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Runes: Standard runes for optimal poke early and dmg
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Abilities
Salvation (PASSIVE)
Soraka Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Really hard let her push you and control the wave just outside your turret for safe farm. Build tabis and early rush seekers
Champion Build Guide
Rank Proof

I have been master in soloq and challenger in 5v5 from the years that have passed. Why should You play Soraka?The key to success |
My main account can be found here:At the moment iam high diamond mainly playing soraka. I hope i can give you my insightLet me know if you find |
+Cross map playability with Global Heal +Strong poke early game +Increased movement towards low health targets |
-Squishy -immobility -Can be punished easily when out of mana or out of position Soraka's biggest weaknesses is her squishyness and immobility. The biggest challenges to deal with her weaknesses is her position. Both in lane and teamfights soraka want to be behind her teammates and sustain the team up. The duty as soraka is to keep herself safe first, so she can assist her team with her healing. |
A star falls from the sky at the target location dealing magic damage and slowing enemies. If an enemy champion is hit by Starcall, Soraka recovers health and gains movement speed when moving away from enemy champions.
Calls down a star from Soraka to a target location. Enemies standing in the explosion radius take 70/110/150/190/230 (+35% Ability Power) magic damage and are slowed by 30% for 2 seconds.If Starcall hits a champion Soraka gains Rejuvenation for 4 seconds, which restores 14/16/18/20/22 (+0) health per second and grants 10% movement speed when not moving toward enemy champions.
Soraka sacrifices a portion of her own health to heal another friendly champion.
Restores 80/110/140/170/200 (+60% Ability Power) health to another champion ally.If cast while affected by Rejuvenation, Soraka will grant her target its benefits for 0 seconds.Cannot be cast if Soraka is below 5% Health.
Creates a zone at a location that silences all enemies inside. When the zone expires, all enemies still inside are rooted.
Creates a zone at target location for 1.5 seconds, dealing 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage to enemy Champions in the cast radius. Enemy Champions standing in the zone are silenced until they leave. When the zone disappears, all enemy Champions still standing in the zone are rooted for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2 second(s) and are dealt 70/110/150/190/230 (+40% Ability Power) magic damage.
PASSIVE: Attacks and abilities against an enemy Champion signals Aery to dash to them, dealing 10 − 40 (based on level) (+ 15% bonus AD) (+ 10% AP) Attack damage Ability power Adaptive damage. Heal power Healing, shielding, or buffing an ally signals Aery to dash to them, shielding them for 35 − 80 (based on level) (+ 40% bonus AD) (+ 25% AP) for 2 seconds.
PASSIVE: Gain 10% CDR Cooldown Reduction at Level 10.
Additionally, you gain either 1.2 bonus Attack Damage or 2 Ability Power (Adaptive) for every 1% Cooldown Reduction in excess of the cap.
ADAPTIVE: Grants bonuses based on which stat you already have the most bonuses for. Defaults to the first listed.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Its very important that your careful with your wave management, you want most of the times the enemy toplaner to push you under your turret or optimal just outside your turret range. You are then very safe from getting ganked or 1v1 by the enemy toplaner and can safely farm early for later stages in the game. One of the most important things for a soraka top is to always check your teammates health and prepared to assist with your wish (R), it can be very clutch and turn fights around if its properly used. |
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Your ult heals 50% extra when allies are under 40% HP, its optimally to wait with using your

After 1.5 seconds the zone detonates, dealing the same magic damage to all enemy champions within and briefly rooting them.
Ranked Climbing
Keep in mind these tips and steps is my own experience from playing alot of ranked and it have taken me to master in SoloQ.
First and foremost, if your team is toxic even in the slightest, just mute them. You can either do /muteall or just mute the individual thats taking up your time and mental. The most important to be able to communicate to your team is the pings, so muting the chat shouldn´t be such a big disadvantage.
Why /muteall?
Answer: I see so many people spamming like FF 15, Go Next, flame, being negative. The problem with this is if you let an individual make you feel that you need to chat you have already lost a big chance of winning the game. It is because your focus is shifting from thinking about the game, what the next play should be?, how you can improve?
Instead when you start talking with a individual that is negative and doesn´t produce anything for your team towards winning the game, you make it harder for your team aswell since when you start chat you change your focus from the game to the negative individual, that is just how the human brain is working, we have a hard time to focus on two things at the same.
Keep your champion pool small!
Why should I have a small champion pool?
Answer:If your goal is to climb in ranked from whatever rank you currently have, this tip is one of the most important tips.
Your champion pool should be ranging from 2-3 champions on a certain role. With this you will get used to the champions and have a greater chance of getting good at those and if your good on the champions you play you have a bigger chance of climbing. This isn´t a random tip, it is literally fact that maintaining small champion pools helps you climb more easily.
If you want to have the biggest edge in your climb, then you should play champions that is meta-oriented. You can check up wich champions is the best for your role on some tier-lists to help you get an idea of what champions are doing well in the current meta.
Choose optimal builds and runes!
With this I mean to get the highest possible chance of winning your games, you need to have the optimal builds and runes for the champions your playing. I see so many people with suboptimal builds and runes, that affect your winrate alot.
So please use the best possible builds and runes for your champions.
Focus on yourself!
You can´t control your teamates!
With this I mean League of Legends is a team game, but the only champion you can control is your own and with that it can easily build up frustration on your own teammates if they troll or missplay.
As I have already said you can only control yourself, and your main focus should always be on how you can improve. Improvement will give you a bigger chance of climbing in ranked, even if it is just a small improvement at a time. Just imagine that you build a house with bricks, you might only increase one brick/day but sooner or later your house of bricks is gonna be built. This is the same on how to improve in League, you maybe want to get better in trading in lane, then focus on that small piece of brick and when that is done you might want to get better on knowing jungle routes to prevent yourself from getting ganked etc, sooner or later you will get the rank you desire.
Focus on one skill for a day/week!
With this I mean before you start playing for the day decide what you want to focus on for that day. It might be that your cs is really bad then this whole day your main focus should be on getting better cs. It might be to get better at roaming then focus this day on just try to find the best possible roams.
This will help you to break down every skill you feel you need to improve on and make it alot easier to grasp for the human brain and track the progress.
If you have any additional questions, if I wouldn't explain something here properly, then feel free to visit me and ask me on my stream.
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