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My Ideas for small buffs I think champs need.

Creator: throatslasher September 17, 2012 12:54pm
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 12:54pm | Report
So, there are a lot of underpowered champs out there, and riot doesn't care about it. They just choose to nerf OP champs instead of buff UP champs, which is stupid. It's not usually their values that are crazy, but their kits in general. AKA morgana doesn't need less damage, her ult can CC a whole team for 4+ seconds. Anyways, on with the list:

Dr. Mundo:
Reduce health cost on all of his non-ultimate abilities by 50%
(this would make top mundo slightly more viable)

Return seastone trident's damage back to release levels.
(his damage is not where it needs to be right now)

Make his raise morale have 0 casting time, and can be cast while running
(this will improve him significantly since he has to stand still like a jackass to fire his gun in the air, hindering his chasing and fleeing capabilities)

Reduce rockets' range and make it prioritize champions OR
Completely change his E spell to give him reliable cc OR
Increase his base movespeed to 315
(Heimer needs some help)

Reduce the cooldown on mantra replenish, or up the amount stored to 3
(this is long overdue)

Reduce her mana costs by 25%
(they're a little ridiculous ATM)

Master Yi:
I don't care. AD melee assassins suck by definition.

10% damage buff to all non-ultimate abilities
Increase maximum allowed shield at all levels by 10%
Reduce health costs by 10-20%
Increase movespeed slightly
(morde needs help, and I think he deserves to be a threat since he DOES have hardcounters. I'd like to see morde be playable again)

Increase base values of armor, health, and MR
Reduce mana cost of siphoning strike by 20%, and reduce cooldowns at earlier levels
Reduce mana cost of wither
(this would make him playable)

Return 50% of the stats you took away when you nerfed his tankiness

Reduce mana cost on heroic charge and hammer by 50%
(there is no reason her mana costs should be like 40% of her mana pool at level 1. Lots of champs have godly harass that costs 0 mana or resources, like vlad and olaf e, how can poppy compete when she can't even use her spells to fight back without using all of her mana in one go?)

Remove the ap ratio on roar and tone down the stat boost, and give him all around buffs to his early game tankiness, including hp armor and MR.

Increase her passive from 10% to 17%
(10% slow on AA is such a ****ty passive it's painful. make it 17-20 and she might see play)

Either make him an AP champ, or an AD champ. Sion suffers from having 2 ap abilities and 2 AD abilities. Make up your mind, riot.

Increase the range on e and q for stronger laning phase, but tone down the sustain on his ult. Kinda silly you can get a RoA and be unkillable when 5 people are focusing you.

Delete this champion. Nobody likes her.

Give him a ranged AA and turn him into an ADC, and lower the slow amt on rake. There isn't much place for AD casters that are super un-tanky. They're a huge gamble. Either you go 10-0, or 0-10, which is lame.

Make explosive shot toggle-able, like vorpal spikes. Make her rocket jump less buggy when trying to jump over terrain, I often just jump up and land in the same spot when making a jump I feel I should have made.
(tristana's only drawback, and it's a huge one, is that she has no choice but to push the lane, which is why she sucks right now.)

Give him AoE

Give his ultimate something else, like a damage boost, or an attack speed boost, like a 'frenzied' state. Not dying is not good enough on an underpowered champion, and it often won't save you.

Give him 50 more range

Make switching stances reset his auto attack animation. Broken, I know, but it might not be as powerful as you think.

So that's my list. If you have any additional thoughts, definitely put them below and we'll discuss it. Also, if you think some of my changes go too far, or don't go far enough, let me know. I would have included other underpowered champs, but I left them out because I don't play enough of them to know how to fix them (fiora wukong hecarim, draven, etc)
theCourier's Forum Avatar
Sep 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 12:58pm | Report
Hmm.. To the champions I play, I really agree with you. Expecially Nasus, Riot should really do that.
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DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 1:18pm | Report
i really wish you played hecarim more so i knew what you could say about him D: but honestly the only thing hecarim needs "buffed" is the cap on damage and healing he gets with his Q and W on minions AND neutral monsters

the cap on the damage makes sense so he doesnt push the lane so much but 66% is a bit much 75% would make more sense especially if youre jungling (which ive been trying as hecarim and the damage cap on this is sorta annoying to me at early levels but by level 3-4 its not too bad)

the cap on his healing gives him some terrible sustain at level one its 60 and level two its 90 if i remember which isnt that much and makes healing with this only really useful in teamfights or near an enemy champion

pretty much his heal is only good if a champion is standing in the circle and getting attacked but on minions or monsters its just not enough healing for early game but late game its good, specially if you build ap which i never do since i normally go bruiser as him

the gangplank buff you said is needed SO MUCH, ive been kited and killed so many times because to get the movement speed buff you have to stand and get destroyed, being able to move when you use it can help his amazing chasing potential already and other top lane champions have speed buffs they can use while moving too namely hecarim, teemo, poppy, garen, kennen, and even trundle. this buff would make gangplank even better in my eyes

Karma buff is needed she doesnt need a rework that is the only thing she needs and itll make her amazing as a high sustain ap mid and maybe even a passable support

i tried talon and i just...couldnt because he was so squishie for a melee, he has good harass with his slow but other than that and a good escape hes just too squishie

i used trist a few times but i had to stop because i couldnt farm without getting ganked by pushing too much and that change would make sense

if mundo gets his buff he needs to get some kind of a CD on his cleaver, i get that thrown at me every 2 seconds and the damage and slow on it is pretty big for early game to me
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 1:23pm | Report

Return 50% of the stats you took away when you nerfed his tankiness

I'm sorry, what?
They have never nerfed his tankiness. All of the nerfs were damage or cooldown based. 0 base stat touches.

