Here is my ADC tier list, which includes my opinion. Please do post suggestion if I have made a mistake or you think X should be in higher/lower tier and I'll reconsider it.


Tier 1
Varus, Caitlyn

Tier 1.5
Tristana, Draven, Corki (^)

Tier 2
Miss Fortune, Ezreal, Ashe, Twitch, Graves, Quinn

Tier 3
Sivir, Kog'Maw

Tier 4
Urgot, Kennen, Twisted Fate

Godlike - Tier 1 = Always wanted in team. Can fit anywhere.
Tier 2 = Really good ADC still and completly vialable and popular picks.
Tier 3 = Quite situational, don't quite fit in well, except maybe few cases.
Tier 4 = Sometimes picked and read as ADC, but fit in other roles better and don't really fit in at bottom lane with any supports. Wasted potential if picked for bot lane.

Now then, I will be explaining ADC viability (except tier 4) a bit differently that may help you understand the concept of it. In stead of explaining ADC synergies or counters, I will rate the overview on ADC's early game, mid game, late game and kit. I may say some information on really bad counters on certain picks, because it's good to know them after all, but generally I won't, because I say ********, ADC is countered by better support or better ADC (with some exceptions.) I will give 0/5 rating and seperate chapters into early, mid-late game and kit.

Early game: 2.5/5
Mid game: 3.5/5
Late game: 6/5
Kit: 5/5

Vayne is the best AD carry in-game at the moment and I don't see anyone taking that position away in a while, even after the minor nerfs. Vayne lacks trade power and doesn't get everything out of his kit early game and therefore ends in in tough situations like pushed to tower constantly. It's very important not to go too aggressive and focus on csing. If you are even 0/0 within ~20 cs of opponent ADC, I think that's somewhat succesful Vayne lane.

Mid game is already much reliefing as you can count on the ultimate and kit more. All it takes is some attack speed and life steal and you are really hard to kill. Late game... carry your team. Only thing you need really is ~2-3 items, good positioning and some protection and you should be able to deal enough damage and survive trough the team fights. Vayne teams want to survive to late-game and obviously early game ADC like Caitlyn, Draven are good to hold Vayne from getting there.

Vayne's kit ? Fits perfectly to her. She has everything a late-game carry needs. She has utility, re-positioning, stealth, attack damage and movement speed steroid, escape tool and true damage. I find this kit really good as it is and is the best ADC kit in my opinion.

Early game: 4/5
Mid game: 4/5
Late game: 3.5/5
Kit: 4/5

Varus is very good and stable ADC pick troughout the game who fits pretty much with any support and team composition. Varus especially excels in kiting and position punishing early-game and re-positioning himself. Varus can put out rather great early-game fights and trades trough abilities with high damage and they're longer range than auto-attack. Lane pushing and poking under turret is no problem to Varus making him capable of denying quite a bit CS and I can see the first blood potential there without exceptional burst, but slowly winning over trades.

Mid game has no effect to Varus gameplay pretty much. The difference is what he looses in lane pressure is gained as positioning advantage in team fights. I feel however that he drops out just a little bit late-game as he doesn't maybe get as much out from his abilities and lacks ability scaling and proper escape tool. Re-positioning in lane is completly different than in team fight where he can't do so as well.

Varus kit ? Really much like Vayne's kit, but in different forms. I feel he has perfect lane kit, but lacks scaling with AD and the kit is not that useful in team-fight as it is in lane. Don't get me wrong here, It's still really good and his ultimate can make plays/games happen. W percentage damage is also more useful late-game, but It's not as easy to put down at it's fullest. Also the lack of escape tool is eating a bit.

Early game: 5/5
Mid game: 3/5
Late game: 4/5
Kit: 2.5/5

Caitlyn is long-range lane bully at it's best. I can't imagine more annoying opponent to go against. She benefits from especially long-range and poke abilities. Early-game you must seek for kills and use her range to deny minions as much as possible, especially against early-game ADC. Early-game can really be devastating if you get few kills or bigger cs lead. If you ain't getting ahead early-game, you are having hard time coming back. Her kit mainly fits for laning phase.

