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1. No boots in the example build
2. Summary should be in the introduction
3. "Aaatrox"
4. Recommended and not recommended summoner spell list should get removed. Instead, only keep the explained summoner spells.
5. One line explanations
6. Not all items in cheatsheet are explained in the guide
7. Tactical sections too compact and should be put in front of the matchups
8. Role of this Teemo unspecified. Is it about top or mid Teemo? Because they are not played the same way.
Thy blessing
1. Build seems fine
2. All basics included
3. Good use of coding and structure
4. Bonus: Matchups
Result: Path of Redemption
Most of the explanations is lacking, which is truly disappointing. I'd suggest expanding your explanations and make them more detailed. Once you explained everything well, then your guide is already a million times better.
Good luck!
-Meiyjhe with the consult of EdisonKhoo
(Do not forget to vote! :D)
This will become my personal bible for the next days.
Plus, really like the pictures and the guide organization.
Whenever I play teemo, I follow this guide and I pretty much win every game
The pictures are nice, but take up a majority of the space. Content matters more than visuals, please elaborate on the info you have and may be missing.
Your matchups could take up a lot less space.
Only Two abilities proc the slow from Rylais and Liandry's Torment is far better because of its passive.
Nashor's Tooth is a bad item, with or without the CDR. If you want CDR you should get items like Morellonomicon
I honestly wouldn't build Nashor's Tooth. I know it's a huge favorite on Teemo for the OH damage and AS, but Teemo isn't meant to sit in team fights and AA. His main purpose is map control with his shrooms. I would rather build Liandry's, Deathcap, and Void Staff first to get the most out of his poisons.
Lets not forget the cooldown so we can spam shrooms everywhere thats also a good reason why its a favorite.
Your runes are pretty off dude. You need to go 9 seals of armor, 9 marks of magic resist, 9 seals of ability power, and 3 quints of movement speed.
Lol, gtfo. Runes are fine.