(...)tone down the sustain on his ult. Kinda silly you can get a RoA and be unkillable when 5 people are focusing you.

Again, what?
RoA does not make him unkillable at all. Sure it works amazingly with him but it doesn't turn you into a 5man tank force unless they're staggering out blows or a severely underfarmed team by the time you get it.


Make explosive shot toggle-able, like vorpal spikes. Make her rocket jump less buggy when trying to jump over terrain, I often just jump up and land in the same spot when making a jump I feel I should have made.
(tristana's only drawback, and it's a huge one, is that she has no choice but to push the lane, which is why she sucks right now.)

Rocket jump is labeled as a dash, looks like a jump and says it is in the tooltip. RIOT either needs to change the wording or the animation/name to reflect what it really is.

Now, why is pushing lane a bad thing? In this age of every ADC having an escape, you'd think that putting pressure on your bot lane to either, A:Pull pressure from the enemy jungler to bot instead of top/mid(easier time farming now) or B: Force them back so you can dragon easily.

I have never seen anyone say Trist is bad ,other than her midgame, so why should I believe you now?
True love is found only in yourself.
<Altruistic Artist>
JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 1:45pm | Report
Syndra's pitfalls are the travel time of her W and the hella short range on her E. Additionally her passive won't kick in until at least level 9...And that's 1 skill..Then at 13 etc. Her hypothetical damage is amazing, it's simply that you actually have to be like the best micro manager/have the best timing ever to even have a chance at making her work. But that's my "silver was gold S1" opinion which might not count for anything.
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 2:10pm | Report
Lugignaf wrote:

I'm sorry, what?
They have never nerfed his tankiness. All of the nerfs were damage or cooldown based. 0 base stat touches.

Again, what?
RoA does not make him unkillable at all. Sure it works amazingly with him but it doesn't turn you into a 5man tank force unless they're staggering out blows or a severely underfarmed team by the time you get it.


Rocket jump is labeled as a dash, looks like a jump and says it is in the tooltip. RIOT either needs to change the wording or the animation/name to reflect what it really is.

Now, why is pushing lane a bad thing? In this age of every ADC having an escape, you'd think that putting pressure on your bot lane to either, A:Pull pressure from the enemy jungler to bot instead of top/mid(easier time farming now) or B: Force them back so you can dragon easily.

I have never seen anyone say Trist is bad ,other than her midgame, so why should I believe you now?

I'm at work, I can't look up patches. But what I CAN look up is the following:
I was being sarcastic about swain, but as an avid swain player, I have tanked 5 people as swain with RoA and WotA and most of my team around me.

You are an unranked moron. 17 years old and talkin' like a big shot. I would care if you had 500 RANKED games played and something constructive to add. However, you have no ranked experience and everything you say is wrong.

"Now, why is pushing lane a bad thing?"
Sometimes it's good, but most of the time it's terrible. Pushing all the time makes you more apt to being ganked, and it makes it impossible for tristana to freeze then lane. Pushing will make it easier for you to get ganked. which is a bad thing, if you were not aware

Why the **** should tristana's jump be classified as a dash? she clears 3 times the distance of graves' dash. You know what riot needs to do? they need to make it have the properties of a blink. But since you don't play adcarry, this is all wasted breath. You're a noob, please stop speaking with authority. You can ask questions and make suggestions, but to assert that you know anything at all when you clearly? that's just silly
Syther Blade
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Feb 24th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 2:17pm | Report
chill there throat

Sigs By: Syther Blade (me), TheNamelessBard
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 2:20pm | Report
i'm 22 wins 12 losses with adcarries.
That's not super impressive, but I'm not an adc player anymore, but when I do play adc, I prefer tristana. Also, most of those games were played about 1600. couple adc games in 1800+, a trist win, a graves win, and a corki loss (to my team)

I have well over a hundred trist games played. I know trist, and I know adc meta
Syther Blade
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Feb 24th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 2:24pm | Report
That doesnt give you an excuse to be a complete jerk. ELO means nothing in a team game, and It honestly doesnt matter that you have a higher ELO than him. Everyone is entitled to there opinion and he has his. It's different than yours and you got mad about it. For nothing.
You came here acting like a jerk, you where ok for a while but now your back to being a jerk. It's a video game no reason to get up in arms over it.

Sigs By: Syther Blade (me), TheNamelessBard
Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2012 2:24pm | Report

Make explosive shot toggle-able, like vorpal spikes. Make her rocket jump less buggy when trying to jump over terrain, I often just jump up and land in the same spot when making a jump I feel I should have made.
(tristana's only drawback, and it's a huge one, is that she has no choice but to push the lane, which is why she sucks right now.)

Most trist's I know don't even pick up explosive shot. They just max Q and then get W till 13.

Janna/Lulu Trist lanes with Q max are pretty strong imo.
Tri lane for life.
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