Be careful Akshan poke lvl 1-3 he can chunk half of your hp usually play for minions don't walk up to far without shroud or E because he will punish you, you can only walk up if you have shroud or E up.
Ahri is mostly a skill matchup but a little favored towards Ahri because she's ranged its mostly Ahri favored until lvls 4-6 and then Akali can actually start playing the lane. Just watch out for charm when all inning this champ because it can cancel your E or mess up your combo.
Can easily trade with anivia her poke early game isn't that bad so you can go for early game trades and pokes. Just be wary of her Q's because Q and E will do a bit of damage to you. You can usually avoid getting chunked by just using Shroud to not get hit by Anivia Q or use E to dodge it.
Doesn't have much range so trades and pokes are easily doable cause her Q W range is very similar to your Q range so can easily trade with her, just be wary of her lvl 6 where she can just R you and do half your hp and force you out of lane.
Aurelion Sol
Pretty easy matchup just be wary of his lvl 1 ability if he takes E lvl 1 can easily abuse him but if he takes Q lv 1 respect his lvl 1 because he will punish you if you walk up and try to trade with him. Usually just all in him at lvl 6 and if he stands still to Q you just throw an E at him and wait for his Q to run out to press E again.
Azir lane is very tough if the Azir is good at spacing, just be mindful of where Azir places his soldier and how you position yourself against him. can go for early game pokes lv 1 because all he has is the ability to put two soldiers down but after that respect his range unless he randomly just walks ups too far. Can usually all in if his ulti is down but can't kill if its not down.
Very easy lane, just respect her lvl 2 all in because if she hits you with a Q she will just spam E's on you until you die. We can usually avoid this by hiding in shroud if we get hit by a Q. Trade is very simple because her range is very tiny her E range is very short so if she goes for E's you can go for Q's.
Very boring lane just a farm lane until lvl 6 and then you can all in him, not much to really be afraid of his unless you struggle with his poke.
Very easy lane for Akali, always go for early game trades try to abuse him as much as possible because all he wants to do is just farm and scale for mid late game. If he does try to hit you with his E you can time his E with your E and hit him as he dashes to you.
Skill matchup but kind of Akali favored early because you can poke him very easily early, just watch out for his E W Q poke. You can dodge his E with your E and if you time it correctly you can hit him with your E at the same time he is coming out of his E. Just keep a note that Fizz ulti does reveal you in shroud.
Can play very aggressive early game just be wary of his Taunt into Knock up combo. Just try to bully him as much as possible early game, you can also E his E if you time it correctly.
Pretty skill matchup this lane is very dependent on your shroud to fight her everytime. Irelia is pretty annoying to deal with early just respect her lvl 2 all in and wait till you have shroud so that you can start trading with her, if you dodge her E, you can basically just all in her.
Very annoying matchup has really good poke and very annoying to deal with. Just survive in this lane and scale, can go for short trades with jayce only if he has just switched to ranged form because he can easily punish you in hammer form. Short trades is your best friend in this matchup.
Bully this man, don't let him farm, need to make him lose as many resources as he can, if he ults in on wave lvl 6 you can usually look for all ins.
Handshake lane pretty boring lane, no one should die in this lane if both players are good. Akali always wins the 1v1 though because she has the better kit, but this lane is basically who can roam better.
This champ is pretty monstrous to play against, now that she can build statik she can perma shove you in and poke you at the same time so I usually perma ban this champ but if you want to play against this just know that you will suffer until lvl 6 and try to all in her by dodging her chains.
This is just a farm lane you can't really get kill potential on lissandra unless she messes up and wastes either her E or just takes too much damage for no reason. Respect her poke and don't stand near minions because her Q spreads. When all inning make a note of if shes has her r up or not.
Very annoying wave clear champ you can usually just run her down at lvl 6 just wait for her to use her one cc spell and then shes just dead for over extending. Survive her poke until you can get lvl 6.
Bully this champ so hard, zone him from wave, make his life miserable. Take dshield and second wind for sustain because you will be trading with him a lot in this lane. The only times you want to all in him is if hes over extending and his team is nowhere near by so it doesnt matter if he presses R on you or not.
Poke heavy champ, just becareful of her E root because if you stand behind minions and it hits a minion before it hits you then the root is extending just be respectful of neeko range and you can usually all in her at lvl 6 when she wastes her root just use your E to dodge her ulti when she panic ults as you ult in.
