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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Sorcerer's Shoes on Ezreal?

Posted in Items | Tags: Ezreal Sorcerer's Shoes 5,462

  • Ubnoxius

    Sorcerer's Shoes on Ezreal?

    Do you think it could work like how Corki buys them? Because all of Ezreal's abilities scale with AP as well as AD.

  • Answers (2)

    Luther3000 (442) | August 29, 2014 5:38pm
    The difference is that Corki has both AD scaling and magic damage on his two main abilities, which are long range, low cooldown poke and teamfight DPS. Ezreal doesn't have anything like that - his Q is physical damage and his W and E don't scale with AD and aren't really used for damage. The only ability you'd see much benefit on is his ult, since it's both AD scaling and magic damage. I really doubt it's ever worth building Sorc Shoes just for the ult.
    The Pink Poro (11) | August 30, 2014 3:52pm
    The difference between Ezreal and Corki is that Ezreal's main damage abilities scale off of AD and AP and deal physical damage, whereas Corki's main damage abilities scale off of AD and AP and deal magical damage.

    Berserker's Greaves are **** on Ezreal and Corki. Neither of them really benefit from attack speed as much as they do raw damage, so it's better to go for other boots on them. If Sorcerer's Shoes gave you bonus AP rather than magic penetration, then they would be a great pick up on Ezreal since he doesn't need attack speed as much as other marksmen because of his passive. Meanwhile Corki does a high amount of mixed damage (true damage from his passive, and magic damage from his abilities) so trying to amplify his burst with Sorcerer's Shoes gives him a big early game presence. Most marksmen go for 4 attack speed glyphs so they lack the MR to deal with a sorc'd up Corki early on. Additionally, his Gatling Gun gives him armor shred when it hits an enemy, so doubling up on penetration types (and having bonus true damage) means that Corki is a really good "balls to the wall" tank killer. Ezreal on the other hand, is all about keeping his distance and whittling the enemy down.

    You don't just build Sorcerer's Shoes on Corki because they increase his overall DPS, you also build them because they fit his magic damage poke-tank killer play style. They just take away from Ezreal's Ezrealness.
    Zyad (7) | August 29, 2014 6:50pm
    your main damage source it's your Q, Ez Q it's physical dmg...

    If u want to have another boots in consideration, CDR boots are good in ez, try it.
    Luther3000 (442) | August 29, 2014 6:04pm
    It's entirely physical damage though so buying magic pen doesn't affect it at all. Scaling =/= damage type.
    Ubnoxius (61) | August 29, 2014 5:59pm
    his q has ap scaling too
    Zordagoth (19) | August 31, 2014 4:55am
    And what about Kog'Maw ? All his kit is magic dmg, his W is good with attack speed and his R have AD ratio, could be good too
    RazeMage (1) | September 6, 2014 8:20pm
    A bit of question. If your team consist of a lot of AP (say, lb, ryze, elise, sona) and you are kogmaw, so enemy is building a lot of mr and health, is it better to buy voidstaff instead of last whisperr, since it increaaes your percent health damage as well as dealing through their magic resist
    The Pink Poro (11) | September 1, 2014 11:26am
    Okay Zord, so the issue here is the overall benefit that the champion gets from building different kinds of boots.

    While Kog'Maw does primarily deal magic damage, his DPS in team fights is almost entirely based on his auto attacks. 2/4 abilities (and also the most inherently damaging) are designed to be defensive tools to keep Kog'Maw safe in team fights. Rather than have a distinct escape ability (like the other popular ADCs Lucian, and Tristana) he brings a potent AOE slow, which you mostly use to kite enemies trying to dive you, and a strong Armor/MR % reduction nuke that makes tanks much easier for you to kill with your Bio-Arcane Barrage activated.

    The other half of his abilities are focused as much around utility as they are around damage. Bio-Arcane Barrage gives Kog'Maw bonus %hp magic damage on hit, which is really really nice for dealing with armor stacking teams, however the most important part of this ability is the bonus range it gives you. As an "immobile" (in the sense that you're slow as hell and have no active escape) ADC, Kog'Maw needs ways to keep himself away from the enemy front lane, and therefore the majority of the enemy team's cc. Having 710 range when you activate your w is pretty damned good for keeping away from those annoying tanks. Living Artillery is mostly used as a scouting tool for your team. If you watch high level game play (LCS or what have you) Kog'Maw players will often use their ult to give their team vision when chasing down stragglers after they win a team fight. You're almost never going to be able to rely on your Living Artillery as a major source of damage because you just go OOM way too fast if you try to spam it.

    Once again in regards to Kog'Maw's Bio-Arcane Barrage, and speaking from a purely mathematical perspective, and not one of play style and "meta", level 5 Bio-Arcane Barrage deals 6.3% of the target's HP in magic damage, after you pick up your Trinity Force for 30 AP. This is still a full 1.7 %HP less than Blade of the Ruined King gives you anyways, whilst blade also gives you bonus attack damage and attack speed. Compounded with the fact that you don't have a Nashor's Tooth or Arcane Blade in your kit, and never build 200+ AP on ADC Kog'Maw, you're going to do more magic damage by getting an extra auto attack in (as a result of stacking attack speed, i.e. zerks), than you would do by reducing enemy MR by 15 points. Now if you include the AD that Kog'Maw gets from all of the items that you build on him, it's not even a contest between how much physical and magical damage Kog'Maw does.

    Just like with Tristana, if you're not building as a full AP champion, you're going to deal more damage overall by finding ways to increase your attack speed, than you would by increasing the effectiveness of your innate magic damage. The fact that you have magic damage in your kit at all is a completely moot point since you do about as much damage per auto attack as you do per skill.
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