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Ranked Climb in Preseason

I believe these are all my games since the preseason change. Rocking Bronze 1, woo hoo!

I play jungle. I play with the enemy team muted and my team's chat really small. If any chat interaction with my team annoys me or people are pinging me too often I quickly mute them. /mute all is a fairly common occurrence.

If I look at my rune pages, Precision seems to be a pretty strong set at the moment.

Pets I honestly can't tell that much of a difference on. I think the damage one is the worst of the lot, with the utility of the other two once transformed being much more useful.

Kiting: I've never super optimized my clears so I like that it isn't as required.

Sustain: can be a problem on some junglers still, but not as big a deal for a lot of junglers. For mana users I sometimes find myself going OOM in late game outside of the jungle.

Cross map invading as a recourse to a gank on the opposite side of the map is less fruitful as you often can only pick up 1 camp before the enemy ju…

Why we no Dragons Mx. Jungler?

Been playing a lot of normals of late, so I expect to have some one sided games, but probably the biggest sigh point as jungler is:

As a laner, before you take a fight or chase consider what objectives are up. If you die right before Dragon is spawning you can pretty much count on not getting that objective.

If your jungler is on the ball they should be pinging out the timer hopefully at least 45 seconds before it spawns so you can have time to get in and secure the area (get and deny vision at the entrance points to the river near Dragon).

Why we no Dragons or Rift Heralds jungler? Because you are all always dead.

And this is really a generalization. If you go down getting two chunky shut downs, well okay then might be worth the Dragon loss.

And for the love of Pete, don't ping out the damn objective while you are dead like we forgot it exists. LUL. We know. If it is third or fourth Dragon maybe the jungler suicides for it, but otherwise I am probably going to go hunt up reliable…

Yone can touch you, but you can't touch him

My take after playing a few games on Yone and playing several against him.

Yone has too many ways to interact with his opponent while limiting their ability to interact with himself. This doesn't mean he is unbeatable, but gah, really annoying champion to lane against unless you have the counterpick and his kit naturally makes him a late game menace.

At a minimum they need to make the shield gained from Spirit Cleave only occur on hitting champions as this would allow you to get more chip damage on him.

At maximum they need to remove the cleanse effect he gets by snapping back to his clone after using

Flawless Victory (sort of)

I don't see everyone on a team get S's too often.

My route:

Leash at Red > Raptors > Wolves > Blue > Gromp (the last two camps done together)

Kayn's route:

Blue > Wolves > Raptors > Red > Krugs > Gank and get a kill on Teemo Top

I didn't try to contest Top scuttle since my Top laner was dead so I headed to Bot scuttle and pinged where Kayn was and started to go to Bot scuttle but thought better of it and went back to wait in the Bot side river bush at Mid lane. It was a good thing I did because this setup a sequence of plays that put the game in the bag at the 5:20 mark.

Is your plan working?

As jungler, just mute people as needed. You will get all kinds of aggressive and passive aggressive **** in chat, but if things are going according to plan (AKA) you are getting your farm and being useful where you can be useful DO NOT let the **** get to you.

E.g. (Laner) I've been ganked 5 times now.

And, I have a huge CS lead on the enemy jungler. Thx for absorbing the pressure as I've got all the items I need to carry this game. (note that I didn't type any of that out. It wouldn't help. I just continued with my plan).

What Laner doesn't say is that they died to a gank with no ward out despite me pinging that the gank was potentially coming, then they immediately Teleported back into lane with the lane still in enemy territory and died to a re-gank ( Xin Zhao skipped the

Get better at league in two steps

Play around your jungler and learn gank timings. There are of course other things you can do to get better, but playing around your junlger and learning gank timings will make your game play a lot more consistent.

What do I mean by playing around your jungler?

1. Keep track of where your junlger is on the map.

If they are on the opposite side of the map then you are weak side. That means you don't have any help coming if you get into trouble, so play like it. Be conservative with your trades with the enemy laners while you are weak side. Expect that the enemy junlger or the nearest laner or both could roam to your lane to try and kill you. (in higher ELO you also have to worry about the enemy support showing up in your lane).

Back away from your tower if you have to in order to stay safe while weak side. (e.g. you know you are going to get dove).

2. If you are strong side you can play more aggressively and in fact you want to take trades with your enemy laner in that situation …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide