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Tadpole's Season Ending Push to Become a...

Creator: SenorTadpole October 3, 2013 5:13pm
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SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 5:13pm | Report
Hey there everyone. Welcome to another ranked journey thread that will focus on my spamming many many ranked games at the end of the season to TRY to make it all the way to platinum.

A little background: A few of you might remember me from about, I dunno, beginning of S3 under the summoner name TheMasterSherpa. I was fairly new then, with about 200 or so normal wins, and was a low silver player who just messed around in ranked and didn't take it very seriously. I sold my acct, took a long time off of LoL, and about a month and a half ago started playing again with a new account. I did my placement matches just to see what would happen, didn't do all that hot, and was placed in Silver IV. I didn't think much of it, until about 2 weeks ago, I decided "hey, it's only about a month til end end of the season, let's go tryhard mode and see how far I can make it". At the time, the ONLY goal was to maybe shoot for gold, and I wasn't really sure if THAT were possible.

Okay, fast forward to now. Things are going swimmingly. I feel like my MMR is at a pretty good place, because I consistently get pretty good LP gains. Here is the progress I made in the last two weeks.

This might not mean much to alot of people, but I've been ecstatic about it. Been really focused on playing my best each game, trying to keep morale high on team, and it's been a really good feeling. Thought about stopping when I reached gold V, but things have gone really well since reaching gold! My most recent match history (ignore the coop game - was testing some weird lag I've had since the latest patch):

Pretty excited! So currently I am sitting at Gold III with 96 LP. I finally decided, with a few weeks left, I'm going even more tryhard mode to see how close I can get to Plat. I really have my doubts that I am a Plat level player, but heck, no harm in trying right? Figured I'd make this long rambling post to keep myself accountable each game, and as a record for me to look back on and see what went right, what went wrong, and what I can work on. Not sure if anyone will check on this, but if you do, I'll try to keep my game updates short and sweet, and hopefully a little bit insightful.

I'll make a longer note about champion pool stuff later, but I'll be trying to jungle whenever possible! Sorry for the excessively long post!
SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 5:54pm | Report
It dawned on me after posting this that it might rub some people the wrong way that I just come in as a gold III (and a really new one at that) and make a claim that I'm shooting for plat in such a short time period. Just wanted to make it clear that I'm not sure I'll get anywhere close, I may even plummet back down to Gold V, but had to set a goal somewhere!

As for champion pools, it'll be mostly this:

Evelynn: I'll play Eve jungle basically every game I can get her when we can get away with a less tanky jungler. She is definitely my most comfortable champion, and I just feel like she puts so much pressure on lanes that she is just so strong right now. You might see a few games of Evelynn mid into some matchups when I feel she is a strong pick.

Shaco: Just my first love. I typically feel like Eve is just a superior pick to Shaco most times, but sometimes I just like to play the clown.

Jarvan IV: Comfortable playing him jungle, top, or mid. My second most comfortable champ after Evelynn. When not in the jungle, I really like to play him mid. Just feel very confident in my ability with him.

Tryndamere, Jax, Shyvana : Yea, I like to play champions that like to sit top, farm, push, and become huge. I had a ton of success in silver with Shyvana top, but haven't pulled it out much lately.

Zyra, Blitzcrank, Fiddlesticks : My trio of supports that I WISH I were better with. I really need to improve on my supporting.

Corki: If I have to ADC, I usually hope I can get Corki. Also, I really like to play AP (magicpen) Corki mid. Some people still see this as a troll pick, it's just so strong though.

There are a few others I pull out sometimes. Fizz and Annie mid, couple others. Generally though, I'm going to try to restrict my champion pool as much as possible right now, so you'll probably see me playing mostly Evelynn and Jarvan!
Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 6:07pm | Report
g'luck budski
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 6:14pm | Report
i remember sherpa.


tehAsian's Forum Avatar
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Jul 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 7:13pm | Report
That's a pretty fast climb imho. You're doing great.
LaCorpse's Signature Cafe

Thanks to Keondre, JhoiJhoi, Xiron, and Arcana3 for the Sigs~!
SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 3, 2013 8:45pm | Report
Hey thanks guys! Yea if anyone remembers me add me in game - usually floating around the mobafire chat. And yea - I didn't expect to climb like I did, and I certainly don't expect it to continue - but we can hope!

