Hello and welcome to astrolia's "blog posts about random builds/things". On today's show, Nunu & Willump.

The Build
Summoner Spells:
Masteries: 9/0/21
Alt Masteries: 21/0/9
Runes: or
Skill Order: @1, @2, @3, then > > >

Starting Items: sight ward
Rush: kage's lucky pick ->
6 Item Build: (core) + (optional) + AP items of choice

Why it works
No one expects Nunu & Willump to have a billion AP at level 1 with Ice Blast, they expect you to have Blood Boil and sit in the bush and do nothing but spam it. This build basically capitalizes on taking people by surprise by popping out of the bush and doing a billion damage ASAP. You can also take advantage of people who run Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist.

How it works
Ideally you want an AD carry who can push early. Clarity w/ Mastermind is used to sustain your health through Consume, and your pushing/harassing/fighting ability with the Blood Boil + Ice Blast combo. Twin Shadows is rushed so that you can seek out people who are in vision to slow them, then Blood Boil yourself and your carry, catch up, use Ice Blast, pop Absolute Zero, and get kills. Using Twin Shadows will also ensure that people stay in Absolute Zero. With this, you are looking for hilarious lane zoning.