Only way to lose to Aatrox is if you fight him outside of a wave after he gets his Serrated dirk.
Your autoattacks when you have your passive stacked just shred his HP bar, so you don't need to hit E in order to trade.
Getting passive then Q-ing on him, pressing E and not re-casting it is much more consistent and still a winning trade pattern.
In top lane, this matchup is easy since she can't bully you too hard early, and once you get Blade of the Ruined KIng + vamp sep, you'll outheal her damage if you're 0/0.
Don't engage on her unless you hit E first or she has a stacked wave that you can use to outheal her damage.
Akshan is a little stronger than you early so you need to wait for first back and level 4-5.
You don't need to hit E to kill Akshan. You can get 4 stacks of passive, press E and not recast it. The most important thing to do is to hug Akshan so he can't E away. As long as he can't do that, you always win fights against him.
Camille can zone you off the wave level 1. I would recommend walking from river if you think she will do that.
She wins short trades with her shield, so you need to only take long trades. A way to do that is to only trade when you're close to the wall, so after you fight and tries to E away, you can chase with R-Q (Note, you have to be high enough hp so she doesn't just E on you)
The only short trade pattern you win is if you hit E on her then auto attack and walk back.
Be careful not to R her if you're not close enough to chase her after she E's away.
This champion can randomly oneshot you even if you're melee range. You can only go in if she misses Q, if she doesn't miss Q or uses it on a minion, the fights will be very very close.
Otherwise, you can use the long top lane to create a freeze and make it very hard for her to walk up without dying.
Cho'gath is very difficult to kill due to his high sustain + silence + execute. I would recommend trying to get 10 CS per minute into him and holding a freeze rather than pushing and trying to trade with him unless he's very very bad.
Just be careful of Cho'gath in team fights because his entire kit can be very annoying mid-fight. So, either wait for him to use his cooldowns or avoid him in fights.
You have to take conq. Never take lethal tempo in this lane or you lose it.
Level 1 get E and farm from range safely. When you get 3, get 4 stacks and go in if you hit E. If you ever hit your E on him pre 6, you will kill him. After 6, you don't need to hit E as long as you Q him when he tries to Q you.
Dr. Mundo
Run Flash ignite or ignite TP.
Mundo will slowly win the sustain war versus you, so the most important thing you need is to not get hit by any Qs even if you have to give minions for it.
Hitting E is decently important to proc his passive so he loses a burst of HP. You should E-Q then walk behind him to collect his passive before he can. If you all-in when you're 100% hp with passive, you always win.
Go ignite-TP or Flash ignite. Get lethal tempo if you're not confident or conq if you are.
Walk from RIver level 1 if you think that Fiora will zone you off level 1, Q 3 minions and then auto her to death.
The most important thing in this matchup is that you do not let her get her vital hits. It's a little dance where when she auto attacks, you have to move to reposition yourself instead of auto attacking, and then after her auto attack is done, you then AA her.
If you're not feeling confident in this matchup, wait for Bork and if you're 0/0, it will be easy to win fights.
Go immortal shieldbow instead of Gore because the shield+sustain is more annoying to Fiora than Goredrinker.
Gangplank can randomly kill you early if he hits a single barrel. In order to beat him pre-BORK, you need to always win the barrel mini-game, whether that's by dodging the barrels using Q on a minion or by stunning him then hitting the Barrel while he's stunned/W-ing the stun. If you don't get hit by the barrel, or you have bork and you''re 0-0, the matchup is pretty okay.
W his Q-E. When you're no longer silenced, Q to a caster so you can kite his the second half of his E damage and then re-engage when his E is over and you will win.
Keep in mind that in team fights Garen Q-R can be very annoying for you when you dive, so wait unitl you see him or until after he's used it.
You hard win with passive stacked.
You can use your E while Gnar is stuck in his jump animation and he can't dodge your E.
When he has no Mega, you can just Q on a caster, R him then Q in and insta win even without htting E.
Take doran shield not D-blade since if he plays normally, he won't die on first 3 waves.
Take D-shield and second wind.
This matchup is more about punishing Gragas when he misses his E and scaling till BORK than it is about playing well. Hit the wave often and match Gragas' push with Q-W. That's the most important thing early game. After you get Bork, you can easily run him down without counterplay. Or, if he screws up E before Bork, you can look to punish him.
