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Sion Build Guide by ZabbaAA

Support [11.19] [71%wr] I haven't seen a sion supp guide in a long t

Support [11.19] [71%wr] I haven't seen a sion supp guide in a long t

Updated on October 2, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ZabbaAA Build Guide By ZabbaAA 2,065 Views 0 Comments
2,065 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ZabbaAA Sion Build Guide By ZabbaAA Updated on October 2, 2021
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Runes: My fav

1 2
Shield Bash
Bone Plating

Ultimate Hunter
Cheap Shot

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


1 2
Better for experianced supp players
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[11.19] [71%wr] I haven't seen a sion supp guide in a long t

By ZabbaAA
1. About me
I'm an off-meta supp main. I've been playing league for around a year.
Right now im silver IV. My favourite characters are probably tanks and mages.
I play soloq and my gf left me month ago.

I have 6th maestry (35 k points) on sion + 71% wr on around 40 ranked games.
I love playing him <3.
2. Why sion supp
Sion is a very tanky "toplaner" with a lot of ccs. Because of his w, he also reminds me of old supp tahm kench. He has a lot of engage abilities which he can also use to roam and 1v1 a lot of enemies. Also, he's a lot of fun.

-a lot of cc
-can 1v1
-good early and lategame
-doesn't completly depend on adc
-team depending midgame
-your team may take you as troll
3. Early game
Depending on your adc / jg pick your ability order and try to follow them.
If you're the one engaging try to target easier target like adc / mage supp, e them and follow up with a q knockup, than use your w and go in. Even if you die, you can end your enemy by your passive.

Try not to roam until lvl 6 and supp item upgrdage, also dont be scared to help your jg at river.
4. Mid game
Follow your team, try not to go alone until necessary. Remember that you're one of better characters to start teamfights with. You can go in with your r and follow up with e+q combo. This is when abyssal comes in handy. Thanks to it you can pretty much perma-stun any non-tank/non-lifesteal based champs.
5. Late game
Try to teamwork with your team, especially biggest dmg dealers. One of the best things you can do is camp / splitpush. Remember, you're the team tank, which means your task is to help teammates and tank dmg.
6. Ending
Gl with your games.
I hope you'll like sion supp as much as I do.
Dont be scared to try your own builds and runes, these ones are just the ones that I like to use.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ZabbaAA
ZabbaAA Sion Guide
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[11.19] [71%wr] I haven't seen a sion supp guide in a long t

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