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Vapora's Ranked Journey to ... Whatever he...

Creator: Vapora Dark September 13, 2012 8:06pm
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2012 12:49pm | Report
Forgot to screenshot.

The enemy team picked Talon, so I was like wtf ok i'll counter talon then. But our 2nd pick picked Pantheon with the intention of going top, so I told him to go mid and counter Talon instead. But they Diana, Volibear and Teemo, so I had no clue who was going top, who was going mid, and who was jungling, so I told my pre-made to pick Mord, as I needed to pick fast and needed someone who could at least stand a chance against any of them.

We went into the game and it turned out, it was Diana top, Talon mid, Volibear jungle, and teemo support.

I was doing fine vs Diana top during the first few levels, but at about lvl 4 Volibear ganked me. Fortunately, I'd seen him coming through a ward I placed at their jungle entrance ( started crystal flask + ward + 5 pots ) and the only damage he did on me was an auto-attack and red buff, as his fling thing ran out before he'd caught up to me. He went back into the brush, but my ward never saw him come out. I waited, and waited, and waited... But he still didn't come out of the brush. I knew he was there waiting for me to think he'd recalled and walk back onto the lane, but even if I wasn't stupid enough to fall for it, it was zoning me out. Eventually I decided to try and get a minion with my E then run back away, but as soon as I began walking away Volibear ran out of the brush. This time he did manage to fling me, and slow me with that roar thing. I was nearly within my tower's range, but Diana had caught up to us and she used her pull on me, which delayed me reaching the tower even further. I had to flash away from the 2 to make sure I didn't die, but was on about 500 HP. So Volibear went back to the minions with Diana, and he started to recall. Warwick came to gank straight after a recall though, so I walked back to the minions to bait Volibear, and sure enough he canceled his recall to run at me. I reached the brush WW was in, I E + Q'd Volibear and Diana, got a kill on Volibear, and we forced Diana to flash away.

After that Diana was somehow beating me in laning phase, and got a kill on me. Warwick ganked again after that, and I was 2/1 with 30 farm above Diana, but next time I was in the lane against her she was still beating me... >.> I didn't give anymore kills, and later on got a triple kill in a teamfight, although the enemy corki did most of the work, all I did was click R on him. :)
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2012 2:26pm | Report

I've lost count of the number of times I've been countered in-lane and still won. Was expecting Cho top Akali mid, but they switched. I harassed Cho with Rake for a bit, and at one point he tried to fight me when we were both 50% HP, and he had to eventually flash away because I was beating him and hadn't used E or Q yet, and he was winin execution range. He didn't leave the lane though, and as soon I was close enough I Flash + E'd him for a kill. Later on when we both got back onto the lane, I harassed him with Rake once, and thought: "Hmm... I could E Q W him and do tons of damage to him, then repeat at level 6 to get another kill on him. Then he won't stand a chance against a 0/2 Talon, counter or not! Risky though, for all I know Jax could be in the brush, just waiting for me to E for an easy gank... **** it, what are the chances of him being in the brush, the lane is even pushed in Cho's favour, gogogo!". And so he was now a counter vs a 1/1 Talon, because Jax HAD been camping the brush waiting for me to E Cho. :( Learnt my lesson from that though, from now on I'll only E to enemies for harassment if I can see the enemy jungler somewhere else on the map. But I got more kills by ganking bot, and eventually me and Olaf switched because Cho was free-farming and there was nothing I could do about it. I reached top and E Q W'd Akali, then walked away from her before she could retaliate with omgwtfdamage. I let myself remain zoned for another 10 seconds, then burst her again and she died despite her flash. I was on about 50% HP after that, and remained on the lane until Akali arrived to take my chances with her a second time, using my HP as a bait because I didn't have enough gold for a BF Sword. As expected, she ulted to me, and I burst her again, then used my ult even though I knew it wouldn't kill her, and ran back to my tower so she couldn't retaliate. Next time I burst her with E Q W and she died.

If I had used my bursts the other way around, Akali would have killed me during the first one with her burst, but because I ulted after my burst she couldn't retaliate with my own, and she was too stupid to realize my 2nd burst could kill her even with no ult. That was it for laning on top though, after that my team took down the tower and we started doing team-fights. 2 free kills ftw though. If I hadn't had them I wouldn't have snowballed so hard, and maybe not been able to carry the game. Amazing what a simple 4 minu
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2012 3:37pm | Report

Vayne had at least 8 kills during laning phase. GG.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2012 6:15pm | Report

My biggest ranked snowball in a while. Cait was 2/0/1 5 minutes in, but after killing Eve for the second time at lvl 6, I ganked bot doing a lane gank. Taric stepped on Cait's trap that was in the brush for me, and when the vision ran out I walked into the brush and waited for Cait to get close enough. She put another trap in right on me, so I had to either walk away and give up on the gank, or run up to Cait and kill her. I decided for the latter, and killed Cait, but by pure luck, my Rake also hit Sona 2 times because of where she was positioned, and she got hit by my ult twice also. Ez used his Q on her once and she died.

