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I normally play sona when im with friends on a voip, Ive stopped playing her while solo queuing because its just too hard to rely on people you dont know, Ive often ended up laning with someone that made no sense to lane with for sona because there was someone who insisted on jungling or various other reasons.
I go into solo or duo queue as sona a lot; I like the challenge, premade makes it too easy ;P
But even with my build i run out of mana in games, early mid and late, even while using clarity. Perhaps its just my play style, if someones not on full health i feel like its my fault. If someone dies i feel like im not doing my job. I know its not because of me, but i think that how i should think about it.
My reason for not using clarity is that you become accustomed to having nearly twice as much mana as you should, thus you spend it quicker than you should. It's very bad practice, and you'll find yourself performing terribly between clarities. It also hurts your team cause they feel the same effects, with the double mana. It feels like something nice to have, but it really isn't. The moment I broke my need for clarity(and even Heal), my supporting has become so much better.
Also, if your teammate overextends and you can't heal him fast enough, that's his fault, let him QQ. But if you CAN save him, with aria of preserverance or Crescendo, then Flashing in will make you look like a super pro support, and you'd have a happy teammate and an intimidated opposing team. I've done it plenty of times before, and it is a potential game changer (to bring along flash).
regarding flash with my guide you could afford to swap clarity for flash if you wanted to, i wouldnt. I find with sona if im in a position where im going to die id probably die even with flash. But thats up to you.
an important point id like to make is that i wouldnt get rid of teleport. if top lane need help im there if someone is about to die im there to turn it around. Sona even with her e and boots is really slow teleport makes sure you can be in 2 places at once.
While teleport is always usefull, being as squishy as Sona is without flash makes her very vulnerable to any champ with a dash, jump, flash ability. The cool thing about flash is that after trying to jump on you a few times and you flashing away the enemy tends to be much less gung-ho about even trying to dive on you. After the enemy goes for you flash+E is usually more than enough to get away leaving them in the middle of your team beating on them.
I dont just use clarity for myself, i use it to boost other peoples mana. The nidalee i lane with normally runs out of mana quite quickly and my clarity tends to come off cool down around the time she needs it.
I always run out of mana. I am almost constantly spamming q and w. Your laning partner should be as aggressive as possible which means you got to be healing non stop. the mana regen on my build is just slightly less than the cost of a spell per 5 seconds. which means you can literaly cast spells non stop, thats the way i play. if im going somewhere im spamming e, if im near creeps or enemies im spamming q and if ive taken any damage im spamming w. i still run out of mana late game with this build.
I'm not suggesting you drop clarity, I think that it really makes Sona since it allows her to be a super aggressive harasser from level 1. Like you said you have enough mp5 to spam spells non stop and still have clarity. This is overkill no matter how you look at, why not just have enough mp5 to cast all you spell as much as would be useful and never run out of mana with useing clarity? Being able to spam spells non stop is nice but it's really not necessary. You could spend the gold on other stats that in the end would help you far more than just being able to spam spells non stop. On top of haveing overkill mp5 you also have a huge mana pool. Why have so much mana if your mp5 is so high that you will never run out?
I really suggest you swap out some mp5/mana for some survivability.
Items seem quite nice, I like Mejai - some ppl call it ****. Also Soul Shroud is a nice item and always useful to get. However I myself personally would complete archangel's staff before completing Lichbane, but it's just how you want to play.
Your summoner spells are ok, but I think you should get an escape spell like Flash, which you have included in the build. Other than that I would like you to add some games you've played with this build and maybe you DON'T want to take Expanded Mind mastery, because it scales of your BASE MANA, therefore completely useless. It's mjuch better to max out the exp mastery.
I will try this build, but with my own runes (you can check out my builds too if you wanna see how I play) :) I can't give +1 because those runes suck pretty much, but I will if you find a better combo.
Secondly , i think FLASH would be the best choice, it saved me a lots of times , i dont use teleport since i can get to my lane or wherever else fast enough with my E spell.
Finaly , i like the items you chose , good job there ( except the boots ), especially with the MEJAI, so..everyone saying its not a good choice is really stupid, i get 20 stacks so easily, and have often been legendery with sona.
The reason i prefer sorceres shoes is that you dont really need more CDR for sona . You got about 9 % in masteries , you got 10 % from Kindlegem , you got 15 % on 20 stacks ( if you do ) you can ask youre team to help you with the blue buff ( even when you dont have mana problems ) ..thats 10 % more . Furthermore, i got CDR i often have the maximum CDR of 40 % .
Sorry for a long comment new to the site so :P ..
bye bye
EDIT : didnt see the tornmail xDD..thats useless, thats for champs who take a lot of cant with sona..not even if you wanted to..2 hits nocturne..your dead,max just stupid.
Thornmail should never be bought by sona, ever. By the time it does any noticeable damage you are already dead. You are much better off just getting something else like Rylais so you can slow people before they can reach you and E to stay in front of them or Hourglass. Yes they are more expensive but they also give you AP as well as survivability.
You have no flash. I know flash isn't 100% needed but on a champ as squishy as sona it makes a huge impact on her survivability. It also allows you to hang back out of harms way and still be able to pop in and land your ult at crucial times which can win determine the outcome of a team fight.
I also wanna mention about the boots. Have you tried getting Mana Manipulator --> Tear of the Goddess --> Boots --> Mejai's Soulstealer --> Ionian Boots of Lucidity? That seems a little early to decide whether or not mejai's would be useful or not. Just my two cents :)
But I won't vote until I try it ;P