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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

My YT Channel About League of Legends

Farfalion YT

Hello everyone, I am starting in the YT world and the comoenzos are always tough. My channel is based on Gameplays and guides on League of Legends, more focused on the Central Lane and the jungle. I would love for you to support me in this Mobafire community, with a simple visit to my channel, I do not ask you to like or subscribe if you do not like the content. In Mobafire, I have created some guides and this encouraged me to make the leap in YT, I hope and appreciate all the help you can give me. A hug to everyone and thanks.



I'm Fexi,and I make USELESS BUILD to chill, have fun, experiment new weird strategies that could have the potential to work, perhaps?... may be? Surely there is at least one player out there who can get something good from these build. XD

Anyway, try this (with your friends though) if you want to try new weird stuff just for the sake of curiosity, entertainment and laughter (or at least a quick smirk and a nose exhalation).

Cheers peeps! :)

About my guides

Hey what's up, it's me again.
By now, you have probably noticed that most of my guides are troll/off-meta stuff, but I do make a serious one every now and then.
Truth is, I want to be known around here but I don't have a lot of champions I know how to play enough to make a guide of them. So far I've only made Kayn guides, thinking of making a Morde guide once I play him enough with new items, but I have a general idea already.

Now that I've got your attention, I'd like to ask for some tips to fill the Guide Chapter section. Whenever I make a guide, I see the Guide Chapter thing and I want to write stuff but I have no clue what to do, so if you could help me out a bit I'd be so grateful. Like, seriously, it would mean a lot.

That's it for today's blog, good luck in the Rift. Peace.

Potential new guide

I might make a Season 11 Preseason guide for either Kayn or Graves. They're my current meta picks for Jungle, and I feel like a guide for more meta champs would be helpful to everyone. What do you think, and should it be Graves, Kayn, or someone else (I have experience with quite a few Jungle champs).

5 Supports to Abuse in the Preseason

Welcome to Season 11. We're experiencing one of the biggest gameplay transformations to date. It can be quite difficult to navigate through all the changes and determine the best ways to play. In this blog post, I will make things simple: I will identify emerging superpowers in the support role and their new build paths/playstyle adjustments.

Notable Items: Locket of the Iron Solari or

5 Bottom Lane Carries to Abuse in the Preseason

Welcome to Season 11. We're experiencing one of the biggest gameplay transformations to date. It can be quite difficult to navigate through all the changes and determine the best ways to play. In this blog post, I will make things simple: I will identify emerging superpowers in the bottom lane and their new build paths/playstyle adjustments.

Notable Items: Immortal Shieldbow &


So, after my computer suffered from a glitch, my Lee Sin guide chapters were messed up, and some were lost completely. I've tried to recover them, but to no avail. A new update will come eventually, but just know that it will probably be heavily delayed, because I have to re-type all of the code that was lost.

3 Years at MOBAFire

3 years ago, 11 november 2017, I created an account on a certain site with League of Legends guides...

I had stumbled upon a certain guide, Jhoijhoi's Guide to Making a Guide. I was like "oh creating a guide sounds fun, let's try it maybe." Brave but foolish, without any writing or coding experience, without actually having much experience with the English language and while only having played the game for barely half a year, I laid the first small foundation of what would become my first gaming guide on the internet. The development of the very first iteration of Don't Mess With The Tree began.

After a few weeks of writing (mainly on my phone), my Maokai guide was released 28 January 2018. Looking back at it, I'm kinda embarrassed of how bad that first iteration was xD. But hey, everyone has to start somewhere.

During the first half year, I barely got any views and votes. But suddenly I got to know about the MOBAFire Guide Contest for the first time. Seeing all those beautiful gui…

Hello let me introduce myself please

Hello, you can call me Delta. Whatever build you want me to make just hmu.

About myself: Do you really care? I don't even know if I can talk about this here

Don't be fooled by my elo (but do take precautions), if you want tips for specific champions or match ups I'm your guy. I may be a bit too much of a pesimist to know if you can win a game or not, but I can try to analyze games and stuff, I'd just need to either get tilted before or achieve after-nut clarity, those things make one think like they're the smartest person on earth.

Weird introduction yeah, but I'm going to do my best while I hang around this place. English is, as you can see, not my main language, but I'm trying to get better at it. Currently taking classes.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide