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Amumu Build Guide by Holypulse

Holymumu-Bandages of Stunlocker (Detailed Laning Guide)

Holymumu-Bandages of Stunlocker (Detailed Laning Guide)

Updated on December 20, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Holypulse Build Guide By Holypulse 8,385 Views 24 Comments
8,385 Views 24 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Holypulse Amumu Build Guide By Holypulse Updated on December 20, 2011
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purpleges (20) | July 26, 2011 8:46pm
Voted -1
Amumu is honestly only viable in the jungle. He's too weak in lane and his bandage makes him extremely mana hungry. I would recommend flat mr or armor to help his weak early game.
jhoijhoi (2057) | July 26, 2011 4:45pm
Did someone just call me a troll? ... wow, I never thought I would be called a troll.

And thanks, Six, for pointing out those things I missed ^^
SixSonatas (32) | July 25, 2011 10:59am
Let me direct you to the math portion of Perseverance.

You get 4% Total HP5/MP5; you say that this build relies on regeneration, yes? Okay. Your endgame MP5 is 27; 4% of that is ~1. So instead of 27 MP5, you have 28 MP5. I hope I can stress that a single Faerie Charm provides 300% that value at a cost of 180 gold; this means your rank 3 Perseverance gives you 60 gold worth ENDGAME.

I'm not sure if this justifies not leveling faster (very important to lane dominance, difference between denying CS and getting denied CS), having longer buff durations (by 30%, which gets you an extra 45 seconds on the 150 second buffs, if this is blue buff you have way higher regen than you would get from Perseverance), and Quickness is the most negligible one of the ones I recommended, but definitely a better choice than Perseverance and Expanded Mind (Expanded Mind only gives you 5% of your BASE Mana; you have about 950 base mana, so you're getting 47.5 extra mana points endgame which is about 100 gold worth)

About using this build... did I forget to mention that I'm a tournament player? I couldn't use this build if I wanted to; if I did, it'd be to troll a normal game where Crit Swain, AP Gangplank, and Tank Annie are being played lol :3 and we'd probably still win just because we'd outplay our opponents regardless of items.
Holypulse | July 25, 2011 10:14am
@Six Sonatas
First of all If you read the build you can see different item builds in the section below,that one up is not the solid one I just wrote one to fill that spot....About the masteries,rank 3 Perseverance:This gives a % of mana regen and as you can see in the build,I am really importing on regeneration,and it gives a LOT when you have a semi-regen based build,Just read the whole item build,use it then vote pls, I dont thi,nk that waht u learnt from this build is not worth a -1 in my opinin but your choice thanks anyways
SixSonatas (32) | July 25, 2011 9:31am
Voted -1
I can only see this working in a duo bot double tank lane; however, the support and ranged AD lane is currently too strong and only loses to double burst. Amumu, at the current metagame, cannot be laned in any competitive ELO.

Don't take me the wrong way, I'm a tournament player in the competitive LoL scene so I do judge what roles heroes play, but my downvote goes to your masteries and item build.

Here's what's wrong:
    Perseverance and Expanded Mind are useless masteries; rank 3 Perseverance gives you an UNNOTICEABLE amount of regen; same for rank 4 Expanded Mind, an unnoticeable amount of mana. You should instead get rank 4 Awareness, rank 2 Utility Mastery, and rank 3 Quickness.

    Your item build has a very distinct lack of MR. Sure, you won't be hurt by physical damage, but all they have to do is have one AP carry use a spell rotation on you and you're dead. A tank must focus on both sides of the defense spectrum (armor and MR) while also trying to balance it with HP. You're basically as squishy as an Ashe with Warmog's (very squishy) when it comes to AP carries.
Battok (17) | July 25, 2011 8:18am
There are many things you won't see in dreamhack. This statement is becoming far to popular. One of the great things about the League is it's diversity... just because nobody from the championship decided to play that way, doesn't mean its wrong. But ya, prove your points by saying: "It didn't happen in Dreamhack"

Anyway holy. GJ on the guide. It sounds like you have found a play style that works for you. Don't let the trolls get you down.
Holypulse | July 23, 2011 10:32am
I usually take Karma or Le Blanc or Ezreal for Ranked,through we can play a bit of normal games just to show you how laning with mumu works
jhoijhoi (2057) | July 23, 2011 5:47am
I main support. I main'd Ashe all the way from level 5 to level 30, then branched into the tank role, then the support. I enjoy being able to help my teammates as opposed to having a high K/D ratio (which is why my assists are so high comparatively).

The closest I've been to 1500 ELO was in Premade 5s, but we went into a losing streak which quickly brought us to 1300. Lately we've started battling our way up again, and currently I'm sitting on 1400 again.