Gwen can cheese a kill early with ignite + 6, so be careful of that. The matchup is a little difficult early, make sure when she stacks her Q that you dodge her E-Q damage, and as soon as she E-s in, engage on her with your Q and press E1 and don't press E2. Spam auto and you will win pre 6.
After 6. you can't quite do that, you'll have to hit either E or R melee range so she can't dodge it then all-in. WIthout hitting either, she wins.
But, unless there's a minion behind you to Q to, trying to look for a kill puts you in danger so keep that in mind.
Kill tentacles as soon as it spawns.
Punish early.
Punish when she misses E.
When She R's, if you can't oneshot her, then walk out of her R, then go back in after her R is over.
In my experience, the only trades you can win against Jax is when you're close to your turret and you use your longer AA range to hit him and auto space him.
The main thing is to look for free damage on him where he doesn't quite want to E to block it, or if he does, you can engage after his E is over and all-in to beat him. (Fights close to your turret only)
This is a bad matchup that requires you to be mechanically skilled or for Jax to be bad.
Get D-shield and second wind.
If he has Phase rush, hitting R on him is not enough to guarantee a kill. If he has it, you need to hit E as well.
If he spaces correctly as jayce, you will never be able to kill him unless he gets hit by your E. I would recommend just focusing on getting 10 CS/M and scaling rather than trying to kill him.
Kayle with Lethal Tempo + ignite can kill you level 1, so be careful if she has it.
Punish early
If she's level 6, always make sure you have a minion to Q back to after fighting her so you can dodge her R damage.
If she R's herself, she can't auto attack till the second half of her R animation, so if you want to W and can't dodge R, make sure to save the W for the second half of her R animation to burst her.
Take D-shield and second wind.
Wait for 6, run him down by hitting R and then hitting him with E after he presses his E movement speed steroid, loses it, and is still slowed by your R.
As long as you wait for that specific window, it will be much easier to hit your E on him. Using E1 after R-ing and holding E2 will make Kennen use his E early.
Don't look for a kill pre-6 since most times, Kled will end up killing you after he re-mounts.
After 6, wait for Kled to miss Q, and then engage on him with R, insta Q so he can't R away, spam auto till he's almost dismounted, press E1, auto attack him to demount him, then press E2 while he's mid-air so he can't dodge your stun while he's in demounting animation. Then, oneshot him.
If you can't get the angle to oneshot Kled when he's dismounted, then you should wait till you can. Even if that means you have wait for CDs or items or jungle.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin will always W away to a minon to dodge your E so either predict it or hold on your E to buy more time autoattacking him.
You always beat him with passive, W his Q-2 if it's long range or just Q1+E if he's short range.
Main thing to avoid is him insecing you under his turret.
Get D-Shield + second wind and look to scale. The matchup is annoying and you can only kill him once if she screws up, so you're looking mostly to get as much CS as possible and really good backs so you can spike on tempo.
Get Dshield, second wind early.
Start E and let him shove you in.
When you engage on him, E1 and always hold E2 till after he dashes, never before. You do not need to hit your E on him to kill him, so just use it as a tool to stop him from dashing away from you. Matchup after 6 becomes pretty easy.
This matchup is heavily dependant on how you can dodge Morde's Qs and Es. If you can, it becomes playable, if not, this matchup becomes "Major" difficulty.
I recommend getting flash ignite and going Lethal Tempo + Bork + shieldbow + wit's end. You can get Wit's end second if they have heavy AP.
Punish early.
After he gets level 6 + armor item, you always need to kite his wither and then re-engage when you're not withered. If you fight while you're withered, you will lose.
You get outscaled so don't bother to try to kill him in sidelane unless you're insanely ahead. Instead, look to teamfight.
He'll autoshove into you, you can use your Q on minions to try to get out of his fear range then re-engage. After level 6-ish + recall, you just outstat him in an all-in.
Run ignite.
Punish him hard when he misses long range Q.
Kite his R when he uses it instead of looking for a fight.
Get Demolish, scale up, get 10CS/M and play the economy game. You can easily land an E on him because whenever you engage on him, he will either E the wall you're next to or E away, and it's very scripted.
