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Know your Sejuani - AD Offtank Sejuani. (First buildguide)

Know your Sejuani - AD Offtank Sejuani. (First buildguide)

Updated on February 24, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Reborian Build Guide By Reborian 3 8 40,231 Views 10 Comments
3 8 40,231 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Reborian Build Guide By Reborian Updated on February 24, 2012
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I Verano I | January 21, 2012 4:49pm
Tried it today, really nice build.
Going to use this build for Sejuani.
Pintash (3) | January 19, 2012 8:42pm
Man, this build is bogus.
TickOfTime (1) | January 19, 2012 5:45pm
I'm happy I found a guide with Trinity Force- I just can't see why to get Frozen Mallet since she already has so many possibilities to slow enemies down. I'm not sure about Madred's and Infinity Edge - I think I will replace it with Bloodthirster and Force of Nature. FoN for more health regen. and cause this build kinda lacks MR, and the Bloodthirster for the DPS.
+1 because of the Trinity Force - love it and the additional movement speed for chasing.
OuTee (5) | January 19, 2012 8:42am
Dodge seals? For real? 0.o
Big Bad Wolf | January 18, 2012 11:25pm
Looks good to me, although I dont know about the madreds bloodrazor
anyways, gj +1
GoldenRager | January 18, 2012 10:58pm
I like it, only problem is that you can't have 9 Quintessences :/ Lol
MTaur (19) | January 18, 2012 7:54pm
Atmog's sort of works because of the health scaling on Northern Winds, but it's probably not that impressive. Dashes for utility probably help somewhat with an AD build, too.

But it needs more MR, I think. You'll blow up. Maybe Banshee's Veil before Trinity, and forget about IE. AS from Bloodrazor makes some sense, but I'd rather stick to just Atma's for AD since it has armor and encourages you to stack health. Ionic Spark could work in place of Madred's Bloodrazor, maybe.
MajorLoL (114) | January 18, 2012 6:34pm
This makes no sense, honestly. Why would you use a full magic scaling tank for Full AD... Think about what you're promoting man. Also not a single thing you got synergizes with Sejuani at all. You know what all this means? The only people who can't beat you are squishy people, and even then I wouldn't count on it.

This build is the equivalent to Maokai AD. I mean I would understand trolling with AD Rammus, Taric, or Alistar because they have AD buffs, but this is just a waste of a champ's abilities.
Reborian | January 18, 2012 6:11pm
Thank you for your comment, Token.
I must say, I didn't think of Trinity Force.
But now that I think of it, it seems like a pretty good item.
Thank you, very much, for your tip.
TokenTheGreat (17) | January 18, 2012 5:14pm
this guide is better than most, and you explain why you have chosen what you did and why. I just can't agree with a frozen mallet on this champion. trinity force would help all of the stats this champion lacks. +move +viable crit% +Mana early game +more dmg than mallet. still +1
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