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Shyvana Build Guide by Legendarsreign

Shyvana - The Unstoppable AD Carry

Shyvana - The Unstoppable AD Carry

Updated on February 25, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Legendarsreign Build Guide By Legendarsreign 19 8 183,154 Views 42 Comments
19 8 183,154 Views 42 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Legendarsreign Shyvana Build Guide By Legendarsreign Updated on February 25, 2012
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madalin120988 (24) | January 31, 2012 2:28pm
Zeke's Harbinger is no longer a viable item on Shyvana. Start looking to remake your builds without it. Sure, you can just replace it with Bloodthirster, but how are you going to get that lost ATS back? ATS is important for a carry and that's how you ply Shyvana. It's not even good for an off-tank anymore, I cut it out of my builds for good.
Legendarsreign (4) | January 20, 2012 8:05am
probe wrote:

A decent guide although runes, build, jungling and match ups are questionable.

Should probably be updated. She can't deflect/counter counter jungling as good as you say she can and her mr is way too low for a melee champ. Consider mr/lvl unless she is against an ap champ in lane and ar pen quints except possibly for jungle. Also if you aren't really sure as to her matchups just post the main ones as i severely doubt she has an even match up against rumble or good match ups agaisnt Cassiopeia, Garen, Gragas, Heimerdinger, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Mordekaiser, Pantheon, Renekton, Riven, Trundle, Warwick, Yorick just to name a few. Consider replacing it with common matchups that you know about and tips to beat them.

Will +1 once these problems get fixed.

Well, I changed the MR problems and Champions(I removed the Champions Section until I update it more thoroughly).

EXCEPT for two things, first off, I disagree about her ability to counter-jungle, that section was taken for Hahano's guide, and he tends to be pretty accurate about champions, and after people trying to counter-jungle me, I almost always win, Shyvana is just plain strong early game against most jungling characters because of Burnout and the runes I chose.

Runes, well I chose the ones I did because I believe each of them makes the best use of what she needs for each category, anotherwords grabbing ArP marks is better than grabbing ArP Glyphs. So I chose them to make the best use of each category. Her Flame Breath already has ArP so I felt going DPS quints was better and then just grabbing ArP marks.
probe | January 20, 2012 12:30am
A decent guide although runes, build, jungling and match ups are questionable.

Should probably be updated. She can't deflect/counter counter jungling as good as you say she can and her mr is way too low for a melee champ. Consider mr/lvl unless she is against an ap champ in lane and ar pen quints except possibly for jungle. Also if you aren't really sure as to her matchups just post the main ones as i severely doubt she has an even match up against rumble or good match ups agaisnt Cassiopeia, Garen, Gragas, Heimerdinger, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Mordekaiser, Pantheon, Renekton, Riven, Trundle, Warwick, Yorick just to name a few. Consider replacing it with common matchups that you know about and tips to beat them.

Will +1 once these problems get fixed.
Legendarsreign (4) | January 19, 2012 5:15am

to low resist

Not if the enemy team doesn't go heavy AP, your fine. IF they go heavy AP, I provided alternatives.

I would appreciate a more in-depth reason for an ENTIRE guide being bad simply because of low MR.
mattis skrattar | January 18, 2012 9:07am
Voted -1
to low resist
Legendarsreign (4) | January 18, 2012 8:23am
tomathome wrote:

full ad is far less effective than full tank shyvana early then madred's late game

My K/D ratios beg to differ ;)


Not really, by the time I get Madred's it's doing more DPS than Wit's End, I broke down the math in the FAQ section to show it.
tehAsian (247) | January 17, 2012 9:01pm

Well my friend, first off, "At ~15-20 minutes, you will have, on average, 1500 hp. 4% of 1500 is only 60 damage". Check Madred's Bloodrazor again, it does 4% of the target's maximum health, not your own.

Secondly, check my FAQ section, I explain in-depth why Madred's is a preferable choice over Wit's End dps-wise. :) Thank you for your vote, hope this helps :)

By 'you' I meant champions in general, not counting items that give hp like Warmog's Armor. I know it does a percentage of your target's health ^^ just saying it's not worth it until later, when they actually start building health.
tomathome (7) | January 17, 2012 8:24pm
Voted -1
full ad is far less effective than full tank shyvana early then madred's late game
CzKMarcuss (3) | January 17, 2012 5:26am
Nice guide i always do first blood ^^ thank you so
Legendarsreign (4) | January 16, 2012 3:32pm
Well my friend, first off, "At ~15-20 minutes, you will have, on average, 1500 hp. 4% of 1500 is only 60 damage". Check Madred's Bloodrazor again, it does 4% of the target's maximum health, not your own.

Secondly, check my FAQ section, I explain in-depth why Madred's is a preferable choice over Wit's End dps-wise. :) Thank you for your vote, hope this helps :)
tehAsian (247) | January 15, 2012 4:50pm
Voted +1
tehAsian (247) | January 15, 2012 4:50pm
Hmmm... Madred's Bloodrazor is a very expensive first item, and if you think about it, not very worth it. As a first item, you generally finish it at ~15-20 minutes, even if you're fed. At ~15-20 minutes, you will have, on average, 1500 hp. 4% of 1500 is only 60 damage, but costs as much as 2 Wit's Ends. Not worth it.

Furthermore, you have no lane sustain until after you get the item. If you lane against someone with heavy harass, like Gangplank, then you'll blue pill too much to farm up the necessary cash.

Last, you need SOME amount of Magic Resist. After you finish your build, switch Berserker's Greaves to Mercury's Treads. If you get CCed late game, it's over, so the tenacity and magic resist helps a lot.

It's still a good guide and build, and if you can pull it off there's basically no stopping you. +1
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