Mid-game I feel like she has this "drop". Really hard drop that can only be compensated by early-game domination. Her abilities are not even close to being really useful in team fights and that's her main drop. The damage must come from items or you will have a baaaad time. Late-game improves as she gets to use her range more effectively once again. The mid-game boost is coming from items she SHOULD have already as she is really hard to get to in team fights and therefore she can put steady damage without being in major danger, depending of team composition of course, but she is given better position tools than normal range ADC.

Caitlyn's kit ? It's really useful in lane, but not so much as she actually looses DPS by using them in team fight. That's why quite low overall score and the only thing that is keeping it up is range, extra dmg from passive and kiting possibility from E and the fact they are really good for lane. Here is a hint for all Caitlyn players who use their ultimate in team fight: DONT USE THAT TIME CONSUMING ULTIMATE IN MIDDLE OF TEAMFIGHT! You do almost the same dmg with 1 basic attack than with the ultimate that is usually even blocked. Use it before or after team fight to finish/poke.

Early game: 3/5
Mid game: 4/5
Late game 5/5
Kit: 3/5

Tristana is late game carry with about the same range as Caitlyn in late-game. Can also be played as AP, but let's look at the AD side of her. Early game you can have hard times, because lack of damage and abilities are not really meant for trading. The new playstyle of Tristana is working really well however. Which is leveling up E first for few levels which increases poke. Tristana lane is doomed to push lane, because of E's passive, so map awarness is important. It's really important to get good position for late game trough farm, not so much for kills.

Mid-game Tristana is really good to clean-up fights, because of great repositioning tool and burst/escape tool depending on the usage. She also gets more out of the attack speed and range steroid, out-ranging most of the ADC at this point. Late-game Tristana is a beast, killing everyone with long-range basic attack and doesn't really need to bother about enemies coming across, because of re-positioning ability and escape ability. She is really hard to kill if you position right and use your kit wisely.

Kit ? I don't find it that useful @early-game as laning tools as she gets the best out of it late game and they scale with AP. Late-game especially passive and Q attack speed steroid are really useful.

Early game: 5/5
Mid game: 4/5
Late game 3/5
Kit: 4/5

Draven is "high risk, all or nothing" early-game lane bully with high damaging and aggressive abilities. Doesn't benefit that much from farm lane as others may do. Later game is really just based on how hard you could snowball your lane. I can see Draven's late game being 4/5, if you got lotsa kills which is more than possible. Talk more about that later, but early game you really need to deny farm and get kills so you can snowball, because Draven doesn't have anything really beneficial that scales into late-game.

Mid-game can be real horrifying if you have lost your lane, but I don't see how you could loose Draven lane when played correctly. Only Caitlyn and Varus can really put some fights up. If you have gotten even few kills in-lane and gotten rewards from that passive, try to take your team on your back and carry on to take objectives and finish game while enemy ADC is behind. You can do around 1000 crits (- armor) and that's more than enough. You shouldn't however pick Draven to a team that canno't finish game early <-- Can't pressure that enough. Late-game you will be dropping a little as Draven doesn't scale as well as others may. Only way to scale well into late game is to have crucial items builded, but if you ain't got them, you will not have the damage compared to most of the ADC.

I really like Draven's kit and it's the funniest there is at the moment. Just the axes are so much fun, but the rating is not based on that. The kit has escape tool, small CC, allows some kiting, high damage output, attack speed and movement speed steroid to chase. This is the best function in his kit. Double axes + pretty much unlimited chase power as long as you have mana and you get those axes. They do not scale to late-game tough. Only the passive really, which I found actually quite useful after hating on it so long. If you manage to dominate your lane, ~20-30m it's possible to have gained 1000 gold from it.

Early game: 4/5
Mid game: 3.5/5
Late game: 3.5/5
Kit: 3.5/5

Miss Fortune is really stable and balanced pick pretty much troughout the game with little fall in mid-late-game due range and lack of escape tool. Early game she is quite a lane-bully due high AD and nuke abilities. Doesn't benefit much from farm lanes, highly adviced to try to get an edge over opponent ADC.