Feel free to add me in-game whenever you like (US: jhoijhoi), but if I am playing with my current group of friends, they will not be impressed if you decide to lane Amumu and take creeps from top or bot, believe me.
Holypulse | July 23, 2011 5:38am
My ELO was 1500 at my EU server,but recently I got hacked,so I created this Holypulse account which has bad ELO,Thanks for teacing somebody as good as you the basics of the game through it was helpful explaining your question,I was in the team which was going to represent "Turkey" in EU competition,but unluckily my mates had problems and we couldnt join,
Also we should play together some day as I really want to see your skills in game,I don't know if you have time or not I would be looking forward to play a ranked with you,Anyways
Now to your comments
,First off all I would like to say that I will add a Jungling section for Amumu as its popular,but I need to say that it would not be heavy jungle,I have played jungle a lot at start but now I do not,due I really like playing Ezreal and Karma,
Teleport""6 times in a game ,6 chances to save 6 lives minimum,how can I pass this,

About creeping,I don't know but I never ever have such problems in my games I don't know maybe bec I get my HoG and my PS,they help a lot I guess,

Maybe it will be fitting the Meta some day,I just want people to see Laning amumu's powers

As I have explained myself in my questions above and they can be reference to the other matters you have notified,
That'sall I can say now I guess I really want to see you in action and also want you to see me in action,so

Looking forward to your comment.
jhoijhoi (2057) | July 23, 2011 5:11am
HolyPulse; This is the mentality of the current US meta:

1) Jungle Tank (Jarvan, Amumu)
2) AP solo mid (Malzahar, Annie)
3) Support + AD Carry bottom lane (Janna + Ashe, Soraka + Tristana, Taric + Miss Fortune)
4) Generally Tanky DPS/Tanky AP top (ie, Irelia, Rumble, Udyr, Warwick)

The reason for this mentality is simple.

1) Jungle Tank means that the jungle is reserved for the tank so he can have creep kills and buy items. This means he is not "stealing" creeps from the farm lanes.
2) AP solo mid farms mid.
3) Support does not get any creep kills and allows all CS to go to the AD Carry
4) Solo Top can be filled by any extra role, but it should be someone who can Poke well and has good sustain (like Warwick, Irelia etc)

Your guide, at the moment, does not fit the US meta, which is why I said, "No one lanes Amumu". No one at my ELO in NA lanes Amumu. Maybe they do at whatever elo you are, and whatever server you play in. I didn't mean to come off as "Do not lane Amumu", I sincerely meant, no one, and I mean no one lanes Amumu in my elo. The last time I saw a lane Amumu was during a match where he was severely counter-jungled and he could not jungle because he was denied levels. Thus forced into top lane.

My elo is not high, 1400 is actually pretty low. 1200 is around average (where everyone starts), and 1700> are pros.

Lane Amumu is for summoners who do not have the runes or the masteries in order to jungle.

You can jungle Amumu without being "off tank". There's no need to get Wriggle's Lantern or Madred's Razors to jungle with him. Only Smite is necessary.

Once Amumu hits level 6-8 from the jungle, team fights are occurring anyway, so it's only the early game when he is in the jungle.

The cooldown for Teleport is 5 minutes. With your masteries, you can use teleport every 4.5 minutes. An average game is supposed to go around 30 minutes. You get 6 teleports (if that) in an average game.

I never once said your build or guide was trash. I said that it does not fit the current US meta, and that you haven't spent as much time on it as you should have (in terms of spelling, grammar, formatting, coding etc). Others may think your guide is fantastic, but I have a very high standard due to seeing a lot of the guides on this site.

I am not angry or raging at you for trying an "unusual" method. I am simply telling you that Jungle Amumu > Lane Amumu. Just like I accepted that Last Whisper > Black Cleaver, one day you will realise that Jungle Amumu is actually very good - more than you give credit for.

Amumu is actually pretty squishy compared to the other tank champions. And if you're adamantly going to stick to Lane Amumu, you should really consider Quints of Fortitude as you're going to need all the health you can get.

Just remember, if you are stealing creeps from whoever should be Solo Top, or stealing creeps from the AD carry bot, they are not going to get the items they need. Tanks do no damage, as you said somewhere in the guide, whereas the carries do need their items to do damage.

I own almost all the champions in League of Legends. When I play Ranked games, I am generally second pick. As such, I secure the role of Jungle Amumu by picking him. Then I swap with my teammates for the support role, Sona bottom. Making presumptions that I haven't played the champion I'm talking about is ridiculous.

