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Mordekaiser Build Guide by holyghost27

AP Carry MORDEKAISER: ~I must bring great suffering!~

AP Carry MORDEKAISER: ~I must bring great suffering!~

Updated on December 16, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author holyghost27 Build Guide By holyghost27 7 3 24,240 Views 9 Comments
7 3 24,240 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author holyghost27 Mordekaiser Build Guide By holyghost27 Updated on December 16, 2013
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holyghost27 | January 31, 2013 9:17pm

I believe alacrity is also a viable boot tier 3 on Mordekaiser that is actually pretty useful. Also could you teach me how to do the mastery page like you did in your guide it looks quite nice and it would benefit me as a writer because i have given you advice. Also Kassadin should be mentioned as he can wreck morde if his shield is low.

tnx for the compliment and for some reccomendation/advice =) In the Mastery Page of my Mordekaiser Guide, I just make a screenshot of the listed Masteries and put it in my guide... for some info, pls PM me.. I hope i can help you =)
KingPudding (26) | January 31, 2013 8:13am
I believe alacrity is also a viable boot tier 3 on Mordekaiser that is actually pretty useful. Also could you teach me how to do the mastery page like you did in your guide it looks quite nice and it would benefit me as a writer because i have given you advice. Also Kassadin should be mentioned as he can wreck morde if his shield is low.
holyghost27 | January 29, 2013 5:42pm
SlayFilet wrote:

Very good guide, especially for your first +1
but that 1050 elo!? XD

tnx for your comment i highly appreciated it =)i got 60W56L record..not bad...low ELO. right...BUT ELOs ARE JUST NUMBERS!!!=)

This might be viable in 1000 elo, but it isn't muh higher than that for a lot of reasons. Your actual understanding of morde is quite poor.

BUT ELOs ARE JUST NUMBERS!!!=) tnx for your comment...but i think my understanding `bout morde is enough to carry the game...

need to give explanations of your item builds. I reccomend using Will of the Ancients or at least talking about it as it is one of morde's staple items. You also need to add a section about counters in lane. I have a guide that I'm in the progress of updating. It might have some useful information or give you inspiration .

Needs more info then what's in the notes... but I'll give you a boost for now.
Also explain some more viable items (for example Thornmail isn't always sooo viable)

I'm looking forward for some valuable comments again from you guys..tnx a lot.. I know i need to improve my Mordekaiser guide.. =)
KingPudding (26) | January 28, 2013 8:00pm
need to give explanations of your item builds. I reccomend using Will of the Ancients or at least talking about it as it is one of morde's staple items. You also need to add a section about counters in lane. I have a guide that I'm in the progress of updating. It might have some useful information or give you inspiration .
Thanks to MissMaw for my signature!

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throatslasher (248) | January 28, 2013 9:36am
This might be viable in 1000 elo, but it isn't muh higher than that for a lot of reasons. Your actual understanding of morde is quite poor.
DarkAkumaLord (61) | January 28, 2013 7:20am
Needs more info then what's in the notes... but I'll give you a boost for now.
Also explain some more viable items (for example Thornmail isn't always sooo viable)
SlayFilet | January 28, 2013 4:32am
Very good guide, especially for your first +1
but that 1050 elo!? XD
Meiyjhe (539) | January 28, 2013 2:55am
Not bad, not bad at all :P

holyghost27 | January 28, 2013 12:18am
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MORDEKAISER: ~I must bring great suffering!~

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