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Recommended Items
Runes: Main rune page
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Multiple cc that can chain and can deny your ult with his silence if timed correctly
Samiras passive will work with Slows so she pairs nicely when you all in
Samiras passive will work with Slows so she pairs nicely when you all in
Champion Build Guide
Pros and Cons
- Has a slow 👍
- good early dmg
- Sustain with Q
- Ult no die yippee
- easily caught early
- needs help engaing
- can be kited
- they can face you like men (no slow)
Main Rune Choices
In this chapter I'll explain the main rune setup for
Tryndamere and how they work
Hail of Blades:Gain 110% Attack Speed when you attack an enemy champion for up to 3 attacks. | No more than 3s can elapse between attacks or this ecceft will end. | Cooldown:12s. | Attack resets increase the attacks limit by 1. | allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit. Going this rune helps with a quick burst since you wont be able to tank enough to pull off Lethal Tempo so we just gotta be happy with what we pull of with Hails of Blades
Sudden Impact:After exiting stealth or using a dash, lea, blink, or teleport, dealing any damage to a champion grants you 9 Lethality and 7 magic Penetration for 5s | Cooldown:4s. Since your Spinning Slash is a dash this Pairs well with your Hails Of Blades Since you mostly want to engage with your E and maximize your damage on the enemy falling to your blade.
Zombie Ward:Takedowns on enemy Wards cause friendly Zombie Wards to sprout from their corpses | Gain an adaptive bonus of 1.2 Attack Damage or 2 ability Power for every Zombie Ward spawned, up to 10 | After spawning 10 Zombie Wards, additionally gain 10 adaptive force. | Zombie Wards are visible, last 120s and do not count towards your ward limit. This Rune will pair nicely with your Umbral Glaive giving you the reward of free vision for doing your support duties!
Treasure Hunter:Gain additional 50 gold the next time you collect a Bounty Hunter stack. Increase the gold gained by 20 gold for each Bounty Hunter stack, up to 130 gold. | Bounty Hunter stacks are eared the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion. We out here to steal kills and carry but to scared to manage our waves so we shall settle with support and carrying there, this rune gives us bonus gold for our Kill Stealing pursuits
Second Wind:After taking damage from an enemy champion, heal for 4% of your missing health +3 over 10s. This helps with sustain and pairs nicely with your Q keeping ya nice and healthy n lane after a bad engage.
Unflinching:Gain 5% Tenacity aand 5% Slow Resist. These values uncrease by up to an additional 20% Tenacity and 20% Slow Resist based on missing health. Maximum value achieve at 30% health. this rune will help you bait hp and when you want to ult, can also help when you need to get out having more slow resist(very nice when a good amount of supports take Glacial)
Main Rune
Hail of Blades:Gain 110% Attack Speed when you attack an enemy champion for up to 3 attacks. | No more than 3s can elapse between attacks or this ecceft will end. | Cooldown:12s. | Attack resets increase the attacks limit by 1. | allows you to temporarily exceed the attack speed limit. Going this rune helps with a quick burst since you wont be able to tank enough to pull off Lethal Tempo so we just gotta be happy with what we pull of with Hails of Blades
Sudden Impact:After exiting stealth or using a dash, lea, blink, or teleport, dealing any damage to a champion grants you 9 Lethality and 7 magic Penetration for 5s | Cooldown:4s. Since your Spinning Slash is a dash this Pairs well with your Hails Of Blades Since you mostly want to engage with your E and maximize your damage on the enemy falling to your blade.
Zombie Ward:Takedowns on enemy Wards cause friendly Zombie Wards to sprout from their corpses | Gain an adaptive bonus of 1.2 Attack Damage or 2 ability Power for every Zombie Ward spawned, up to 10 | After spawning 10 Zombie Wards, additionally gain 10 adaptive force. | Zombie Wards are visible, last 120s and do not count towards your ward limit. This Rune will pair nicely with your Umbral Glaive giving you the reward of free vision for doing your support duties!
Treasure Hunter:Gain additional 50 gold the next time you collect a Bounty Hunter stack. Increase the gold gained by 20 gold for each Bounty Hunter stack, up to 130 gold. | Bounty Hunter stacks are eared the first time you get a takedown on each enemy champion. We out here to steal kills and carry but to scared to manage our waves so we shall settle with support and carrying there, this rune gives us bonus gold for our Kill Stealing pursuits
Secondary rune
Second Wind:After taking damage from an enemy champion, heal for 4% of your missing health +3 over 10s. This helps with sustain and pairs nicely with your Q keeping ya nice and healthy n lane after a bad engage.
Unflinching:Gain 5% Tenacity aand 5% Slow Resist. These values uncrease by up to an additional 20% Tenacity and 20% Slow Resist based on missing health. Maximum value achieve at 30% health. this rune will help you bait hp and when you want to ult, can also help when you need to get out having more slow resist(very nice when a good amount of supports take Glacial)
Summoner Spells
Flash:Teleports your champion a short distance towards your cursor's location. | Cooldowm:300 seconds Flash is used in pretty much every game and theres no reason to stop now. Helps with getting out of sticky situations or engaging on a certain kill / trading flash for flash.
Ghost:Your champion can move throuhg units and gains 24 - 48% Move Speed (depending on champion level) for 15 seconds. | Cooldown:210 seconds. This helps you catch up to enemies faster without having to use flash, but usually shouldnt be taken unless you know you'll win lane. Since you are support you gotta make sure to support!
Exhaust:Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their Move Speed by 30%, and their damage dealth by 35% for 3 seconds. | Cooldon:210 seconds.This helps you catch up with enemies if you want to use it aggresivly but usually is a good tool to help peel for your adc
Ignite:ignites target enemy champion, dealing 70-410 true damage (depending on the champion level) over 5 seconds, grants vision of the target, and reduces healing effect on them for the duration. | Cooldown:180 seconds. With the enemy adc usually going Heal this helps negate that and can also be a way to secure kills once they are out of your range.
Ghost:Your champion can move throuhg units and gains 24 - 48% Move Speed (depending on champion level) for 15 seconds. | Cooldown:210 seconds. This helps you catch up to enemies faster without having to use flash, but usually shouldnt be taken unless you know you'll win lane. Since you are support you gotta make sure to support!
Exhaust:Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their Move Speed by 30%, and their damage dealth by 35% for 3 seconds. | Cooldon:210 seconds.This helps you catch up with enemies if you want to use it aggresivly but usually is a good tool to help peel for your adc
Ignite:ignites target enemy champion, dealing 70-410 true damage (depending on the champion level) over 5 seconds, grants vision of the target, and reduces healing effect on them for the duration. | Cooldown:180 seconds. With the enemy adc usually going Heal this helps negate that and can also be a way to secure kills once they are out of your range.
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