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Creator: Six Nails June 1, 2011 6:26pm
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Six Nails
Six Nails's Forum Avatar
Jun 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2011 6:26pm | Report
Hi im Six Nails (thats my in game name too) and i am pretty new. i have been playing for about a week and a half and its pretty fun. i played a lot of demigod back in the day and i think that is helping me on my way to learning this game :). That's me saying hello and a little about myself, and here are some observations that i have made in the past week or so that i would like to share/clarify

Zilean is unbeatable
i cant use zilean cause he flows like bricks
ashe is useless until you put 10000000 gold into her
sightwards are great but nobody buys them
vision wards are almost pointless
orcales are just targets that say kill me for 400$
why do ppl ask what runes i have? none i guess?
what are runes?
when ppl say ruins, they mean runes right? its bad to assume ppl are dumb but this is the interent right?
why should i buy champs? you give me a bunch a week to play with.
trolls...trolls everywhere
asking for a surrender is a sure fire way to not get a surrender
some champs seem useless when compared to other champs. why use dr mundo or cho'gath when you have say amumu (-i only played one week so far of champs so i only know those ones well)?
are there more than 2 levels?
when is a good time to surrender? like at what point do you know your not winning?
and finally why is this game free? i would totally pay money for this!
feel free to prove me wrong and whatnot my feelings are impregnable mwhahaha. also add me if you like but i dont play often, so dont be offended if i just never play with you! im sure your an awesome guy/gal! Also i dont win like ever so risk your record with that add button haha.
SinDelta's Forum Avatar
Jun 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2011 6:40pm | Report
I'm not quite sure if this was a introduction or not but meh let be one of the first to welcome you to the mobafire community and to League of Legends as well. Hope to see you on the *Activate Garen Voice* Field of Justice :P <--- Corny i know.
Check out my youtube channel:
<Retired Admin>
Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2011 8:27pm | Report
Welcome, check out the matchmaking section for vent info and make sure to hop in vent / the ingame mobafire chatroom (details also in matchmaking section) to start meeting ppl, playing games, and getting better! :)
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
Ya1232's Forum Avatar
May 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2011 8:38pm | Report
You suck to?! We should just go suck together then lol.
Im to tired as of right now to answer some of those questions but tomorrow, unless someone else posts them here, Ill send you a PM of all the information you are looking for.
Anyhow I think its time to go make some dinner and stop this before I ramble on.
<Retired Moderator>
Scrax's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2011 8:48pm | Report
Welcome! :D

Should really check out the Ventrilo server :) Loads of friendly chums and chumpettes there.
<Altruistic Artist>
wRAthoFVuLK's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2011 11:11pm | Report
Zilean is unbeatable

Lol. Don't kill him when he has the spinning lights around him.

i cant use zilean cause he flows like bricks

excuse me, wat?

ashe is useless until you put 10000000 gold into her

=why farming is pro, and ganking/getting kills

sightwards are great but nobody buys them

You need to. Ward dragon, blue, red, other key spots so you can prepare for ganks and see where the enemies are. Look around the site, there are some warding guides.

vision wards are almost pointless

No. To detect stealth champions in your lane/take out a ward of which you know the location.

orcales are just targets that say kill me for 400$

No, especially if multiple people get oracles. You can detect wards, stealth champs, shrooms, etc. and take them out with ease. Don't buy an oracle if you keep dying though, then it is just a waste of gold.

why do ppl ask what runes i have? none i guess?

If you are new, you don't have runes.

what are runes?

Look at the shop. They are things that you buy with IP to increases stats before you enter the game. DO NOT BUY THESE UNTIL LEVEL 20 TIER 3 RUNES, as the ones you can access at lower levels do not compare, and you are just wasting IP.

Check here for more info on runes, and here for what the different types of runes are, and which you should buy.

when ppl say ruins, they mean runes right? its bad to assume ppl are dumb but this is the interent right?

I just explained what runes are.

why should i buy champs? you give me a bunch a week to play with.

Since they always change, and chances are as you play you will really like some people and want to main them. Just play and you'll see.

trolls...trolls everywhere

Welcome to the MOBA genre.

asking for a surrender is a sure fire way to not get a surrender


some champs seem useless when compared to other champs. why use dr mundo or cho'gath when you have say amumu (-i only played one week so far of champs so i only know those ones well)?

Nononononono. They all have different purposes on the team...there are tanks, DPSs, casters, assassins, offtanks, and many other types of champions. You need a mix of them to do well. Mundo is a tanky DPS, who doesn't need to worry about mana, and has a nice slow and can heal himself. Cho'gath is more of an AP tank, he has a long silence, a pop up, has a lot of HP, and deals true damage. Amumu has an AoE damage spell, a nice ultimate that can stun a whole team, a single-target skillshot stun, and another damage dealing ability. They all have different purposes and playstyles, as you play you will develop your own styles and see who you like to play best.

are there more than 2 levels?

As of right now there is only 5v5 Summoner's Rift and 3v3 Twisted Treeline; however, 5v5 Magma Chamber is supposed to come out soon.

when is a good time to surrender? like at what point do you know your not winning?

