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Play carefully before level 6 and after reaching level 6 start hard shoving all the time and dont give him time to roam. You will get good power increase when you get ranged attack + ult. Put him in a situation that he will lose gold and experience from his minions if he flies away by using his ultimate.
This matchup is really bad for Kayle. Dodge worthy. Pay attention to your minions health so she can't quickly stack up passive stacks and dive you. You don't really ever beat her in lane so just try and freeze close to tower. Irelia has a very good 1vs1 kit especially in the early game you should play careful since your champion is melee til you hit level 6. You should just play around and earn experience and wait for the wave to freeze it.
He can dash on you very easily with his E, but it has a super long cooldown so take advantage of that, can stun you with his Q and ult, and gets a free shield for trading, and can quickly escape by returning to his E. Play safe and prep for a dive when he gets his Q stacks up. Always try to dodge his ult or Q sideways with your W, and remember that he can't chase you forever if he uses his E. You can start poking him once you hit 6, and you can out scale him late game. Just try to keep your passive up and fight him in your wave.
You are squishy and Akali has very quick burst, but if you quickly use your W to quickly retreat under your tower you can hopefully be safe, but she can tower dive and escape quickly with her R so don't let your guard down.
Especially early, Kayle does well to stay far away from this croc. Farm when safe, and farm under tower, late game you outscale him 100%, but he will try to make it so you don't have a late game.
Fizz is an AP assassin, so Mercury's Treads and Wit's End will be helpful. You can block his ultimate by using your own ultimate.
Very strong champion with big damage, dash and sustain. He can steal and use your ultimate, so it will not save you from him. You need to play carefully and wait for your jungler to come for a gank or ending of the lane phase.
He has a really big range and will be able to poke you down early game. You have to wait for your jungler to come and help you. Before hitting level 6 the laning phase will be unplayable for you.
Try to bait her stun and passive shield, then kite her for a moment until the shield expires, then try to engage. Late game she still poses a bit of a threat so keep your guards up. You will be stronger in late game, but Camille is able to make your early game really miserable.
The only problem vs Karthus mid is that his ultimate does damage to every singe champ in your team, and that your ultimate saves only one person.
It's hard to play against Vladimir. He scales really well but you have to survive the laning phase and in the late game he won't be a problem for you. You can always use your ultimate to block his ultimate.
Oriana is annoying and dangerous before you get level 6. You need to survive and play carefully just like always. :) Make sure to always have your jungle area warded (wraiths) so you cannot get dove.
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