Hey guys!

So I did another ranked game. This time I ended up playing Sona. Mostly because I saw the enemy choose Lulu and Ezrael and I knew my guy was picking Ashe.

Sona: 2/6/22
Philosopher's stone, Heart of Gold, Boots of Speed, Cloth Armor, Null-Magic Mantel, Aegis, Boots of Mobility, Zekes, Shurelya's, ((Randuin's Omen, was the next item)).

We managed to get some pretty good early kills. Then late game I stuck together with Amumu. I really must say that Amumu Sona ulti combo is ridiculous.

Based on your suggestions, I took exhaust instead of CV. I still really like CV but I see how exhaust can help get some kills. I also went for the more typical aura items. Except now when I feel I need armor I go for Cloth armor and magic resist I go for the lower magic cloak that both build into Aegis. I also changed some of my masteries around based on what you guys suggested as well. I think that worked well overall.

Few questions for you guys this time.
1. What do you think about the order in which I get my items generally?
2. What do you think about the order in which I get my aura items?
3. What do you think about my Mastery Pages now?
4. What should I work on for my next ranked game?

Also, if you enjoyed reading, don't forget to +rep!