Don't. Unless you REALLY need to, since a lot of the time when you think you lost you can pick it back up and win. Hell, I had a few games where they were downing our nexus, and we hardly pushed any lanes and we won after acing them. Surrender if you feel like all hope is lost, once again you will know when, just play.

and finally why is this game free? i would totally pay money for this!

To get more playerbase.

And also, they say it is free so you will be all "oooh well it is free so I guess I can afford some RP" :D

You can buy champions and skins for the champions with Riot Points, which you get by paying green bucks.

And welcome to MOBAFire, join the ventrilo, and have fun :D

Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
Atarios's Forum Avatar
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Sep 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 1, 2011 11:12pm | Report
LOL at the zil is unbeatable part.
Thanks Jhoi,Xenasis,JEFFY40HANDS for the Sigs ! :D
<Retired Moderator>
DEWO's Forum Avatar
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Feb 15th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2011 12:16am | Report
Zilean is unbeatable
Make him use ulti on some1 esle and fastswitch to him. Playing caster against a fed zil - buy hourglass against his bombs as an example. He is squishy as hell and doesnt have any viable CC.

i cant use zilean cause he flows like bricks
This will come with time.

ashe is useless until you put 10000000 gold into her
get a fast BF sword and she is as good early game as in lategame. But like any ohter physical carry she is item dependant... not only her...

sightwards are great but nobody buys them
Than buy them yourself. Not doing it coz others dont do it... than this is a blind circle...

vision wards are almost pointless
Agree... the range on that stealth detection is **** but there is a good places to place a vision instead of sight one. Those places are Dragon/Baron. You can detect and kill enemy wards if planted there or teemo shrooms/jacks...

orcales are just targets that say kill me for 400$
Dont buy them on carries, make tank buy it... if they focus your tank to get rid of the ward they are doing it wrong and double profit for you.

why do ppl ask what runes i have? none i guess?

what are runes?

when ppl say ruins, they mean runes right? its bad to assume ppl are dumb but this is the interent right?
Hmmm you can also ruin the game for others leaving the game or AFKing ingame :P

why should i buy champs? you give me a bunch a week to play with.
Becouse you want to have them avaible whenever you want to play the ones you like? duuuh?

trolls...trolls everywhere
Welcome to LoL :P

asking for a surrender is a sure fire way to not get a surrender
dont ask for surrenders and never surrender. Just try harder. Keep calm dont feed push mid. 3 main rules if game is going bad.

some champs seem useless when compared to other champs. why use dr mundo or cho'gath when you have say amumu (-i only played one week so far of champs so i only know those ones well)?
Fun? ATM i only find Cassiopea an useless champion. Rest is more or less viable.

are there more than 2 levels?
2 levels of what?

when is a good time to surrender? like at what point do you know your not winning?
Never. Keep calm, dont feed, push mid.

and finally why is this game free? i would totally pay money for this!
You can... buy champions, skins, other ****? Microtransactions are nothing extraordinary thiese days.
Did i help you? Click that +Rep

Thanks to jhoijhoi for the sig!
Six Nails
Six Nails's Forum Avatar
Jun 1st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2011 12:03pm | Report
thanks everyone for replying I'm glad to see there is a real community out there :). So here are some responses id like to address- i dont have a mic and never used vent before so that's not a viable option to communicate WITH me, but i guess you can still communicate TOO me if that's cool. and google will teach me the ways of vent. as for zilean, its not the ult that gets me, or at least not now. the first time i played him i just turned to my friend and went, wtf? and he said ya zil does that. then i screamed at the monitor for a while cause i tower dived for no reason. Its the bombs. Why do they do so much damage. Im a terrible ranged carry, but when zil is against me, its just depressing. I just played against my first fiddlesticks though and the same thing happened while i was kog maw. Is there just times when you cant win? is there like a rock paper scissor mechanic going on here? Anyways moving on. I played the 3v3 map probably like 80% of the time, is that bad? I just like shorter games and it seems like that's the way to go. But then they are making a new 5v5 level so now im thinking im being dumb wasting my time in 3v3. It seems like you all play 5v5 talking bout pushing mid and baron and stuff. Just saying Ive never seen a cassiopeia but when i do ill know now that she is bad lol thanks for that. And lastly is it a good idea to play just one guy? In demigod you had to know every single player, grant it there were only ten of them, it did you no good to just pick one and that's it. In this game though that scales to picking just like 7 and sticking with it. i just figured ill play all the champs all the time unless i just cant figure them out, say like zilean and every ranged carry ive touched so far. Also thanks for threading useful links, i totally looked at them and it helps. i also then spent about 2 hours (while watching clash of the titans) just bombing though the website clicking on all the info i could. I still suck, but i have a better understanding as to why i suck :). People are much nicer in the forum than the game....i was kinda expecting a 4chan-esque environment in here lol.
Ya1232's Forum Avatar
May 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 2, 2011 12:31pm | Report
Its nice here, its nice in chat ingame. Playing ingame is a different story lol. I know with myself when I play with friends, they are no longer my friends and I will call them out on things they do wrong, they do the same with me. Then afterwards everythings back to normal.
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