Let's see - I didn't really do a thing this game. I think I'm the only player on the planet that can SUCK as Sona, but I do. Corki took 4 autos at level 1 from a janna shielded cait, so that put up pretty behind in lane, but once we got the sustain going, we were okay. Basically, Rammus got Kass first blood mid, their Karthus went hardcore on tilt, and I just focused all my efforts on controlling vision around bot lane and denying enemy vision, allowing Rammus and Kass roam to effectively dominate the game. Very easy game, very happy with my team, all good news.

Thing to take away from this game: For me, it's two things: When forced into a position you don't excel at, understand that sometimes you can be better off trying not to overdo things. It doesn't always work out, but if you take a role you aren't as comfortable in, probability says your teammates should be more comfortable, so just try to play steady. If you aren't sure the limits of your champ, what you can/can't pull off, caution is not always the worst thing. Also, there are many ways to win a game. As Sona, I didn't really need to flash-ult initiate for my team at all, or make any plays. All I had to do was pick up a VERY early oracles to completely ruin their vision control, and that move allowed Kass and Rammus to destroy the game.

Oh, and I qualified for series! *GULP* Think I'm due for a lost promo series, but one can hope. Funny thing to note, I didn't lose a single game in Gold 3, so I wonder if there is any chance I might jump a division if I win promos? Never been sure how that works....
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 4, 2013 3:19am | Report
^ Whether or not you skip a division depends on how good your MMR is right now. I'm not sure whether you've looked at the elo of opponents/teammates you've been getting (and whether you have ever been higher in the picking order than teammates who are in a higher division), but that's pretty much the best way to tell if it's likely for you to skip a division.

There's also a Korean site ( that uses this same idea to try and estimate your MMR. Generally, if you fill in your name and get a green number as a result, you're in a good spot, however it is hard to tell how reliable the site (and the algorithm that it uses) is.

Good luck :)

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 4, 2013 7:31am | Report
Thanks for the info! I'm in green numbers right now, so we'll see. I doubt I'd jump a divison, but one can dream!

Ok, through two games of my promos (trying out the spoiler thing....pretty sure im gonna mess up the formatting, so bear with me)

Spoiler: Click to view

I'll comment about these games after my next promo game (I hate the rubber match! SO NERVOUS!). I didn't really deserve to win either. Team carried me second game, although I got a few clutch combos off on Vayne in teamfights. I don't know what my build was about, there were just so many skirmishes, I kept just wanting combat stats when I went back, so bought what I could afford. The Eve game, well, we just kinda lost all over the map. Trynd was 1/8 at one point. He picked up a quadra when enemy team dove fountain at end of the game, so pretty misleading. Fiddle outjungled me though, so I can't talk.
SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 4, 2013 1:29pm | Report
No promos for me :( I forgot to screenshot, got to play J4 jungle in my final promo game, had a pretty good feeling about it, but in the end, didnt't work out. I think my final KDA was 4/5/14 or something like that. Struggled to make any big ganks happen early game after my first red was stolen at level 1 and was unable to trade buffs. In general, lanes were fairly even, they were able to push towers more objectively, although I managed to smite steal both of the first 2 dragons.

However, in teamfights, it just wasn't close. Everyone on our team was doing our own thing, and they did well at stacking as 5 and taking objectives. In general, didn't make enough good plays or good calls to win this promo series.

Back to 90 LP in Gold 3. Hopefully I'll be able to make it back into promos before too long. I'm not too upset about the 1-2 promos. I did not play well, so I'm not surprised by the results.
SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 7, 2013 9:55am | Report
Took a few days off after losing that promo series - was out of town. I'm always wowed by how rusty I feel (slow mechanics, etc) after taking just a few days off. Oh well, no time to waste, gonna spam a few normals, then back at it.
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