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Vapora's Ranked Journey to ... Whatever he...

Creator: Vapora Dark September 13, 2012 8:06pm
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 11:06am | Report
****, that sucks. I don't want to dodge 2 games in a row. >:[

I think I could get to plat pretty easily, on my part. At the same time I know from my climb to Gold that it isn't good enough to just be better than the players you play against, you need to stomp them. Though I consider myself better than most of these Gold players, I, unfortunately, am not good enough to absolutely stomp gold players ( on a constant basis anyway ), so a journey to plat would be long and frustrating. I'd reach it, but it would take ages. Rather than aim for plat now when I should be studying for exams, I'm just going to chill, playing ranked every now and again, but staying in this division gaining MMR until I'm ready to shoot for plat, 'cuz if I get to Gold I before school's over, I'll be try-harding for plat rather than studying, which would be bad.

Anyway, the games unfortunately seem to be getting harder and har-


I was initially top lane vs Renekton. I scored first blood on him because he accidentally got hit by the tower while spinning at me for harassment, and he was 50% HP before the tower hit him, so I engaged him and killed him. I pushed the lane a bit, recalled and Zed randomly walked onto my lane from mid and started farming. I don't know why he did it and he didn't say anything, but I went mid vs Akali and just started destroying her. Most of her laning phase was sitting at her tower for 5 minutes waiting for Cho to finally get me with a Rupture and kill me ( he would sit on the lane with her farming, constantly throwing Q's at me everytime it came off cooldown ) but it usually ended with me killing Akali and sometimes Cho too.

I counter-ganked Cho on bot lane once, by which time I was already 4/0, and rather than 1v2 me with Ezreal he tried to run as soon as he saw me come through one of their wards. Ezreal obviously thought they'd be trying to gang me so he didn't run, and I ended up in the middle of the lane in between Cho and Ez, blocking off his escape. Cho Q'd me and Ez tried to escape into the river, but I still ended up killing him.

In team-fights I had so much damage that they just simply couldn't kill me, due to the nature of Swain's ult. I had Zhonya's hourglass but only had to use it like twice in the game, and one was because I accidentally got caught by a Thresh chain while on 200 HP, and I zhonya'd but still died to the 4 enemy champions standing on top of me.

Luckily for me I seemed to permanently have a blue buff, because even after mine had run out I'd kill someone that had another one, then I'd get mine when that one ran out.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 12:57pm | Report
Oh my God I can't believe I lost my win streak like this.

My Leona was ******ed in laning phase, she dived onto their Vayne once WHEN WE SAW THEIR SEJUANI ENTER THE BRUSH FOR A LANE GANK LIKE 20 SECONDS EARLIER, and at another point we saw Anivia coming to gank, and rather than run to the tower, SHE ENGAGED ON HER EVEN THOUGH ALISTAR AND VAYNE WERE THERE TOO. Another time when Anivia ganked, I managed to get away with W but on low HP, and our Kassadin came too, with the enemy Sejuani coming after him, which we saw through a ward. They apparently didn't notice this, because Leona and Kassadin engaged on the other 3, while they were 2. Especially the Kassadin really frustrated me there, because he LITERALLY ULTED RIGHT ON TOP OF THE 3 OF THEM. Then they both died when Sejuani arrived, and the 4 of them took down my bot tower at like 14 minutes.

They got like 2 free drags and were super ahead of gold, but somehow I managed to stay ahead in farm the entire game so I got some good items, which made my DPS high enough to keep us in the game. The only problem was that Zed was fed enough to 1-shot me, although in most team-fights he couldn't get to me without getting focused by my whole team, it was mostly jungle fights where I was in trouble.

We managed to turn the game around where we had a small team-fight in the jungle where no one died, but most people escaped on lowish HP, but I jumped through a wall to kill their Sejuani and got her red, jumped further ahead to kill someone else for a double kill, able to chase them down with the red buff, jumped further ahead and killed someone else for a triple kill, then jumped further ahead and unfortunately only just died to Zed, who had been full HP ( his ult's tick killed me while he was 1 auto-attack away from dying )