You win after 6 because you effectively have an ultimate in the fight and he doesn't. You can win before, but you need to get passive stacks and hit E, and pantheon easily pokes you out early game if you screw up.
I've had varying level of success with this matchup, running ignite + LT trying to cheese, or looking to scale up safely to 2 items (don't get shieldbow into him). My best advice:
Maintain HP, all in and don't back off unless you can bait his R for free. The only fight you can win is an extended fight since he will outsustain you in lane and win in short trades due to his W.
Play safe till level 3. Get level 3, Hit E, right click to death.
You win level 1 if you can approach wave from river and q 3 minions without her zoning you off.
You want to start fights with stacked passive, W at the start of the fight to reduce the damage of Q1-AA-Q2-AA or W predict her W-Q3.
You want to always press E1, and hold onto E2 and make her spend time/thought/hold abilities trying to dodge it and you'll win fights pretty easily versus her.
Play safe. Never fight in minion wave unless he blows abilities. You can easily all in him if he approaches you after level 6 with no wave, and he can't R you to reach a wave for E-W.
You outscale at Bork.
If you're really good at predicting, you can play this matchup aggressively but the only way to consistently win versus a good Sett is to take aggressive runes + ignite and E when Es you, that way, he can't get his W off on you while you're stunned and you can dodge it by Q-ing on him.
You outscale at 1 item, he can be a little annoying early if his Q goes through you or with small Q grasp procs + shield, but after you get BORK, it's unplayable for him and you can safely cancel his R.
Punish early since she's weak pre-6.
Don't start fights after level 6 with your R, fight with your E, if she R's out, then you just walk away, if she R's in, then you can R and choose to fight her.
Generally, try to go in on her when she uses her E/W and punish one of those 2 cooldowns.
You can snowball early versus him, if you ever hit E, it's a oneshot, but if you don't manage to get an early lead, he will outstat you for a long duration of the game where you won't be able to do enough damage to kill him and he'll just perma run away.
Pretty easy matchup. Stack passive, Press E1 then hold E2 for when he starts Q. If you're going to get hit by his R or charged Q, W it. Buy any sort of pen like black cleaver or divine sunderer, etc... unless you're really ahead.
Play with stacked passive, press E1 and when Sylas hits you with E2 you can E yourself to get a free stun. Trying to hit Sylas with E unless you predict if he dodges left or right is hard. But, you can just hit him with R and kill him without landing E.
Doran Shield, Second wind. Don't lose hp early and give cs.
4 Stack passive. Q on him. Kill him. R makes it easier.
Tough matchup, try to only trade when you're closer to your turret, and use your longer AA range to trade with him. If you don't get any trades like this with your AA or with E then it's very hard to kill him.
After 6, you have to bait his R then Q away and re-engage when his R is down.
Get Lethal Tempo, and cheese summoner spells for lane (exhaust, ignite). Hard trade level 1 with stacked passive and always look for long trades early game with your fighting summs advantage.
Even if you're ahead in this matchup, you're forced to build armor. Frozen Heart second/third is very good versus him.
Stack passive, prep a minion to Q to, walk up, he'll try to E you, and then you can Q to the minion you prepped.
Or, you can just E yourself before you walk up, and when he E-s you, you E2 yourself and charge W. If that happens, you're most likely going to win the trade if he hasn't poked you out earlier.
Doran Shield. Second Wind. Don't take too much early damage and give minions. Q on him to engage, you don't need to hit E on him to win. Press E1 after you Q on him and always hold your E2 until after she presses her Q.
Stack passive, go on him, you basically win all fights if you start with stacked passive.
Stack passive, go on him, E1, never E2 and spam auto attacks. EIther vlad will get damaged so much by not pooling or if he pools early, you can look to E2 him after he gets out of his pool.
Matchup tricks: 1. When Volibear looks to Q on you, you need to buffer your Q into his Q. If you do that, he will miss his E on you most likely.
Trick 2: You need to always have a minion prepped after level 6 so you can Q to it after volibear tries to hit you with R.
Trick 3: When Volibear trades with you, fight for 3 seconds then run away to drop his W and re-engage after his W mark is done.
Stay under tower. Don't fight. Scale. He's always stronger in 1v1. Just play for teamfights.
You need to take extended trades to win vs wukoong, you lose short trades. You need to play with your sustain, since you outsustain him with vamp sep. Start fight with R and hold E till after he presses W.
