So yeah, season 11 came and with it, came new jungle changes. Monsters are now super quick, Scuttler has giant shield, jungle items are gone and you can no longer transition between Chilling Smite and Challenging Smite. With all those new changes including Ravenous Hunter and Legend: Bloodline nerf, I can now finally say that jungle soraka is now almost undoable concept. Right now without a strong enough leash, Soraka has to recall after 2 camps. And then recall after another 2 camps, while before you could just clear red side > recall >> blue side >> recall and you would clear your entire side of the jungle . Playing Soraka jungle was never an easy task but right now it feels almost impossible. And let me tell you that I tried everything to make it work in season 11. I tried rushing super early game oriented runes like Biscuit Delivery, I tried going for 3x Health Potion except for 1x Refillable Potion, I even tried skipping the jungle item and instead going for Doran's Blade and heck I even tried not playing Flash at all. I will still try to experiment a little but right now, the destiny of my Jungle lifesteal soraka guide is very uncertain. Hopefully some changes will happen, because as for now, you can't really even have fun by playing this. Before you could outheal monster camps after 1 or 2 items, while now you can't even get to them before the game ends. Hopefully I am just missing some important piece of this puzzle, but as for now I will have to keep my off-meta guide in the shelf, which makes me feel really sad after the time and effort I put into it.

Well, sadly season 11 really is giving and taking...