Haha TheJohn you have no idea how bad EuNE is. West is fine, but North East has Polish, Russians and such who feed 90% of time. I had russian trynd last game. 3-12, lost tower at 6 min. Ranked.
The language of friendship is not words, but meanings.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
-||- Check out my Master Yi guide -||-Just a terrible game. I played awfully, I hate jungling etc and had little idea how to play skarner (Reading a guide now). Janna and yi insisted on being bot, and nidalee just blamed everyone else for everything =(. Although ultimately the loss was a teamfight on baron, where nobody focussed anyone.
Thanks to Koksei, The_Nameless_Bard,JhoiJhoi, LaCorpse, JEFFY40HANDS and myself for the signatures! I am also a certified gangster.
Samoh, I think Thornmail was a pretty poor choice there. With two AP I would have gotten at least a Negatron Cloak and probably build it into a Force of Nature.
Thornmail in general I feel is inferior to Frozen Heart or even Randuin's Omen unless literally everything on the other team is AD.
Thornmail in general I feel is inferior to Frozen Heart or even Randuin's Omen unless literally everything on the other team is AD.
Thornmail is almost always a poor choice, and they had more or at least = AP to AD damag ratios xD
Come hang out when I'm streaming! http://www.twitch.tv/dufftime
Ok thanks for the advice, will take that into consideration next time :P
Oh really Zio, suprised you think that, im obviously 683 ELO so I am to bad to even think about getting gold, yup. Delete your other post, your posted twice. Bro.
Oh really Zio, suprised you think that, im obviously 683 ELO so I am to bad to even think about getting gold, yup. Delete your other post, your posted twice. Bro.
Thanks to Koksei, The_Nameless_Bard,JhoiJhoi, LaCorpse, JEFFY40HANDS and myself for the signatures! I am also a certified gangster.
Zoki wrote:
Haha TheJohn you have no idea how bad EuNE is. West is fine, but North East has Polish, Russians and such who feed 90% of time. I had russian trynd last game. 3-12, lost tower at 6 min. Ranked.
Once, they got my tower in 3 mins. I was playing as Morde (solo top), when I got to the middle of the top lane, Yi and Trynda exhausted me and I couldnt even get to my tower.
Its a shame that they dont know I play as tank Morde, pwned them after that. I lol'd hard when the first exhaust ended and another one appeared, I even stopped walking (almost crawling at that speed).
First off, +Rep for your above post. Secondly, good luck on your adventure on the ELO roller coaster. One day, I'll be brave enough to jump into ranked.
This last thing I have to say doesn't really relate to the topic so much as it does the current conversation. After lurking in the forums...I mean reading...I have come to the conclusion that there is a very good likelyhood that ZioSerpe is actually JunSupport on a different account.
Anywho Zio, do like Samoh said and delete your double post and quit posting things that make you look ignorant. It's bad for you and the community.
First off, +Rep for your above post. Secondly, good luck on your adventure on the ELO roller coaster. One day, I'll be brave enough to jump into ranked.
This last thing I have to say doesn't really relate to the topic so much as it does the current conversation. After lurking in the forums...I mean reading...I have come to the conclusion that there is a very good likelyhood that ZioSerpe is actually JunSupport on a different account.
Anywho Zio, do like Samoh said and delete your double post and quit posting things that make you look ignorant. It's bad for you and the community.
Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for four-leaf clovers. ~Author Unknown
When I was young, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. So I did ten times more work. ~George Bernard Shaw
When I was young, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. So I did ten times more work. ~George Bernard Shaw
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No lol, I only played one ranked game in S1 and that was because Winter forced me to. Interestingly enough I played 'support' Lux and built AP just like you do. We lost. :P
Forced, yeah
How much money u got?