Tier 1 - Vayne, Rammus, Morgana, Tryndamere, Akali, Olaf, Gangplank, Kennen, Kassadin, Graves, Karthus, Skarner, Cassiopeia, Garen, Lee Sin, Xerath, Nocturne, Annie, Nidalee, Ryze
Tier 2 - Caitlyn, Nasus, Renekton, Rumble, Fizz, Sion, Pantheon, Wukong, Riven, Cho'Gath, Udyr, Irelia, Shaco, Sivir, Ezreal, Gragas, Tristana, LeBlanc, Brand, Orianna, Miss Fortune, Lux, Kog'Maw, Twisted Fate, Yorick, Talon, Anivia, Singed, Trundle, Malzahar, Zilean, Ashe, Amumu
Tier 3 - Ahri, Galio, Soraka, Janna, Taric, Alistar, Fiddlesticks, Teemo, Corki, Jarvan IV, Blitzcrank, Warwick, Shyvana, Maokai, Swain, Poppy, Sona, Urgot, Malphite, Mordekaiser
Tier 4 - Vladimir, Jax, Xin Zhao, Master Yi, Kayle, Shen, Volibear, Dr. Mundo, Veigar, Heimerdinger, Nunu
Tier X - Katarina, Twitch, Leona, Karma, Evelynn

Tier 1 - These champions you want to get good at and then use to hyper-drive your ELO. These are the champions that you can use to carry yourself higher up in ELO if your allies have the slimmest idea of what they are doing. Not always the best picks for every single game however, as A) every champion can be counter-picked if you do your research, and B) sometimes its more valuable to pick a champion lower in the list to more properly fill a niche in the champion select. Generally these are safe picks for champions however, until RIOT nerfs them like they should.

Tier 2 - These champions just below Tier 1, because they are lacking that overppoweredness that would make them Tier 1. These champions are great too though, and definite staples. Especially when the champions in Tier 1 are banned.

Tier 3 - These champions are just below Tier 2, because they are lacking that special something that would jump them up to Tier 2. Still, these are champions that can raise your ELO consistently, and they aren't bad choices either, and they have their special niches in certain cases, and can counter champions above them.

Tier 4 - These champions are below the other three tiers because they are NOT champions that can raise one's ELO consistently. Usually because of a poor early game, but it can be because of a poor middle or late game as well. While they do have special niches in their roles, and can counter champions above them, they are not really priority picks.

Tier X - These champions...there is extreme difficulty to carry in solo queue with this tier of underpowered champions. It is best to avoid these champions for any game of solo queue, as the champions that are above them can do their role better and these do not add anything special that other champions above them can do better.

If you have any suggestions for how I could make this Tier List more accurate, let me know on my blog!

Rising Champions

Pantheon: Rose in Tier 2 - I actually had thought about moving him up for a while but the recent patch which reduced the mana costs on his Aegis of Zeonia and Grand Skyfall convinced me. He's a very strong force in all three lanes, top lane, middle lane, and bottom lane. He can even jungle viably. Pantheon can do everything well. His ganks are incredible too. The reason he is Tier 2 still is because of his lack of sustain, if he had any form of sustain he'd be Tier 1 near-instantly.

Sivir: Rose from Tier 3 to Tier 2 - A far cry from Tier X huh? She is definitely a success story right now, and the buffs to her Ricochet this patch made her even stronger. She has incredible lane dominance early game with her Ricochet & Boomerang Blade, which translates to incredible area of effect damage late game. Her Spell Shield also opens up for her a lot of crazy plays and protects her from normally deadly lanes for most Ranged Attack Damage Carries actually, and comes with mana sustain for her harassment. Her backdooring is even scarier than it used to be actually. Now if only I could get The_Nameless_Bard and Demina interested. >.>
(Try Trinity Force on her. Just once.)

Miss Fortune: Rose in Tier 2 - Her Bullet Time is getting ridiculous, with attack damage items like Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster...Which she can build a lot of because her Impure Shots gives her a lot of free attack speed. Her Bullet Time can nuke crowd-controlled targets in team-fights from full to zero in a series of laughs and bullets. It is scary. It is also a fantastic execute. Simply amazing area of effect damage. Did I mention I really hate her? Her laugh too? I always have.

Lux: Rose from Tier 3 to Tier 2 - Woo! Her Lucent Singularity is now up all the time, and with Light Binding she can constantly kite whole groups of enemies into oblivion (like she is supposed to). The Prismatic Barrier buffs are just great too. I <3 Luxanna

Twisted Fate: Rose in Tier 2 - ...The buffs did nothing for him, but I have in fact underestimated him. So, I'm moving him up.

Mordekaiser: Rose from Tier X to Tier 3 - Admittedly I should have put him into Tier 4 in the first place, his ultimate Children of the Grave can be really alter team-fights when placed on the correct target. The buffs to his Iron Man passive and Siphon of Destruction E were helpful, but they weren't terribly much in my honest opinion. We'll see what else will happen to him.

Xin Zhao: Rose in Tier 4 - Barely buffed, barely moved up. I barely care anymore.

Veigar: Rose from Tier X to Tier 4 - The mana cost reductions were all very helpful for Veigar. I don't think it is anywhere near enough, but he's capable now of putting up a fight in middle lane at least. Counters a few mages now in lane too. But, not many. Still bad.

Falling Champions

Tryndamere: Fell in Tier 1 - The Bloodlust nerf makes him slightly less automatic win in the top lane and jungle. Barely a slap on the wrist for being nearly completely overpowered to all heck.

Kassadin: Fell in Tier 1 - The nerf to his Riftwalk really stings. Still overpowered however.

Fizz: Fell from Tier 1 to Tier 2 - The nerfs to his skill kit were harsh. They were needed but they were harsh. He's still a very worthy assassin however.

Udyr: Fell in Tier 2 - The uncompensated nerf to his Bridge Between stung. Still near-unstoppable in the top lane and in the jungle? Yes. Just slightly less so.

Volibear: Fell from Tier 3 to Tier 4 - Overestimated the armored bear's strength. If he can't get in melee range in a team-fight he's completely nothing but even if he does it is surprisingly dissappointing. He just doesn't do as much damage as one would expect. A weaker counterpart to Udyr and Skarner who is just completely outdone by both. The nerf to his Frenzy really did not help him at all either.

New Champion

Ahri: Placed into Tier 3 - She is...underwhelming. She is lacking in sustain, lacking in mobility, lacking in damage, lacking in crowd control. It is so weird, you'd think she'd topple Vayne for the top spot of tier 1 until you looked at her numbers...she has merits of true damage with Orb of Deception and her Charm is this amazing stun...But, she is really clunky and if you miss even one spell it can be catastrophic to your output. Did I mention her spells are hard to hit right? If you hit every single nuke (she has nine of them) she can definitely nuke a squishy down to zero but I think that is a big "if". She'd be Tier 2 if her Charm was easier to hit with and Tier 1 if her AP ratios were actually any good. A better passive would definitely help. A weaker sustained damage caster than Morgana or Malzahar? Sadly, yes. A weaker assassin than Akali and Kassadin? Very sadly, yes.