So I'm playing as Dr. Mundo in a normal game and I go up against an Irelia. Now I'm thinking..."She walks into a bar...and there is no counter". Well dang...what the heck. Looks like I should just farm up and rush a Sunfire Aegis. Game starts...

We're purple side and I go to our red buff to watch for an invade. Minions spawn and I go up and farm. Since Irelia had to leash (and he leashed for a while) I got about a 5 CS lead and a level lead. Of course within a short amount of time he caught up. MOVING FORWARD...I get ganked a die. 0/1/0 However...the lane was pushed up and I had enough money to buy a Chain Vest and a Giant's Belt with a couple wards. Once again...I get ganked a die. 0/2/0 I buy my Sunfire Aegis, Boots, and some wards. I go farming and then...die to a gank...AGAIN. 0/3/0 I manage to buy my Spectre's Cowl and Ninja Tabi. Both teams start to group and roam and my presence in the game finally shines. I start HEAVILY split pushing...going where no one is and just completely shove the lane (I had Teleport which helped out a lot). Next thing I know both top and bot are onto their inhibitor turrets. We end up winning the game (and I go 3/3/1 all thanks to a team fight).

WITH THIS WHOLE STORY BEING SAID...I present to you...the power of split pushing. The Akali and Irelia on the other team were quite fed and yet we won the game. Why? CUZ OF ME! Nah...we had a good team fight at their inhibitor turret...but thanks to the power of split pushing we had that inhibitor turret quite low. I'll be honest and say that I didn't get help from my team a lot...nor did I really help them. I just kinda held to my own lane and pushed.

SO...the point of split pushing as effective in solo Q as in teams? (Luckily my team understood what I was doing so no nub started complaining)

Thoughts welcomed in the comments below!

Late game FTW