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Vi Build Guide by PlayerWhatever

Jungle [13.13] Vi full atack speed, the SHREDDER! (updating)

Jungle [13.13] Vi full atack speed, the SHREDDER! (updating)

Updated on July 10, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PlayerWhatever Build Guide By PlayerWhatever 27 2 84,799 Views 5 Comments
27 2 84,799 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PlayerWhatever Vi Build Guide By PlayerWhatever Updated on July 10, 2023
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Runes: Risky, risky, you are thirsy!

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand


+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[13.13] Vi full atack speed, the SHREDDER! (updating)

By PlayerWhatever
Hello! This build is bought to you by PlayerWhatever, a troll EUW player that likes to do off-meta stuff, like Teemo jungle, for instance!
You shouldn't take this guide seriously: dont use it to climb in ranked! This is only for fun, but you will be suprised how good it can work.
Your playstyle is like a Master Yi: you farm, you farm, you farm, but here is the twist: because you have CC, you can gank! YEY :DDDDD
You are supposed to kill everything that stands in your way, and usually those are tanks and fighters, but anything will be shredded by your insane atack speed and W. You can solo Baron and Drakes, you are insane!!!
With the new Lethal Tempo being OP as hell, once you have full stacks of it, its time to say MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!
This is the 1st time I make a guide in this website, I'm open to suggestions and comments! Thank you for your time :D
Lethal Tempo seems to be the main rune of on-hit champs that relly on auto-atacks to deal damage. ON-hit for me is ALWAYS META, wich means Vi full atack-speed against melee champions is super fun and effective. Remember that, once you have guinso, and kraken-slayer or BotRK, you can pretty much 1 vs 1 any tank or fighter (except your counters). With Ravenous Hunter gone and omni-vamp nerfed, its mandatory that you go BoRK. Usually people think this is a troll-build and will lower their guard: well, take advantage of it!
Core items:
Guinsoo's Rageblade It is super cheap and increases a lot your damage. The main reason we do it: you don't have to auto that many times to proc your Denting Blows With it, you usually get the power spike sooner then other enemy champs, so get to work and go for duels or objectives once you get it!

Secundary items:
Wit's End increases your damage BY A LOT! Worth doing even if the enemy team lacks magic damage. Just be careful to not get too much squishy, you must be smart about this buy.

Do you want to be the unstopable 1 vs 1 king? just do more ATACK SPEED. Nobody gets it: atack speed is love, atack speed is life! Wit's End against magicc damage and if you need more damage. Death Dance mandatory in order for you to survive and 1 vs 2,3,4,5... Do you want to kill that Aatrox that's always recovering his entire health bar whenever you are unable to dodge his 3'rd Q? Chempunk. Silvermere for CC. Force of Nature against HEAVY magicc damage comps. Anathema's Chain if there is only 1 champ who is dealing you damage.
Usefull tips
-Don't gank hard-lossing lanes! You will probably get flamed but there is no point suiciding for the enemy team. With this said, dont be a chicken aswell - know your limits!
-You want to get the most money possible in the safest way in the early game, and that is FARMING! But don't forget to gank - find the balance! (Zed disapproves this...)
-You win the game by destroying the enemy Nexus, so dont just focus on your KDA, hit the turrets and other objectives aswell!
-Pay attention to the mini-map and your team pings.
-If you are having a hard time dealing with flamers, mute them and take a deep breath of 10 seconds.
Lvl up W, start red. Go for Krugs and smite, then raptors then wolves then Gromp. After that go Scuttle and: if you can gank a lane, go. Otherwise, finish your blue and go base to get 3 daggers or 2 daggers and boots. Rince and repeat the clear. If you know the jungler isnt near and they dont have vision of Drake, go right when he is up: if you have to flash the wall to avoid the vision from the enemy scuttle shrine, do it! Just get that drake fast! Risky play-style but once you master it and do the right calls accordding to the situations, your chances to win skyrocket!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PlayerWhatever
PlayerWhatever Vi Guide
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[13.13] Vi full atack speed, the SHREDDER! (updating)

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