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Rammus Build Guide by Adachim

Tank Rammus - Ballin' For Your Carry (Season 3 Jungle Guide)

Tank Rammus - Ballin' For Your Carry (Season 3 Jungle Guide)

Updated on November 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Adachim Build Guide By Adachim 194 13 2,623,878 Views 77 Comments
194 13 2,623,878 Views 77 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Adachim Rammus Build Guide By Adachim Updated on November 20, 2013
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GodLord (34) | January 18, 2014 9:42am
Could u update to s4?
DarkAkumaLord (61) | November 15, 2013 6:42pm
Honorable mention Zhonya's Hourglass so fun!
Armor and AP (therefore AD)
Awesome active to make people surprised.
I swear that the other team couldn't even comprehend i had it.

nakiyami wrote:

A solid guide, but I'd personally like to hear your thoughts on sunfire cape. With any melee champion that does aoe damage or is generally sticky I almost always take sunfire as a core item. It has respectable stats and its passive is probably my favorite passive on any item in the game. If someone else on the team has a sunfire as well, it's monstrous. If someone called shinnanigans and someone built abyssal scepter then the aoe damage plus Rammus' ult just seems to be too good to pass up, and yet you do and I kind of want to know what your reasoning for that is. +1 either way.

I dont know, Rammus just stopped using Sunfire Aegis like I never use it on Garen. Rammus doesnt need it because in my opinion Zhonya's Hourglass overrules that power. Powerball and Soaring Slam do much more.
At lvl 18 120 AP and maxed level skills.
Powerball = 420 instead of 300
Soaring Slam = 230 per hit instead of 195
At the end if all of them hit = 1848 instead of 1560
Better than nothing right :D
Sunfire Aegis takes forever over this :D
nakiyami (3) | November 15, 2013 7:23am
A solid guide, but I'd personally like to hear your thoughts on sunfire cape. With any melee champion that does aoe damage or is generally sticky I almost always take sunfire as a core item. It has respectable stats and its passive is probably my favorite passive on any item in the game. If someone else on the team has a sunfire as well, it's monstrous. If someone called shinnanigans and someone built abyssal scepter then the aoe damage plus Rammus' ult just seems to be too good to pass up, and yet you do and I kind of want to know what your reasoning for that is. +1 either way.
Dhanauranji | November 8, 2013 6:53pm
@Adachim I'll test it out and share the results. It's the least I could do. :)
Adachim (9) | October 28, 2013 1:45pm
@Dhanauranji Thanks a ton! It means a lot to me that a lot of people were helped out by this guide, even though I haven't had a chance to update it in quite a while.

@DarkAnima I was actually debating using some hybrid marks because it seems like Rammus would benefit from both magic and armor penetration. Sadly, I haven't gotten a chance to try him out using hybrid marks (mostly because I don't actually own any), so it'd be awesome to get some feedback on how well they work.
DarkAnima (2) | October 28, 2013 6:44am
Hm, do you think hybrid marks would work better than just magic pen? I got those in use atm, but I am not sure which is better
Dhanauranji | October 25, 2013 6:11pm
I just had to create an account and make my very first post on this gorgeous guide. I jungle a lot and while I enjoy doing so on many characters, I was sure as hell surprised when I played Rammus for the first time. I had no idea about how to use him, how to make it work or how to coax his potential... until I read this guide.

Everything was clearer, brighter and I have been winning my Rammus games with rather ease, helping my teammates secure their kills, save their lanes and generally disabling heavy nukers with the taunting madness that is this lil' armordillo.

Thank you very much, once again, for a wonderful guide!
Foul Owl | October 20, 2013 12:29am
I used to fear jungling and was really bad at it until I bought Rammus and used your build and guide. Now I love jungling and do very well. Thanks a million for this. Upvote fo sho!
barrenzane | October 15, 2013 6:52pm
this build is the one thing that will bring me out of elo hell and i wish i could come up with builds like this for my champions
Wills Fargo | October 10, 2013 3:45pm
I love this guide and follow it for the most part; however, I usually take the Boots of Mobility for better ganks. You don't even list them as a situational item. is there any particular reason why you don't use them?
Lovra97 | September 18, 2013 2:52pm
Ilynx wrote:

I never really have quite enough early tankiness to gank. Any suggestions on early game items to buy?

Well as Rammus you cant really have tankynes early and gank well in my opinion...most of time I rush mobility+homeguard for ganks cause they just dont expect you at top if you ganked bot 20 secs for item most of time I go Sunfire cape for some HP and then thornmail or spirit visage depending on theyr team
Kezlar | August 22, 2013 4:44am
Love the guide :)
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Rammus - Ballin' For Your Carry (Season 3 Jungle Guide)

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