Beats you early. If you can play safe you begin to edge him a bit. Not enough to kill. But enough to go even in cs or at worse down 15 cs. Look to go agro once you get 35 ap in items. You will have the poke advantage. The poke advantage will slowly slip away and it will become a farm lane. That he controls for the most part. Its hard to dominate this lane but easy to go even. So that's your job go even. DODGE HIS ABLITIES!
This is a huge Farm lane hard to kill her she has 4 dashes. Look to go even while maintaining vision in dragon river.
Farm Lane Hard to kill has a smoke Screen and a super far ult dash. Don't be greedy miss a few minions in the beginning of the game if you have to. Don't let her poke you down to much for free.
Very Simple Lane. Make sure to push him in constantly and make it hard for him to roam. Set up vision in dragon river. W him whenever he is trying to push. This will cause him to have even less time to roam. Hes Easy to kill if jungler comes. Your W destroys him.
Farm lane. Very annoying lane all she does is push and she out scales you. Try to keep vision and look for Roams when you can.
Easy Lane Push her in and make her Cry and spam ping her jungler while you harass her under tower. She has low wave clear :)
Aurelion Sol
Farm Lane he pretty tranky too. Farm and look for roams. You out push him in the beginning.
Farm Lane but he has the edge. Try to Push in waves while poking him. Slow him to make him slow at pushing. Look for roams. Keep vision in Dragon River.
Push Him in and make him Cry.
She does a lot of Dmg. Just go even, while keep up vision in river. Poke her while clearing wave. Look for Roams if you get chance. Slow her so she can't match your push speed.
Slow him then burn him. Rinse and repeat. Might not kill him but you should win this lane.
Focus on Cs and poking her while you can. Try as mush to make her life hell b4 she gets her first item. After she gets Divine sunder, its going to be tuff
he has great sustain. So its a farm lane still try to poke him him the opportunity arises. Rember if he misses CS his sustain falls dramatically. Pray for him to build HeartSteel so your laundries can eat him up.
Hard early hes gonna try to show his dominace dont fold and try your best to CS. You should slowly poke him out of lane eventually. Make sure to spam w on him.
She does lots of dmg and has a sheild look to w her and slowly poke her down. Watch out for her all ins.
Dr. Mundo
Hes Strong but our W make him manageable his magic shield doesn't stop it. And he usually always go Heartsteel. Aka, liandries burn him up.
Your W shuts him down. Watch out for cleanse. Draven's love taking it to counter your w. Keep track of its Cool down.
He has a lot of wave clear. But yours is better early game. Look to get poke while you clear the minions if the opportunity arises. He might try to go in front of the minions to stop you from clearing if he does this use the e and just poke him. He can't do this for long and will have no choice but to back off. Be patient it's okay to miss some minions if he does this. Don't trade your hp for minions.
Watch out for her Ganks she has a lot of burst damage and a long stun. Just ward river and play the lane near your vision.
Cant really ward for her properly just play safe and focus on cs. Be patient and try not to force plays. Evelynn will kill you if you play to aggressive.
Your W ruins adc's not Ezreal as much since he isn't as reliant on auto attacks but it's still effective.
Ward for this man. If he gets on top of you its most likely over. WARDDDDDDD!!!!!
This champ is op. Her dash is the same range as your wither. So, look to poke her with your e at max range. You should be able to get a few w's when she's distracted though.
Poke max range with e. Slow him when you can. His all in is very strong.
Nobody really plays him. But he's tanky so it's a little hard to get him out of lane. But he can't really get to you. So just push lane and poke him when the opportunity arises.
He can cleanse your w with his orange. Which make things tuff. His late game is insane and his wave clear. Just play safe and punish him when you can. Be patient in this lane.
He has a lot of healing from his passive. If he also goes Doren shield it's going to be tuff to get him out of lane. Save your w for when he q's so he can't cleanse your w. You may not kill him, but you should have a cs lead.
Your w eats this guy. Push lane and poke him under tower.
Don't fall for the r into his tower chesse. His healing from his passive makes him tuff but you should still win lane with a cs lead.
just W him he has a lot of dmg but no cc so its hard for him to gank you without setup from his laners.
Poke her out of lane watch out for her all ins. she is brain dead champ with big damage..
Yor w counters him. But he's still strong if he gets on top of you.
Try to poke him and his turrets when you can. He has the tendency to turn gets around with his ult be careful ganking him.
Dodge his soul steal ability and you should be good try to poke him out! Careful ganking him. He will turn it around if you play sloppy. DODGE TENCALES that how he heals.
Don't stand next to your minions and allow her to get a free dash towards you. Dodge her stun and push wave and poke her under tower. She has insane dmg you still must be careful.
Just ward. Nobody really plays this champ
your slow is perfect for Bel helps her hit her knock up
your slow is perfect for Bel helps her hit her knock up
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