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Taric opening, endgame and general strategy...

Creator: JMastiff November 3, 2011 1:54pm
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JMastiff's Forum Avatar
Nov 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2011 1:54pm | Report
I just started playing Taric (support, still playing normals212) and there's not much about him in the current builds (at least not on a DuffTime level HUE HUE). He just seems to me really stretchy, I mean he has so many options based on how game goes that I can't really find a stable way to go through the game, especially when the line is dull (like I get 2 tanky champs and we can't really push and their dps is too low to push either). I know the basics of babysitting I need help with item/rune/mastery choices cuz I often find myself not doing much in teamfights besides stunning and healing people.

1.For my current experience I can't get much from AP besides the heal and it has its uses while pushing a lane (wave-farming ocasionally). Do you guys use items like DfG (builds from Lucky Pick)? It seems pretty cool for a support (ap,cdr,mp5,active) but I don't really find myself in situations to use it effectively.

2.What about some other endgame items besides Randuins,AotL and Reverie you buy most often and why?

3.Archaic Knowledge seem on par, especially because I invest only 1 pt after flat cdr in 2nd tier, but since Taric dps is minor (especially when the game goes oh-not-so-good) wouldn't it be better to put those points in defensive and be more "in-battle"? I run MPen,mp5,cdr,gp10 runes and my damage still has minor impact.

4. Do you run with core builds or adapt from start? And what is your typical opening?

5. How do you deal with cdr cap? There are too many good support items with cdr on it and while I have cdr runes i don't have problems to reach the cap but after it item's value gets diminished.

ps. couldn't find this info in the forum, if you have some reliable source please provide it.
Pozsich's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2011 4:56pm | Report
1. DFG would not be my first pick on Taric, I generally build him more in the line of auras that benefit both the team and you, and health. Of secondary importance to me is CDR, mana regen, and mana cap. DFG is better suited to a true AP carry than a support.

2. Not a late-game item, but a good early aura item is Aegis of the Legion, can give a pretty significant edge to your team for the first few fights. Another good item, and one that could be considered a mid-game or late-game item, is Banshee's Veil. If they focus you first, as the support, it can get rid of one CC at no loss to you. The MR, HP, and MP are all beneficial to Taric as well. I've also seen Tarics running Frozen Heart with good results, provides very good protection from AD carries and the CDR and mana lets you use your abilities really often.

3. Although Archaic Knowledge is a very good mastery, Taric really is not a big damage dealer, his highest is probably around early-mid game, but even then is probably not significiant unless you are going straight AP.

4. I like to start with Meki Pendant if I don't know my lane situation, since it is both a good mana regen item and also builds into 3 items that can be good depending on the situation. Generally I build a couple items that are core to how I play, and then adapting the rest of the game.

5. Best advice there is to simple look for different alternatives, if you're having problems with hitting it too early your build is probably a little CDR heavy and you may consider re-itemizing some to get more benefit, for example if you were getting another CDR item for more mana points and mana regen, you could consider an Archangel's Staff to gain more benefits out of the item.
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 8, 2011 6:18pm | Report
I Main Taric as my support.

Here is my Advice.

Sit in the bushes in the bottom lane.

Stun when they push to hard.

Buy either a ward first or a health pot depending on their jungler.
If they have someone like WW or Nocturne, there not as deadly early on.
If the team your facing has Lee Sin or Udyr in the jungle your best off buying a ward first because you're probably going to get ganked early on, on the bottom.

From here get Merc Treds + Aegis + Should Shroud + Abysaal Sepecter , you'll have 4 Auras for teamfights which is amazing.

Keep in mind Taric does wonders Mid game, which is where you should shine.
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TheJohn's Forum Avatar
Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 9, 2011 10:17am | Report
I recommend you to start with an aura item or Philosopher's Stone.

Getting mana regen is good, but Taric uses a lot of mana, so I prefer to get mana.

You can get AP, his skills use a good part of it. I suggest Archangel's Staff + Frozen Heart. You'll have a good defense, CDR, debuff aura, tons of mana to use skills and good amount of AP.
animorte's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 10, 2011 10:50am | Report

I Main Taric as my support.

Here is my Advice.

Sit in the bushes in the bottom lane.

Stun when they push to hard.

Buy either a ward first or a health pot depending on their jungler.
If they have someone like WW or Nocturne, there not as deadly early on.
If the team your facing has Lee Sin or Udyr in the jungle your best off buying a ward first because you're probably going to get ganked early on, on the bottom.

From here get Merc Treds + Aegis + Should Shroud + Abysaal Sepecter , you'll have 4 Auras for teamfights which is amazing.

Keep in mind Taric does wonders Mid game, which is where you should shine.

<--- Also mains Taric as support. I must agree with almost every bit of this. Auras FTW! But I do have a slightly different itemization depending on my mood.
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JMastiff's Forum Avatar
Nov 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2011 1:18pm | Report
Thanks for the advice. I just have a feeling that current support metagame (GP/10, tankiness,aura, no lasthits) makes Taric lower tier. It enforces going mana/mana.reg cause his built in passive regen doesnt correspond to it and yet he can disable only one champion, heal, and from there he becomes an aura totem with not much dps potential. What makes him even more sad are mass AoE teams. He should counter ADs fine but it's hell on earth if there are 2 AP carries.

I'm gonna try running some tankier combination (probably with AttSpd) so I could be more active in teamfights or in the line and get more benefit from Q cd and his passive. That would force to make more of a push line but as HotshotGG said lately there is much to explore.
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 11, 2011 2:41pm | Report
Faerie + wards n pots~

Boots whenever you choose~



Kage Pick~


Upgrade Shurelya~

Upgrade DFG

Upgrade Randuin's~

Banshee's veil starting with the Nega would come next but there's basically no way the game is still going :P


Offtank Support. Not to mention when you set up a target with the stun you remove a big chunk of their HP to boot with DFG.

Aura's are strong. Randuin's and Shurelya's actives are strong.

Suddenly Taric's not a 1 trick aura bot pony (Although you are also strengthening your aura's), and all your items pretty much build from GP10.

Don't know if it's the best but it's what I would do. (I don't play supports >_>)

35% CDR is hot too.
JMastiff's Forum Avatar
Nov 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 3:16am | Report
But with masteries the build gets me over the cdr cap pretty quickly. That kinda forces me to get mresist runes instead of cdr.
Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 9:30am | Report
JMastiff wrote:

But with masteries the build gets me over the cdr cap pretty quickly. That kinda forces me to get mresist runes instead of cdr.

Don't go for CDR items end game.
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astrolia's Forum Avatar
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Sep 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 12, 2011 9:37am | Report
Zeke's Harbinger is a good aura item on Taric because of Gemcraft and the cooldown on his Imbue. The armor debuff also synergizes with his Shatter debuff.

Soul Shroud is a really ****ty and overrated item. The cdr aura doesn't affect skills already on cooldown, and you continuously move in and out of range of people. Its strong point is early game, but you rush gold/5 items like Philosopher's Stone and Heart of Gold, so by the time you actually make a Soul Shroud, it'll be later in the game and the mana regen aura won't be noticeable. The person who would support the most with cdr/mpregen aura would be the AP carry, who should be getting blue buff by that point as well. Shurelya's Battlesong is better and builds out of Philosopher's Stone.
hi embracing. yes i play ff14 now.
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