The main points I am trying to convey that you don't seem to be understanding:

1) Amumu in the jungle is good for the team.
- allows for two solo lanes (top and mid)
- allows for support and AD bottom lane
- puts a tank in the jungle so he can free farm
- allows for good ganks with Bandage Toss

2) Amumu is rarely played in lane

3) There are better laning champions who provide more utility than Amumu

Looking forward to your response.
Patch (13) | July 23, 2011 5:10am
Holypulse wrote:

@Patch,thank you for your cricisizm,Here is my opinions on your thoughts,
Amumu farms great in lane actually,despair tantrum gives you most of the last hits,I don't know if you have that issues but I don't if you have,I can suggest my build to you because I don't recieve that issues,Maybe I can take on some damage early for farming because of my regen based builds,but I don'T know I am confused,

I'm mostly talking from a jungle perspective. The situation there is constantly using moves to get mana and to farm. But I'll try to explain carefully.

If Amumu isn't jungling, I'm assuming someone else is, leaving your top to a good solo (probably a caster as your jungle will be AD and you shouldn't need a tank, AD and AD). This means your mid lane will (probably) be a caster, as your ranged AD carries are safest bot with someone to protect them. Under this assumption, you won't be farming much with Amumu.
The alternative is you're paired with a support (Allowing a caster or ranged AD to be mid) or caster (meaning you have an AD mid) which is fine, but it also means your opponents should be able to push you relatively easy.

The only move I've found for Amumu which is any good for farming creeps is his tantrum. Due to a really slow attack speed he can't wipe out creeps so easily. He usually has to tantrum twice, or tantrum and use his AoE to really kill the creeps, which means you'll be spending up to 4 seconds when tantrums at max level, assuming you're not attacked to lower the cooldown, just standing there auto attacking. If you add in the bandage toss initiate you're using up to 160 mana.
Alister for example can stomp the creeps and heal himself, punch each creep once and walk away. If you build him AP he doesn't even need to stand there, oftenly, and is able to headbutt someone away if they attack him. That's around the same mana as Amumu, but less time overall (I believe).

It is my strong personal belief (underline that now, because its up for opinion), that Amumu cannot lane because he is too vulnerable to harass when trying to farm. On a lane with a carry, he shouldn't be farming, which can be crippling.
Holypulse | July 23, 2011 4:42am
@Patch,thank you for your cricisizm,Here is my opinions on your thoughts,
Amumu lacks the ability to farm in a lane, and he is a very item reliant tank. Early on he lacks the health of other tanks in addition to that (go compare them, I've checked). As he needs a lot of items to get where he's going, keeping him out of enemy fire in the early game is important. This is also why I disagree with your bandage toss + tantrum maneuver, as it would put yourself in a position of harassment, however I guess that's why you start with a regrowth.

Amumu farms great in lane actually,despair tantrum gives you most of the last hits,I don't know if you have that issues but I don't if you have,I can suggest my build to you because I don't recieve that issues,Maybe I can take on some damage early for farming because of my regen based builds,but I don'T know I am confused,

.I'll additionally say that Amumu is better at ganking through jungling than he is sticking on a lane and trying to score a kill, due to his stun + ult combo. It gives you the ability to place an additional stun anywhere (which admittedly most junglers can do) before level 6.

Finally, Amumu is mana starved, which doesn't matter half the time when you have bluebuff. It also allows me to segway into items

Well,I think gankers should be able to deal some significant damage,1v1 some people,like Udyragain,Amumu lacks that if he builds a tank,(Not off tank)thats why I prefer lane domination early game instead of ganking,but that might work too,I sure will try,
Also yes Amumu is mana starved and at laning that gets rlly hard I understand you but thats a thing you can resist,at the end it benefits your team much more when ur helping lane,
Amumu is mana starved, so an early catalyst or frozen heart is often very handy, though I can see you tried to help comphensate with the philo stone. Its a personal beef of mine to not get Rylai's. I don't see the reason of getting a lone AP item. People argue its for the slow and health, but eh, you have two stuns. Cooldowns are surely more important?
Other than that I'd get the Heart of Gold before the Wardens Mail, and as Amumu doesn't have any farming abilities (Tantrum just doesn't cut it) I like to keep my gold items for as long as possible.

You are right but as I mentioned in build,as I will be taking a lot of time to travel between the lanes regening was more important to me,that philo was taken due to it,Will change the order of wardens and heart
Why I didn't took MThreads,I have mentioned that if there are lots of ccs, you can upgrade the elesias miracle,because for 500g it gives you 2 regen rate for mana and hp and the same tenacity with mercuries,I didn't want to give my 3 movement instead of Mthreads,I think amumu lacks a lot of mobility,

I hope I have answred all the questions in your mind and fed the curiosity,If you have more questions you can ask me again and I urge you to try my build,I think the picture of Amumus farming will change in your mind :) Again thanks for criticism
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