My team started baroning after my double kill though, and they managed to kill it with no interruption from the enemy team, as Sejuani was dead. We fought a bit, bla bla bla, game stayed pretty much the same. Our Diana ( had been solo top ) told us when there was 1 minute left for baron, and so we pinked it and farmed mid for a bit, then it spawned and I started spamming abuse in caps to the Kassadin I had just realized was farming bot lane even though we'd just said the baron was about to spawn. They got the free baron because Kassadin wasn't there to contest with us and we had a funny little team-fight. I popped Q and started DPS'ing the **** out of everyone. Their Anivia threw a Q at me so I jumped backwards just as she placed a wall just behind where I'd been, and the wall blocked off the entire entrance to baron while I was behind the wall, basically making me untouchable to them, but because of my range, making them all vulnerable to me while they chased my fleeing team. I killed quite a few and took most of their buffs, then later on while we were defending, our Kassadin got caught by trying to recall next to a brush WHERE WE SAW SEJUANI GO IN LIKE 5 SECONDS EARLIER. I was pinging him back repeatedly to try and get him to ult over the wall to escape, but he had no idea Sejuani was in the brush so he ignored me, then Sejuani ulted him at the last second of his recall, and instantly died, then they ended it.

I don't even understand how people can be that bad at this Elo, Leona and Kassadin played like bronze players, no joke.
Pheyniex's Forum Avatar
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 1:05pm | Report
did you check if they were bronze players? :P

Sig made by elenah
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 2:31pm | Report
^ yes.

Sigh, first-pick duo'ing with a silver II player who started Doran's Ring on Elise, and didn't buy a single ward the entire game so got camped by Sejuani at the start, then just started feeding trundle on her own.

Entire team was also completely unresponsive to all my engages which resulted in me 1v5'ing quite a lot.
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 1, 2013 3:41pm | Report
nice to see a lot of Sejuanis around... but this time i get to say "i mained Sejuani before it was cool"

better "luck" next time.

Sig made by Hogopogo
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 4:30pm | Report
what do you mean once you get 6300 ip?
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

"Carrying"-guide | My reviewservice
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 3, 2013 5:04pm | Report
I don't have her. :P

Anyway, played 2 more games today, gained 17 for the first and 18 for the second, leaving me at 35 points. I think I'll call it a day here.

Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2013 3:17pm | Report
Played 3 more games today, with broken Rengar ( and **** anyone who says otherwise ).

The first game was going fine at first, but our Swain went afk, and it was about 10 minutes before the DC message came up, meaning he'd been clicking about previously to stop himself from DC'ing. He came back after about 15 minutes and claimed his computer had crashed, which it obviously hadn't based on how long it took the game to say he'd DC'd. By then they had 2 of our inhibitors, but I still had hope that we'd make a comeback, because Swain had been doing very well in lane before he afk'd. Except it turned out he'd rushed a Rabadon's, and it was his only major item in the last team-fight, no RoA or Zhonya's. So we didn't stand a chance.

2nd game I was winning a lane vs a Jax, but every time I got him down to 30% HP and would have killed him when my spells came off of CD, either my jungler or mid would come to gank him, he'd see them through a ward, and he'd run away to recall, leaving me with no kill. This happened about 3 times. :/ I had a Brutalizer and farmed up for a SotD to make my team-fighting insane, but they surrendered literally 5 seconds after I'd bought it because our Tristana had scored a quadrakill.

3rd game I was hard-core losing lane to Riven, like, I couldn't farm at meelee range at all, or she'd all in on me and I'd have to either flash or ult to not die, sometimes dying anyway. I managed to farm up for a BT and SotD though, and so I remained useful in team-fights by 1-shotting their Miss Fortune, which put me back in the game and just made our team-fights extremely one sided with them practically being 4v5 the entire time.

SotD Rengar is so broken it's insane, at least at this Elo + my normals. Every team-fight is 5v4 because of how useless their ADC is with me on our team. I'm pretty sure their death recap would say I killed them from full HP in 0.5 seconds. And let's not forget that right after 1-shotting their ADC, I still have a free crit left from SotD, ~300 AD and 2.3 AS for the next 4 seconds.
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2013 3:24pm | Report
It kinda depends on how fed you are. Rengar's problem right now is he has to be fed to instagib (against good teams, this is), otherwise he'll just be kited after using ult and jumping on someone (unless the whole fight is in the jungle and he can jump more often ofc).

I could see it work at silver elo, but even then I think others are just safer/better than him atm.

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 5, 2013 3:43pm | Report
Remember to max E first instead of Q :p

It's better for CSing and harassing, and you don't really need points in Q until you actually have SotD farmed up.
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!

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