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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
This is my first build on here and it's a meme build. That being said it might actually work if you're lucky.
The main focus will be on Ashe's Q for sustain and damage. The W is useful to start raptors or wolves but mostly I don't use it. The E is very useful to check for enemies at the dragon or rift/baron or just extra info in general. The Ult should be used from as far as possible for optimal meme potensial or to assist a lane from the other side of the map.
I suggest you start with blue buff then move on to gromp then wolves then red buff then krags and then either gank or go to scuttle or raptors. Keep in mind that Ashe has a difficult start and is very bad against raptors.
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