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Creator: Janitsu September 18, 2013 8:14am
205 posts - page 7 of 21
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 10:14pm | Report

If you want to be a mentor send me a PM using this template:

Summoner Name:
Main Lane:


Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 10:20pm | Report
I did that already. >.> look on like, the second page.
Janitsu's Forum Avatar
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Jul 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 22, 2013 10:22pm | Report

send me a PM


a PM



Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 8:03am | Report
I wasn't ignoring you, I was going to say I don't have time to tutor him the way he wants a tutor, but I forgot to answer. :[ I'll be happy to answer his questions though. ( Which I only saw 5 minutes ago, as well as your latest PM )

1. You place wards in common spots where the enemy team would be, such as wraiths, or if you want to sneak in a baron, you place wards around baron so you can see if the enemy team is coming while yours barons.

2. Easy champions, preferably with no hard skillshots. An example of a mechanically hard champion to play is Cassiopeia. An example of an easy champion is Ryze and Diana.

3. A safe time to harass your enemy is when they're getting a last-hit. If you're playing a champion with a skillshot they can't dodge the skillshot at the same time as they're auto-attacking a minion, so you have to pay attention to your own minions' HP as well as the enemy's. When they're about to last-hit a minion, position yourself so that you can land the skillshot, if it isn't one that travels through minions. If you're a ranged champion, you can also harass by auto-attacking them while they're getting a last-hit, as they also can't counter auto-attack while last-hitting.

4. Guides, and especially just asking. Guides can sometimes be unreliable if the author doesn't update the guide ( and sometimes the authors' build isn't optimal either ), but you can never go wrong by asking a high level player what to build on a champion, so long as the question is specific to their main role. For example I don't personally play Ahri or Syndra, but being a mid main, I've seen enough Ahri's and Syndra's being played at my Elo, both with them and directly against them in lane, to know what a good Ahri or Syndra builds. On the other hand, I don't know what the ideal build for something like jungle Trundle is, all I could do is give you a standard jungle tank build, which may or may not be the best build for Trundle.

If you're unsure about the builds you're seeing in guides for the champion you want to try out, don't hesitate to PM a high Elo mobafirer asking how to build that champion, they'll probably know and will be willing to answer. For mid laners you could ask me or throatslasher ( he'd know better than me ), for junglers you can ask C4 Lasty, ADC you can pretty much ask anyone most of the time, but DisturbedFox and Luther3000 are both pretty good ADC mains. Support you can ask someone like MissMaw, and... I can't really think of a high Elo top laner who's active, but you can probably find one by asking around.

5. I'm here to answer questions not write guides l0l.

6. You don't really need to, just learn the pings, and so long as you know basic English, you'll do fine.

7. Because every member of every team thinks the rest of their team-mates are trash and the only way to win is for them to carry you, and it's hard to carry with no damage. Then they end up failing because they're too squishy. Try telling squishy team-mates to build tankier, but there's not much you can do about it, and the enemy team is just as likely to have the same problem.

8. I don't get what you mean.

9. Play a lot, especially ranked. But bear in mind that you'll probably start off in bronze if you haven't already started playing ranked. But bronze isn't "elo hell", nor impossible to climb out of. Just practice in bronze and you'll eventually be good enough to climb out of it, then by practicing in silver, you'll eventually be good enough to climb out of it, etc.

10. Build full damage with only 1 defense item, and burst whoever is the highest threat on your team, without needing to suicide to do so. If the ADC is too well protected, try bursting the enemy mid, if he's already in your reach. There's no point in spending 10 seconds trying to get to their ADC when you can instantly blow up someone else. It's also not necessary to just 1-shot a squishy enemy, if the enemy Irelia, for example, is fed, you can burst her once she's taken a bit of damage to make sure she dies.

11. Same as above.

12. Wrong person to ask.

13. Wrong person to ask again, but generally you should ask the lane you're ganking if they have wards anywhere, and try to gank through a different direction, whether that be going through the enemy's jungle and ganking them through the tri-brush, or doing a lane-gank ( generally means to walk into the brush that's inside a lane without the enemy seeing you, and ganking them from the brush when they get too close ).

