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I feel Runaan's tends to be applicable against melee team comps as it takes advantage of its full potential. If a team has 3 melee champs or maybe 2-3 melee and other short range champs like kai'sa, I will almost always build Runaan's. Ashe's kit allows her to gain additional utility through the use of Runaan's, like how Jinx is able to get bonus damage from Runaan's because of her rocket AOE. Being able to slow multiple people AND apply on-hit to multiple people will always out damage the raw stats PD gives. But it HAS to be multiple people and at least 3.
So when you're in game, identify their melee and ranged composition and picture how fights are going to play out. I just played against Urgot, Warwick, Katarina, Draven, Braum for example. That team comp has 1 direction and it is IN. They are going to run at us inevitably, but also with the 4 Melee champs and short ranged ADC, they are going to be stacking on top of each other no matter what and I will get the complete value out of Runaan's.
I like to think you need 3 targets you can consistently apply Ruunan's on in order for it to be of max Value, since it shoots 2 bolts, each to an additional target, giving you damage on 3 targets.
If you're going to be auto-ing one person at a time, like shredding 1 particular tank or 2 tanks or a tank/bruiser setup, PD will give the highest damage and also bonus movement speed to kite and maneuver around their ranged champs.
I also agree with your assessment on the crit Infinity Edge route being way more efficient when you want to have the most bang for your buck in most games.
Inspiration is just generally a great rune on Ashe since she doesn't necessarily care much for raw AD like the sorcery alternative can bring. She wants movement speed and attack speed with on-hit or on-hit amplifiers.
Inspiration provides the movement speed part of her kit. Approach velocity gives you 15% more movement speed towards an enemy that you impair, Ashe's auto-attack slows are movement impairs; giving you a constant 15% bonus movement speed towards the person you are hitting, making it nearly impossible to escape her.
Then for the other runes you can go boots or biscuits. If your lane is safe enough boots are extremely good scaling as the 10 bonus MS you get on them is multiplied by your zeal items and approach velocity movement speed increase, giving you an insane overall buff your MS making her the staple kiting champion. Enemies can't get away, and can't get to you by traditional means. Biscuits is just a good rune in general since Ashe actually has a lot of lane presence and approach velocity is quite the overpowered rune with lethal tempo during laning phase, get tempo stacked and if the enemy ADC has shorter AA range than you, you can permanently kite them without retaliation. Biscuits allows Ashe to tap into this aggression in lane and also purchase early boots to heavily abuse the movement speed mismatch.
I've tested options like celerity + gathering storm to try to recreate the inspiration tree but with more damage, it feels OKAY but you really notice the huge drop in MS which is something Ashe relies on as an immobile marksman who uses it and her innate slow to escape enemies and keep them at range.
As of now I don't think anything can beat approach velocity on her. The ONLY alternative I tested that seemed alright was celerity + gathering storm, but it would have to be a game where you are safe and don't need the fat stack of movement speed. But inspiration is still generally better.
Thanks for your comment and sorry again about the late reply!
Having time off to rest and recharge is necessary.
Thank you for the insight on Ashe, and I will give this a whirl and see how it goes.