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Teemo Build Guide by Sovereign Kitten



Updated on September 11, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sovereign Kitten Build Guide By Sovereign Kitten 12224 599 23,325,829 Views 835 Comments
12224 599 23,325,829 Views 835 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sovereign Kitten Teemo Build Guide By Sovereign Kitten Updated on September 11, 2024
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DakoTeemo | July 8, 2024 12:08am
Olá! Depois que segui suas dicas, melhorei bastante minhas partidas! Obrigado pela ajuda.
Sovereign Kitten (87) | July 8, 2024 12:44am
zMacah | May 31, 2024 7:54pm
Sovereign Kitten (87) | June 1, 2024 4:21am
It's been like that for 3 months, Riot just doesn't care to actually fix it.
HoratioLevi | February 20, 2024 4:28pm
Could U come up with a ad teemo build ? i dont really like ap teemo but i like teemo hes so cute and annoying ,just like me XD
Sovereign Kitten (87) | February 20, 2024 7:17pm
I mean, you could, but the whole point of AD hybrid Teemo from last season was it scaled with AP so you could double dip in both. But I wouldn't recommend going into builds with full AD.

It would be something like Greaves, Nashors, Kraken, Shieldbow, Bloodthirster and Terminus, You could put Blade of the Ruined King instead of Nashor, but really you do more with AP :P
jajkopajko | January 16, 2024 2:30pm
You are missing some matchups, for example Renata on support. Otherwise great guide, I´ve been following it for a few years now and you are doing a great job with it!
Sovereign Kitten (87) | January 17, 2024 1:59pm
Yeah, a few match-ups would be either missing or forgotten. I'll try to update it as I can, I am just not as active or motivated in a sense of urgency, so I just take my time now.
Zlooldp | January 12, 2024 10:27pm
Sorry to bother you, do you have any anti-tank builds with Teemo? What runes could I use?👉👈
Sovereign Kitten (87) | January 13, 2024 2:53am
Generally speaking we don't fight tanks. Once they get to a certain point, they just become a big problem to deal with, back in previous Seasons it was always Riftmaker, because of the massive True Damage, right now it's mostly abuse Malignance and full AP because it does so much damage to everyone, but even then they are less effected due to all the MR and other such things.
Zlooldp | January 10, 2024 6:17pm
Do you plan to update the support build? What item can replace Spellthief's Edge?
Sovereign Kitten (87) | January 11, 2024 9:12am
Updated most of the item builds and will polish it as time goes on as we usually do as a community.
Sovereign Kitten (87) | January 10, 2024 6:49pm
Currently really busy with a lot of editing and work on another site, so it is going to be a bit slow to update and have only taken a look at Top, Mid, Jng in my free time, didn't even look at Support for some time. But again, sorry for any failure to get the guides updated on day one like I have always done.
Lisq (1) | December 21, 2023 9:39am
Why do you usually prefer Shadowflame over Demonic Embrace?
Porofessor ( build suggests quite different build for PTA - it's PTA + Resolve and items like Nashor>Liandry>SE. What do you think about that?
Sovereign Kitten (87) | December 21, 2023 11:23am
Websites are different from players. Websites are specifically cherry picking the TOP players in the world with the highest win-rates and usually leave out the lower rank players and such because it's not what people look for. Check out "Lolalytics" and check for Diamond+ players. It's not very good, but check lower rank players specifically gold.

It's also based on what the community does more of. If everyone started playing Grasp again, most runes would be showing as Grasp, hence, why I say Fleet is okay for survival but notice how no website recommend it outright?
Lisq (1) | November 2, 2023 10:44am
I still miss the old build with Hurricane & Nashor/Wit's End if I remember correctly. Incredibly fast lane clear and dealing lot of damage in team fights. I can't see Hurricane in any of your builds. Is it worth buying this item or has it been changed/nerfed too much and it's not that good for Teemo anymore?
Sovereign Kitten (87) | November 2, 2023 6:46pm
Runaan's Hurrican, from my recollection of when I used to play League petty frequently, was never worth giving up genuine survivability for, unless you were highly fed and simply steam rolling level 10s while you're level 18, for a quick PentaKills and completing the game faster, it was pretty much overridden by Kraken Slayer / Anathema and whatever other defensive item was needed.
lucawen | October 23, 2023 9:45am
What about the Guinsoo? I didn´t do anything explaining when to use it. Thanks for putting a lot of effort into this! This has not only Teemo information, but has basic stuff like lane control too!
Sovereign Kitten (87) | October 23, 2023 5:23pm
Yeah, when I first started Teemo 7-8 years ago. There wasn't a lot of written stuff just "Watch me" and literally "Just build this to win." So I got to work throughout the years, going over the fundamentals and all that nice stuff before moving on to more granular aspects.

So, I understand that there are a lot of folks out there, like Manc0, who at one point claimed that it was the best build ever to play on-hit for Teemo. But if you sit down and perform the math, the explanation becomes clear. In the game's current condition, itemization, survivability, and so on.

Guinsoo's Rageblade is a bad item because, well, think about it. When was the last time you battled a skilled opponent and hit them 7-9 times BEFORE they could stun, lockdown, or one-shot you? The playstyle and build is ridiculously squishy and provides nothing for defense or proper AP scaling.

I don't want to go into too much detail, as I usually do, because I'm not all that interested in typing up a 2 hour page on it all, let me put it this way. Guinsoo's had a 55% WR before the changes back in 13.9? It dropped immediately to 46% and have NEVER seen itself go above 50% since. Riftmaker on-hit, is ALWAYS a 54-55% WR in a massive number of games.

Do you want a 55% WR with more than 100k games played or a 47-49% WR with 20-30k games played? It has less to do with itemization and more to do with your ability to play the physical game. This is why high-rank players can make things work, but it is also necessary to understand itemization so that it supports you rather than hinder you.

Long Story short: Guinsoo offers nothing.
Lisq (1) | October 20, 2023 8:45am
Hey, thanks for keeping the guide updated! You've been doing the wonderful job over the years. I'd like to ask you - what's the best build & runes for biggest AP Shrooms damage so I could deadly traps in enemy's jungle?
Sovereign Kitten (87) | October 20, 2023 8:25pm
Comet is theoretical in speech, which I go into detail about it here.
Lisq (1) | November 2, 2023 10:47am
Could you add the Comet build for max AP Shroom's damage? (For top/mid) To have fun planting traps in enemy's jungle and trying to deal as much damage as it's possible (both to squishy and tanky enemies). Sometimes this strategy in long, tough games is much more helpful as it can help to make one good gank and then win the game.
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Sovereign Kitten (87) | October 11, 2023 3:38am
Significant adjustments have been made to the Power Point, with a more in-depth approach to runes and individual champions rather than being straightforward. Hopefully, this helps you better grasp Teemo and his match-ups.
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