14. Place wards, usually having 2 wards down leaves you completely safe, but it depends who the enemy jungler is, as Zac, Shaco and Evelynn don't follow the same rules as other junglers. Also, people think recalling at level 3 because they pushed the lane is a sin. It isn't. Recall and get items / wards, you'll barely miss any XP because your minions are too busy being killed by the enemy tower to kill the enemy minions.

15. is a site I sometimes use for that, but mostly you just learn with experience, for example, it isn't common knowledge that Kha'Zix gets stomped by Talon, but as a Talon main I've learnt that Talon is a hard counter to Kha'Zix, assuming both champions are played properly.

16. I'm here to answer questions not write guides l0l. ( but ask C4 Lasty )

17. Knowing your role, and being smart. The ADC attacks whatever's closest, they can't directly focus someone like the ADC because that would mean they're mispositioned and can be focused very easily by the enemy's tanks. As a burst assassin, you usually want to kill the ADC, but if the ADC tries to run when you get near, chasing him through the enemy team just means you can get focused and killed straight away by the enemy team. Try going around the enemy team, or simply scare off the ADC and then burst someone else.
SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 8:20am | Report
Summoner Name: SenorTadpole

Level: 30 (Silver III, hopefully II after promos today)

Server: NA

I am good with: Jungling/Tanky Initiators

I am bad with: Midlane/Controlled Aggression during laning phase/positioning squishies in team fights

I want help with: Laning phase for midlane. Lately have been playing some fairly immobile burst casters (Annie/Viktor) and looking to improve my ability to harass/force people out of lane while still csing.
MyBloodisBlack's Forum Avatar
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Apr 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 9:09am | Report
Its incredible how many mentors have been quick to disregard me all be it because they might have to actually mentor me a tiny bit

I am thankful for janitsu for their efforts to assist me and those who answered my questions as best they could
"The Wolf eyes the Prey, The Cow eats the hay, One of them is a killer, The other his buffet"
oxide110's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 2:34pm | Report

Its incredible how many mentors have been quick to disregard me all be it because they might have to actually mentor me a tiny bit

I am thankful for janitsu for their efforts to assist me and those who answered my questions as best they could

It's amazing how entitled you feel.

This is a free service. Be grateful that one person is answering your questions.

London is one hour ahead of the rest of England -Luther3000
Zyperious's Forum Avatar
Sep 23rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 23, 2013 7:54pm | Report
Summoner Name:Insaneundead17x
Server:NA (North America)
I am good with: team fight based mage's (like Lissandra and Ziggs)
I am bad with:Most melee and knowledge of when to push, gank, and mostly itemization
I want help with: positioning, how to gank/jungle, and melee champions

I apologize before hand if i am not accurate or asking things which I should be watching pros for. I am trying to improve and would like help from anyone willing to teach, I do not expect nor ask for you to show me step by step but would appreciate it if you did.
Thank you in advance.
DarkAkumaLord's Forum Avatar
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Sep 2nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2013 7:43pm | Report
Summoner Name: DarkAkumaLord (or OTGBionicArm)
Level: 30 (went from Bronze V to Bronze III series in a nasus jungle hyper carry 100+ elo gain 0.0, currently Bronze I)
Server: NA
I am good with: Um... IDK Lol. A lot of things... Like... Um, *scrolls through stuff* Really I just want to see how my jungling is... Laning isn't much of a problem... (other than the fact I love to overextend and hate freezing lanes, I still know how to freeze them :/)
I am bad with: Um... Actually that's something I dont know...? I guess ADC farming if I'm getting poked the **** down.
I want help with: Jungling, jungling, and test my jungling :D

OPTIONAL: Give me that Gold OTG... I guess I'll take him. Since I dont know the other NA player and I'd rather not get my throat slashed
+1 Rep me if you think I help you or others or don't Pick A Card.

... Man I used to say that stuff. It's been years.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 24, 2013 8:07pm | Report
How is Diana easy to play if she relies so heavily - like any assassin - on opportunity and positioning?

@SenorTadPole: What you wanna do is zone. Annie makes it easy, you poke heavy with autos, farm with Q and autos. You keep the stun menace. If they disrespect, you force a trade and make their butts scared of you. That's the same with Viktor, you always gotta position menacingly and take favorable trade opportunities. Keep in mind that it won't work against all matchups and depends from game to game.
Thank you Tsuki for the sig!

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