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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Not the worse on her own in lane but when paired with an engage support it is a living nightmare. Regardless she will be a nuisance outside of laning phase.
Double slow and AP on-hit with ashe's high attack speed and W spam.
Double slow and AP on-hit with ashe's high attack speed and W spam.
Champion Build Guide
Pretty much I'm an Ashe main who has been playing her since I began playing in Season 10. Despite her lack of "complexity" I find Ashe incredibly fun as she is a fundamental ADC and is a pure example of what it means to be an ADC inside League of Legends. I feel as if Ashe is only as good as the player makes her a lot of the time as she is completely reliant on good fundamentals and pure mechanics like kiting. She is also fantastic at helping players improve!
I pretty much made this guide not only because of my love for Ashe but because a lot of the builds going around seem incomplete or inefficient to me. It isn't an uncommon sight for people to be flaming me or my teammates for picking Ashe because she "does not damage" or "does nothing." Along with Ashe's popularity declining as other more "appealing" ADC's rise, I feel like I should share what I believe to be the absolute best way to play Ashe as she was meant to be played, and ADCARRY, not just some utility bot.
I currently have a very high success rate with Ashe this season with the new items. I've been sitting at above a 60% winrate the entire season so far and often out damaging those beloved Season 12 champions. Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope I restore some love for Ashe in at least one person. Stay frosty :)

As seen in the full detailed description of Ashe's passive, Crit makes her Frost Shot do 75% worth of your full crit in bonus damage. On top of that, Infinity Edge adds a bonus 35% to this. With a full crit build Ashe's frost shot will deal 220% bonus damage. Note: An average champion with an IE only does 210% bonus damage on their crits.
The main difference here is Ashe doesn't have real critcal strikes. A 20% chance of critting is converted into straight damage on autos vs enemies affected by frost shot. So any auto attack on an enemy effected by frost shot will do bonus damage, disregarding the "chance" of hitting a crit. Though, Ashe still does have crit chance, but the less confusing way to think about this is "Bonus Slow Chance." If ashe has 40% Crit chance, then each auto has a 40% Chance of doubling Frost Shot's movement speed slow. The 40% is used in calcualting Frost Shot's actual damage, for example: 40% would be 110% + .75(40) = 140% Bonus damage on each auto attack on an enemy effected by Frost Shot. Also, Ashe's W can apply the bonus damage of her Passive if the enemy is already affected.
So, why build on-hit at all? Well, on-hit is extremely efficient with its gold usage. In this guide you will notice the cost trends of each build and how crit is generally more expensive than on-hit. On-hit provides a competitive amount of damage for less money, allowing you to hit a power spike earlier in the game, trading some power in the later stages. Crit will always be the best option for raw damage late game but sometimes you can't do damage if you're not alive (weird concept). This is another situation where on-hit comes it, the low cost of the builds provides you more resources to expend towards defensive items like Maw, GA, or even the core item Wit's End.
In the end, if you are looking for as much damage as possible Crit will always be your go to. But if you want safety, a cheaper build, or an earlier spike, on-hit can provide that much easier.
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