Only fight with stacked passive. Early game, if he windwalls your E, you only win if you dodge one or more of his Qs. After level 6, you need to E him, bait his windwall, and then R him after his windwall is done. Take care that he doesn't E through you or on your minions to dodge it.
Stack passive. Hold E since he will always try to dodge your E with his E. If you want to hit R, you always have to hit E first or he can look to dodge your R with his E. You win pretty hard against him if you hit E or R or if you dodge his Qs.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia since you can very easily E-Q-Q while the enemy is still CCed
If your jungle is playing engage, Lulu helps you survive and gives you so much free stats that you can just win fights for free. Huge survival stats + auto attack speed steroid.
It's the cat.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia.
You can always force a late invade with sejunai, and you can instant proc her stacked passive autoattacks. Good early skirmish + good invade + good hovering in the side lane + good team fighting.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia since you can very easily E-Q-Q while the enemy is still CCed
If your jungle is playing engage, Lulu helps you survive and gives you so much free stats that you can just win fights for free. Huge survival stats + auto attack speed steroid.
It's the cat.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia.
All short range CC supports that you can easily follow their engage, work well with Irelia.
You can always force a late invade with sejunai, and you can instant proc her stacked passive autoattacks. Good early skirmish + good invade + good hovering in the side lane + good team fighting.
I've written 10 thousand words about different Irelia matchups and that's where the meat of the guide is. Before any game, look at the notes for each matchup + the correct item set + runeset.
If you have any questions, come over to the Discord or Stream and ask. I'm always more than happy to help someone improve and become a better version of themselves.
Hey guys, my name is Sad and I'm a GrandMaster top laner. I've been able to hit GM while OTPing Fiora in season 11, and 3rd most played Irelia in season 12.
I've also hit Rank 6 on Irelia (even though those websites don't count for that much since I'm mechanically bad on Irelia so I have to compensate with matchup knowledge)
I've played a lot of different styles of top lane, the weakside low economy tank top lanes, the resource blackholes selfish solo-carry top laners and eveything in between. I've also played a lot of Irelia's best and worst matchups from both sides and found ways for counterplay from both sides, giving me a unique insight into some matchups you might find to be unlosable or unwinnable.
This is my LolPros if you ever want to see how I'm doing in Soloq
Irelia's Fantasy
Irelia's fantasy is built around a few things
1. Heavy outplay potential against multiple enemies
2. Kiting your enemies with your movement, essentially dancing around them, and getting rewarded for breaking your Q button.
3. An insanely strong mid-late game champion that can outplay opponents and rip through enemies in a teamfight.
4. A side laner that forces the enemy team to send at least 2 or more people to deal with her or she'll just kill the enemy sidelaner.
5. An early skirmisher that can easily snowball if played well
High skill ceiling
1. No matchup is ever truly unwinnable or unplayable
2. You can cheese a lot of kills early even though you're a scaling champion
3. You're good in skirmishes
4. You're good in splitpush
5. You have a very high skill ceiling
6. You're always useful even when behind compared to other champions
7. You're a tankbuster that can always shred frontline.
8. You have insane healing
9. You have insane outplay potential
1. You're very weak into hard CC since you need to AA/Q to heal.
2. You're very weak into poke
3. You can never 5v5 teamfight pre 3-4 items unless you have good engage.
4. Due to your outplay potential, it's hard to consistently judge the outcome of a fight
5. You need to constantly relearn matchups since the higher you climb and the better your opponent becomes, the more differently you're forced to play the matchup to win it.
1. Know this fact: You can only splitpush. Teamfighting on Irelia, unless you have good engage that you can follow up on, is very difficult. I would not recommend teamfighting on Irelia unless you have 3 items. Keep sidelaning till you get your third item and then you can teamfight.
2. Look at the matchup notes for each champion so you can easily get the quick rundown on how to play the matchup.
3. Play the correct runeset/items according to the matchup.
4. Come ask me questions on stream about how you can improve your gameplay/play better around various different matchups/ lane rotations/ macro, etc... I'm more than happy to answer your questions whenever and however many questions you have.
Hop onto Discord and ask me whatever you want.
At the end of the day, nothing can beat watching and asking questions of someone who plays the champion at a high level.
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