Mid and late game are not so great. She does have great ultimate for team fights and damage out-put overall, but the lack of range and escape tool makes her vulnerable to especially assassins and high CC teams. She is so easy to focus down if you misposition or get caught. She needs to be defended and if done properly, Miss Fortune's ultimate is really good and sherds tanks apart with armor pen items

Miss Fortune's kit is quite aggressive and good for lane and team fights, but the lack of escape tool and proper steroid to scale to late-game hurts a little. Her abilities are also dependant on positioning.

Early game: 4/5
Mid game: 3/5
Late game: 3.5/5
Kit: 4/5

Ezreal is a mobile ADC built around utility, not strength. He has really great damage output on a single target and has really great poke for lane. There are "blue" and "red" Ezreal builds and both are effective. Ezreal is squishier than other ADC early-game, but has really good damage out-put and poke. He needs certain items to be effective and good early-game is the way to get them faster.

Mid game is a bit harsh as you lack items to max your utility and you may be just about to finish them. Therefore Ezreal lacks a bit damage and the kit is better for focusing and kiting 1 opponent down. For example a minion wave in the way of abilities costs Ezreal damage. Late-game can be little better after reaching needed items, but I can't get past the fact Ezreal lacks damage out-put in team fight compared to other ADC. Ezreal is not fit in certain teamcomps that can't put his utility/poke/sustained damage in use.

Ezreal's kit is unique in the world of ADC. I really like the mobility and utility it gives. Damage is there for laning phase, but not that useful in all-in team fights. I still like the mix and different opportunities the kit gives for building Ezreal.

Early game: 4/5
Mid game: 3.5/5
Late game: 3.5/5
Kit: 3/5

Ashe is quite safe pick and easiest to use amongst the ADC. Doesn't shine particularly at any stage of the game, but early game should be at least quite fair against any opponent due Ashe's poke and critical hits from passive.

Mid and late game I feel she does fall a little due lack of escape and scaling. Damage is there and she can kite very well 1v1, but in teamfights it's soloely based on your positioning. Quite short review, but there is nothing really unique or heartbreaking in Ashe, that's why she is propably 450 IP and recommended ADC for starters.

Her kit is also kinda meh. It allows short vision, kiting, 1 AA nuke, but I like the ultimate stun that can help greatly in getting someone off-guard. That's all there is to it.

Early game: 2.5/5
Mid game: 3.5/5
Late game: 4.5/5
Kit: 4/5

Twitch is squishy high DPS carry, who is dependant on positioning in order not to get killed. That goes to all ADC, but Twitch especially. He doesn't really stand a chance against all-out lane as Twitch is reliant on stacking poison from basic attacks and then popping poison stacks to deal loads of damage. So basic attack pokes can go in favor of Twitch, but often ends up loosing all-out trades. Support with CC is propably his worst enemy due unable to counter-attack.

Mid and late game is very much the same. The more items you get (especially attack speed items are very beneficial) the more damage you do thanks to ultimate range and DPS steroid. If you get hard lane, your mid and late game are obviously worse due not getting the items you'd like. This is the main problem of Twitch. It's really easy to shutdown him at lane, but late game, Twitch becomes a monster carry.

He has quite OK and fun kit in my opinion. I really like hte fact you have great repositioning tool from stealth so you can position yourself to use everything you got. However if it's not used properly and you get caught in CC, there is no escape and you end loosing great amount of damage from ultimate's steroid.

Early game: 4/5
Mid game: 3.5/5
Late game : 3/5
Kit: 4/5

Graves is all out burst ADC. He has really high burst to kill one opponent, but after that he struggles a little due lack of mobility. Early game is his best phase due ridicilouse damage from Q if landed properly. He can win trades soloely by landing basic attack and Q followed by re-positioning and attack speed steroid ability E.

