Hi Everybody and welcome to the First, State of The League, in this blog every single champion will be reviewed and every single detail about Buffs, and Nerfs will be discussed.
If you don't find a champion in the list below that means i consider that Champion Balanced.

After various Buffs and Nerfs Akali was always a tough champion to balance cause of her Hard snowball by her assassin's skillset. i Still think she's a great Champion but she suffers of the "Uncarriable Syndrome" which 90% of assassins are affected. Even if she is fed a pink and a stun can shut her down but apart from that, i think that her Cd's are just Embarassing for the enemy carry, Not to mention the Dps she can reach after level 6 all Without Items.
- Lower Base Damage of Q or Increase Cooldowns.
- Increse Energy used or Lower Energy Gained from Skills.

We all know that this champion is really broken, but the community is so blind and fool to stack manapool on Anivia. For real Frostbite deals 50% of Hp WITHOUT ITEMS, you will say who cares it's a single target skill this damage is normal, well i care because the only few players that play anivia and don't stack Mana, playing him buying lots of Ap's make the game unplayable. Anivia's Harass is too easy and too much efficent. Not to say that in teamfight, Crystallize + Glacial Storm is a pain for every single champion.
- Reduce damage of Frostbite

She is one of my favourite Ad Carry, she brings lots of utility to the team with her slow, and her fabulous Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Apart that hes lanephase lacks a lot, she is a passive champion with the need of insane farm to be competitive, Hawkshot is made for that but the lack of a Real Passive and no concrete Steroids skills make ashe a bad laner, too easy to kill for other carries.
- Change Ashe Passive into something new and useful.

She has been always a good Carry and most of the time underplayed, i think her skillset is good, 90 Caliber Net is an awesome spell to escape as also used as gap closer skill, in teamfight she is extremely hard to catch due to his high range and her combo Anti-Offtank = 90 Caliber Net + Yordle Snap Trap. i think she doesn't need a buff or a nerf but maybe a faster animation on her Piltover Peacemaker would make her more concrete in lane, since you can dodge that skill pretty easily. I remember for every single Caitlyn player around here to play in the bushes! her passive is awesome in lane.
- Lower Animation time on Piltover Peacemaker

Considered by me Tier 1, really really close to God Tier, Corki is an amazing champion, his burst damage make him a scary enemy as also his mobility helps him to have a good positioning. Unfortunately he is a Mana Hungry Champion, after the first rotation of skills he will be OutOfMana unable to re-trade Damage a successive fight. Corki compared to all other Ad Carries is the one with highest Mana Cost on skills, just look at Graves, he can spam all day and he will be always full mana.
- Reduce Mana Cost Phosphorus Bomb.
- Reduce Mana Cost Gatling Gun.

After his previous nerf i think he still need a change. His skillset is just Anti-Champion and his damage is all about faceroll, you can build Full-Tank, Full-Dps, Full-Support and you will always faceroll the enemy, he just has 3 counters, Malphite, Jax, Yorick.
- Reduce True Damage of Noxian Guillotine
- Delete refresh of Noxian Guillotine
- remove Slow from Crippling Strike

Riot just completely destroyed this champion, Evelynn 3 years ago was a game destroyer, more than other a Pub-Stomper. She was a 1st Pick, 1st Ban in tournaments and high elo rankeds, Mechanic of Stealth is something critical because it can be useful and gamebreaker since the frst minute of the game. Hope Riot is going to test a lot before releasing a new Stealth Mecanic.
At the moment Evelynn is not a bad champion but if you don't snowball the 1st and 2nd kill between 5-8 mins you won't be able to compete against enemies.
- Wait new remake

Announce as the new era of Master Yi and failed equally like his predecessor. She cannot compete minimally to most of the Solotops, without having any steroid she just completely need to Auto-Hit her enemy causing damage loss in trades.
I played just few times Fiora and i'm not certain about this discussion, but in my opinion she needs a slight help.
- Slight buff

Considered by me God Tier Graves is the easiest Ad Carry of the game with the highest results, his skillset is just a joke for an Ad Carry, he outplays every single other Carry by his Burst Damage and a well positioned smokescreen (which is bugged) will make the enemy unable to attack you.
- Increase Mana Cost Buckshot
- Increase Mana Cost Quickdraw

She's been always since her release a nightmare, but i think that every single buff/nerf on Irelia was wrong, what's needed to nerf is her True Damage on her Hiten Style, you just need to play passive until level 8-9 where you have Hiten Style maxed and after that you just can destroy your enemy.
Her current Skillset + Waving makes Irelia a monster.
- Slight Nerf on True Damage Hiten Style

Jax is currently under Community's Eye in this month and already people is blaming, and claiming a nerf for him, i Think Jax is somewhat near to The Op Edge, the only thing i think is not balanced is Master-At-Arms passive which gives you extra free damage every 3rd hit.
- Slight nerf on Master-At-Arms

She is the most useless support of this game, her skillset absolutely brings nothing useful than a shield and Heal "randoms" and for that other champions do better her job, she's completely outplayed by supports with Utility, Alistar  Taric Janna Sona and she is even outplayed by Offensive supports Leona Alistar, maybe she's great with heals and shields? no Taric Soraka outplays her.
she's not even close to Lulu which i find a useless support too, i love this champion and i hope to see a comeback for her.
- Wait remake on Heavenly Wave
- Wait remake on Mantra
- Wait remake on Spirit Bond

Over joked Champion and most of all underestimated. Requiem is just Unbalanced, if you are playing against Karthus you cannot go aggressive as you can became vulnerable to the enemy being more aggressive due to Requiem of his teammate. You say Karthus is a bad champion? well i can say to you to stop going in the middle of 5 and dying only because of your passive Death Defied. Play him as a normal Caster With positioning. He's Totally equal to cassiopea.
- Nerf Requiem

Just a pub Stomper

He needs a huge nerf, His damage is way too high and he can be played in every single role of this game.
- Nerf Base Damage Righteous Fury

Assassin or not this champion is broken, Fortunately nobody farms with her because they say it's too much difficult. I know Riot is not going to nerf Her but she really needs a Nerf, it's not possible that a champion with 100 cs less than you can still oneshot. LeBlanc useless lategame? Absolutely no, that means you haven't seen a good LeBlanc yet, oneshotting a Carry and going back to wait cooldowns is amazing.
She can be hard to play, yes, but in 3 Years of game i've seen only 1 LeBlanc having more than 100cs at 35 minutes.
- Nerf completely She is a champion for who's not able to play.

My favourite Partner of Duo Bot, her damage is incredibly high and also his tankyness, she just has too much damage on Zenith Blade and Eclipse makes her too much tanky with too much damage (70Armr/70Mres 260Dmg).
- Nerf Armor/mres/damage Eclipse
- Nerf Damage  Zenith Blade