. Zed isnæt too much of a threat either es he relies a lot on his q, which is something that is relatively dodgeable with q. Kindreds ult also counters zed hard.
I have had some big trouble with anivia as it is hard to dodge her q because of its speed and hitbox. She also has a good burst for the end of kindreds ultimate.
I haven't had too much trouble with malzahar either, as long as qss is built pretty quickly. Kindred outdamages malzahar at basically every point of the game, especially with qss.
It might just be that we have very different playstyles and that different things works differently for us, though.
I appreciate the feedback and I'll check on the matchup section again, as it was based off my own experiences against those champ, based on when I made the guide like, 4 years ago oops.
Personnaly I have no difficulties against Anivia's Q, and as a Malzahar main, I've seen and destroy many Kindred Mid. However, knowing the two champs are my mains, it's obvious I know the weakness of both and exploits it easily.
As for Yasuo, I admit kindred is now a good pick against him. I'm not sure about Zed, but I'll be sure to check the matchup section soon to be sure everything fits today's LoL, and not season 6 LoL.
Azir is a good example of a champ I used to counter with Kindred and now I can't do anything in lane against him.
It might take a while to do since there are matchup that aren't happening often.
Thank you again for the comment, I really appraciate it and it helps a lot upgrading the guide!
Hope that was useful, and again thanks for the comment!
Stormrazor does not build out of Zeal! Still a good guide
For me I do very good with 5 or 6 marks as kindred mid because I'm used to it, I've played Kindred only in mid lane since my second game with them. The gameplay sure need's adaptation and time to know what are the difference between mid and jungle, and to notice that jungle is a lot better lol, but playing them mid lane is pure fun! To balance that, I take Yomuu's as first item because the lethality deal well with the damage you loose from your passive with low rate stacking. I'd say with a early 3 stacks and the serrated dirk for lethality, you can kill a mid laner with Q >W >E >AA >AA >AA within 3s.
Thanks for the comment! I really appreciate the feedback!
Pentakill, that's what.
Now I play Kindred mid much more. I still take her jg (and bot), but damn mid is fun. Also, after a game of Tristana adc, i accidentally left heal as my summoner spell. Have to say it synergies really well with ult especially if u have a kill lane bot with 2 ignites. Helps win teamfights.
Also, it's really fun watching the enemy at 1hp going out of my ult. Much less when my teammate leaves.
Anyways, nice guide! Thx!
Anyway, I'm glad you have a lot of fun with my guide and thanks again for the comment!
I happened to see your guide in the refreshed section and since we kinda seem to share a love for Kindred (although I‘m a main support player), I thought I had to check it out.
So let‘s get down to my feedback:
I really love that you‘re able to transfer your love for Kindred via this guide. That‘s something pretty rare in my opinion and definitely makes your guide very special. :) I think you already focus on quite a bunch of crucial information, like when you explain how and when to get the Marks.
However, I happened to notice two things that you might want to imrove.
Firstly, there‘s this typo you did with strengths. You misspelled it in your banner and in the heading as „strenght“ :/ (sorry to point that one out >___<**)
Secondly, your synergy section is looking somewhat empty since there‘s only a handful of champs you‘ve added.
But anyway! I really love this guide and that it also looks somewhat artesian with the changing banners in the end. It‘s awesome already, really. :)
Cheers, Wicked Cherry.
As soon as I'll have more time thos summer I'll try to come back on updating frenquently but I can't promise anything for now.
Thank you again for the comment!