I'll combine mid and late game again as only minor changes happen really. Graves lacks the mobility and moreover doesn't shine against multiple opponents as the kit is more suitable to burst someone down 1v1, which is perfect for lane. He continues to have problems with this even more in late-game.

I like Graves' kit nonetheless. With more reliable escape tool or something to scale on it would be just perfect, but I like the amount of nuke damage he can do. Really good kit if used properly, especially W which can give time to hit 2 basic attacks in stead of 1 towards enemy.

Early game: 2/5
Mid game: 3/5
Late game: 3,5/5
Kit: 3/5

I have not played Quinn that much to give overall view on her. I don't even have her bought at the moment, but I will put my knowledge into 1 chapter in stead. Quinn's main problem is her short range. She can't put up a proper fight without first drawing close, so she is really easy to shutdown. She has really good scaling towards late-game, because bunch of steroids and high damage, but the problem is she has to go to melee range. She does really well 1v1, but in team fights that is rarely possible.

Early game: 4/5
Mid game: 4/5
Late game: 4/5
Kit: 4/5

Corki has pretty OK early game, but lacks a bit in range and runs out of mana very quickly. He does benefit from true damage and small burst which can lead to winning off trades, but the problem is mana. Whatcha gonna do after the first trade when you ain't got mana ?

Mid-late game is the same pretty much. He doesn't have any steroids besiedes true damage passive or play-making abilities and they scale with AP mostly. When builded correctly tough, Corki has really high burst damage and works really well with certain items. He is also good against tank's due doing 3 kinds of damage and Corki's E shreds armor

He has sort of mess kit. A bit of everything, but doesn't shine in anything. I like it in a way and the kit could do so much better without so high mana costs (which are getting tweaked little bit), which may rise Corki's viability. He works really well against other ADC 1v1 due escape/gap-closer, stealth reveal and burst, but in team fight the kit is not all that useful.

EDIT: Trinity Force buff and the mana cost reduces made Corki more than viable. I put him all the way to Tier 1.5 - Really happy to see him making a comeback.

Early game: 1.5/5
Mid game: 3/5
Late game: 4.5/5
Kit: 3/5

Kog'Maw is one of the best late game carries, but it's pain in the *** to get there. He can easily be shutdown in lane. Really low damage out-put, high mana cost, squishy and no CC pretty much are not the way to win trades. The best you can do really is to try to keep up with farm. That's the best thing you can do early on.

Mid game is a start of something good after you grab few items. You have small attack speed steroid from Q, but few more attack speed items to boost % damage from long-range W and you will start to deal tons of damage. You do lack escape tool, so staying out of front line is really important. If you get caught in team fight, it's almost the same as dead Kog'Maw. Late-game the range from W and % is at it's best along with BOTRK. You will kill anyone without problem, including tanks. It's the matter of protection and positioning to win team fight.

Kog'Maw's kit lack mobility, AD scaling and escape tool big time to be useful in lane. Escape tool in team fights. It however offers great amount of range and % damage. I guess little bit of poke and minor steroid also. W saves the whole kit basically. It can be used well with E in laning phase.

Early game: 3.5/5
Mid game: 3/5
Late game: 2.5/5
Kit: 3/5

Sivir has really high early game damage, good enough to get first blood easily if used properly, but the problem once again is mana. Sivir can use her Q which deals sick damage if hits directly 2 times, but it costs so much mana. She has good trading early game due spellshield, auto-attack reset and nuke from Q and that's pretty much it. She doesn't have long range, so all-in trades and forcing CS loss or getting kill is the way to go.

Mid-late game she doesn't stand a chance really against other ADC. Sivir benefits more from teamfights where she can use her ultimate to whole teams avantage, but 1v1 fights Sivir will end up loosing fast. Lack of re-position/proper escape also hurt quite a bit, because of the short range.

Her kit is pretty OK, especially the ultimate before it was reworked. It's never really at full potential. Like in teamfight you will loose damage for using Q or W, but E as CC disabler and ultimate for teambuff is quite great. The opposite around for lane then, where ultimate doesn't work as it's fullest and Q + W are more useful.