Bot was more or less even after that, and Cho was also behind because I'd ganked him once in his jungle, and top was just plain winning her lane.

troll duo mid 2 gud.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 21, 2012 9:24pm | Report
Forgot to screeny, but second troll in a row. Sona took exhaust and ignite, gave first blood to the enemy draven like 3 minutes in, and died 3 more times in by 5 minutes. Draven was 7/0 10 minutes in, and when Talon came to gank and managed to shut him down, Sona took the kill with her ignite. Then died about 8 more times. I think she had 13 deaths at the end. I myself went 5/10, because the game was so ****ing ridiculous I just couldn't be bothered to play properly. TF ganked bot as soon as he hit 6 because he knew it was an easy double kill, and he became 2/0. I was about to kill him at some point after that, but Talon stole the kill, and I died to TF's ignite. 0/3/1 kat woo. I think it's about then that I stopped taking the game seriously.

Game after that:

This game started off bad too, and I was about to just give up like I had in the last game, but things started turning around later on. I picked Talon into Ryze because yolo, and just prayed that he wouldn't build properly against me, and my prayers seemed to be answered. ToG rush followed by RoA ftw.

But anyway, started off the game carefully, only last-hitting caster creeps with Rake, not over-extending too much to get a creep, etc. But my excessive use of Rake eventually pushed the lane, unfortunately. That and Ryze's CS'ing was ****. So at level 4, lovely Xin came to gank. I almost made it out intact, but Ryze only just managed to get in range for a snare on me before I could get in the brush, Xin used his E on me, and I had to flash through the wall to escape. I became very careful again, standing on the opposite side of the lane from where he'd retreated after the gank and only last-hitting with Rake, etc.

And so when I hit 6 and Ryze was about half HP, I thought "Ok, Xin will probably be somewhere else, safe to jump in with E and kill Ryze." I jumped in and killed Ryze, but died to the Xin that was waiting in the brush for me to do something like that. Seriously, wtf is with the enemy junglers always doing this to me. My jungler never camps, let alone waits in the brush for about 30 seconds to find a good moment. ;l I swear all junglers have some sort of agreement to camp my lane every game, and not to gank my lane if they're on my team. Like, I literally play every game right now super careful at the start because I KNOW that as always, the enemy jungler is going to try and gank me, but my jungler is ALWAYS content with farming the jungle, and occasionally ganking one of the side lanes. I don't need ganks usually, but still, Idk if I'm the unluckiest ****er alive when it comes to junglers, or the enemy mid just spams "GANK MID, GANK MID, GANK MID" whenever he's against me. But anyway, Xin ganked bot a few times too, and they were losing their lane, as was Wukong, although Xin hadn't ganked him I don't think. In fact, Lee got FB on Wukong while Amumu was ganking. :l

So all lanes were losing at that moment I think, I was 1/2 but I can't remember where the 2nd death was from. Probably from the 5th or so Xin gank or something. So at that point I was willing to give up, but I tried to gank bot one last time, and success! Graves killed Cait and I killed Taric. After that we did drag, I went mid and insta-gibbed Ryze, I ganked bot again, killed Caitlyn, we destroyed the bot tower, we destroyed the SECOND bot tower, then I completed the holy Trinity of BC, BT and LW, and they couldn't contest us in team-fights anymore because I'd become so far ahead that they couldn't stand up to my damage all of a sudden. Also, Wukong had given up on his lane and just started roaming, so he snowballed too from all the good team-fights we had while Lee pushed top and didn't even take down the 2nd tower.

Extremely easy win after that.

Edit: I think I've only gone negative twice in my 42 Talon games.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 22, 2012 6:11am | Report

GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 22, 2012 6:14am | Report
Because that akali is awful and the matchup is in Akali's favour.
<King of the Hill>
Khazem's Forum Avatar
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 22, 2012 6:27am | Report
not reaaallyyy no
Fox Rage
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Jun 24th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 22, 2012 6:51am | Report
I always thought Talon countered Akali pretty hard lol

+rep me and you'll get good karma, wich means you won't be reincarnated into a rock! Isn't that awesome?

But yes this idea has been discussed more than Pam Anderson's tits in a plastic surgeons office.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 22, 2012 10:58am | Report

Because that akali is awful and the matchup is in Akali's favour.

She had armor runes, but my W Q when she got a last-hit took off literally half her HP. I don't really know what you think she was doing wrong, unless you think Akali should automatically be zoned out at level 2.

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