Is she viable
Well as far as her heal goes I wouldn't go as far to say that it's as powerful as Soraka's because of the base heal to one target. Yes the bounce adds up if you do it correctly and are fed on either assists or straight up kills and have built up a lot of AP. I think she's not very viable as of now unless you have a full premade. Something I think they should change is the radius of the bounce on her W Ebb and Flow. Nami has great power to initiate with her ultimate and has a lot of lock down power with her q stacked on top of it at the right time. As far as tiers go I wouldn't even put her in the 5th tier of supports personally.
Only thing I consider bad about Nami is Aqua Prison. It's the same as Nevermove, unless you can predict your opponent movement, slow them or they're really stupid, you'll have a hard time landing it. And being able to land Aqua Prison is pretty much what seperate good Nami player from bad one.
Thanks to TinyStar for making me this awesome sig
ChaosxSoul wrote:
Only thing I consider bad about Nami is Aqua Prison. It's the same as Nevermove, unless you can predict your opponent movement, slow them or they're really stupid, you'll have a hard time landing it. And being able to land Aqua Prison is pretty much what seperate good Nami player from bad one.
and that's why I'm a bad Nami at the moment, been using Taric a lot lately been having a better time learning the basics of support with him
ChaosxSoul wrote:
Only thing I consider bad about Nami is Aqua Prison. It's the same as Nevermove, unless you can predict your opponent movement, slow them or they're really stupid, you'll have a hard time landing it. And being able to land Aqua Prison is pretty much what seperate good Nami player from bad one.
That's the only reason she is good. Aqua Prison may be difficult to land, which is certainly a weakness, but nothing else in her kit is good. Her Ult is pretty long cooldown, with minimal impact and easily avoidable. Her E is absolute garbage, 3 charges with barely noticeable damage or slow increase. Her heal is extremely high mana cost, with minimal trade ability past level 5 or whenever the enemy gets some form of sustain. While the heal value is pretty decent it provides no stats other than nami's passive movement speed. Which then brings me into her passive which is pretty useless give the short duration and long cooldowns on her spells.
I'm not really sure how you can say out of everything in her kit Aqua Prison is the only bad thing, when it's apparent to me, everything else in her kit is bad
think of it like Alistar's Pulverize in ranged form. Just because it is difficult to land Pulverize on multiple targets, doesn't mean that the spell is bad, in fact its one of the best forms of CC in the game.
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
I think the question has been answered a couple of times now: Harder than most supports, overshadowed due to other supports having better kits, Still playable, and not at all a troll pick, but there are many better picks. To me she's around the same place as support nidalee. You could play her, but why would you when you have so many better choices.
MyRepublic wrote:
To me she's around the same place as support nidalee.
Wat. Nami actually has peel, even if you miss Q you still give ms boosts and your ult isn't missed at blind range. Support Nida can't peel and her kit will suck if you don't get ap because her base healing on E is bad but it scales really well.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
FalseoGod wrote:
Wat. Nami actually has peel, even if you miss Q you still give ms boosts and your ult isn't missed at blind range. Support Nida can't peel and her kit will suck if you don't get ap because her base healing on E is bad but it scales really well.
I explained what I meant. They're in a similar position in that there is no reason to pick them over more useful supports. Don't try to make an argument with someone who agrees with you.
I think this thread has ran it's course it's just going in circles now, I think I got all the information I need :p
Thanks guys for the input
Thanks guys for the input
sig by idmb22 ♥
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every question that is: "is champion x viable" has an easy answer. YES
every champion is viable in soloqueue and low elo ranked 5s
I would say that about karma too... (i've had a good run with her in season two (ap mid))
A better question would be: does her skillset fit the current meta in a way that is comparable to other champions in her role.
Nami does fit the meta quite well bit i feel she is slightly inferior to other supports since she doesnt offer the aggressive potential that top tier tournament competitors look for (i.e. performing well in earlylvl dives and 2v1 pushes).
In soloqueue that doesnt matter nearly as much and since she is underplayed she has a distinct advantage over most other "proper" supports since people cant correctly deal with her skillset.
TL;DR: everything is viable in soloqueue as long as you know what you are doing and abuse the perks in a champions skillset.
greez strawhatbro
Exactly as others have said about her, she is able to poke with her W, and she can be aggressive with but it's to gimmicky and is to reliant on team positioning for it to be effective
Probably one of the worst supports
Slow, predictable Q
high mana cost gimmicky W with medicore heal and subpar damage
Garbage E
and an Ult that can be virtually outrun with boots 2
why would anyone want to play that?
Nami needs buffs to fix these because they are to easy to counter, and with the other supports out there I don't think I will be using Nami much until she she gets these buffs
EVERY CHAMPION IS VIABLE. However, she remains as not the best support out there.
Agreed the whole reason I made this thread was just to see how she ranks with other supports, guess I should have been a little more clear with the title lol
She's hard to play, maybe even a bit too hard for too low reward.
Miss her Q and you are screwed. She could use QOL of buff on her ult, to make it faster, or on her Q, to make it faster. Also, her E is kinda lackluster, it has too low duration, maybe if they increased it by 1 second/1 more auto attack.
Things that could make her better and a more viable pick solo queue, I only go Nami in premade because The adc I play with knows the range on her abilities, but in solo queue she is just to gimmicky
Awesome thanks again for the feed back I guess I will give her another chance latter but I agree with every one else she is really low on the tier list