Poke heavy champ just be respectful of her early game poke, can usually run her down at lvl 6 if you dodge her ulti, can use your E or ulti or you can just flash it. But just survive lane until you can run her down.
Very lane bully opponent, be respectful of his lvl 2 because he will just W auto Q and half of your hp will be gone. can usually trade with him if you have shroud up because if you shroud his W he won't be able to auto you. When looking for All ins make sure that you bait his E before doing all your damage at once because his E is what helps him outplay you.
Skill matchup you can abuse her early pre 3 and have prio, just becareful of her lvl 6 all in because she will try to widde you down to 70-80% hp and then all in you with her combo which kills you. Just try to trade and poke with her as much as you can early because she doesn't have much damage in the early game another thing to note is that your E reveals her in her bush Q
Ryze poke is actually very obnoxious early because he will just spam W's and E's on you just respect his poke even though he seems bad the champ is actually good into yours. You can usually run him down at lvl 6 if you hit all your abilities.
Skill matchup a thing you can do against sylas is that if sylas decides to take a lvl 1 trade you can just auto q auto auto him just go for these auto trades lvl 1 don't be afraid and just run at him if he runs at you.
respect her early game poke just like any other control mage champ respect her poke and survive until lvl 6 and then you can run her down at lvl 6 just wait for her to waste her E ability and run at her.
Pretty poke heavy champ just respect her poke early but can trade with her easily cause she's not that strong also can run her down at lvl 6 just make sure that when you go in her E is down or she doesn't expect you to ult her.
Talon matchup is kind of like kat matchup where you just farm lane and whoever roams better wins, if Talon decides to fight you make sure that you dodge both of his W's but if you dont use shroud to deny him his third passive stack or E it. Can all in him just make sure you hit E on him to reveal him in his R and use all other abilities first before recasting your E.
This is very annoying matchup pretty hard to lane vs her because she can just run you down with autos and if you try to trade with her you mostly lose every trade if she spaces you correctly. Just respect her lvls 1-5 and you can run her down at lvl 6 if she wastes her E ability on a minion or tower.
Twisted Fate
Pretty easy matchup you can abuse him early until he gets items. Nothing to be afraid of TF besides his gold card and his ulti but early game TF doesn't have any dmg so don't be afraid to just get up all in his face. Becareful about all inning tf mid game because he will just press R and gold card you and his team will one shot you.
Can usually bully him if you see him going for Q stacks, pretty annoying matchup but his range is pretty large now so just respect that and you can either just bait his cage and get free trades off or wait till lvl 6 and bait his cage then all in him.
One of Akali's worst matchups just be mindful of her fearbar when going for trades you always wanna make sure you're going for trades when its down because she will always win the trade if she fears you. Can usually run her down at lvl 6 after she wastes her fear just keep a note that vex R can reveal you in shroud.
Viktor is just ran down at lvl 6 so just survive his poke because he doesnt have any cc ability so you can just run him down after surviving his poke.
Battle of sustain go for long trades vs vladimir early because his Cds are on a very long cool down. If you struggle with vladimir can buy oblivion orb first item but can look for solo kills if he wastes pools same with trades.
Same matchup as lux just survive his poke and wait for him to waste his E and thats when you poke or trade with him. Lvl 6 is the same thing wait for him to randomy throw his E and just all in him.
Skill matchup its yasuo favored early game until you hit lv 6 because his windwall counters half your kit and he can just deny you so much damage. Also his flow shield early makes it hard to trade with him. Just survive with him early and you can all in him.
Easier than yasuo you can usually abuse him hard early game because he doesnt have what yasuo has and is pretty vulnerable to early trades against akali, just hard bully him early and you winlane just be mindful of his E Q can E his E Q.
Very skill matchup just respect his early game poke from his shadow but play aggressive early lvl 1s-2 because he can't really trade back hard with you but when his shadow is down you can easily trade with him and poke him. LVL 6 all ins make sure his shadow is down when you want to all in him.
Zoe poke is also very obnoxious just survive poke until lvl 6 and which you can run her down. Just stand behind minions early game to avoid her poke but dont stand too close to minions because it does Aoe and minions also help you dodge sleep. LV 6 all in just dodge her E and you win the all in.
CC is good for assassins in general but the only thing that sucks is that double ap you and elise.
Jarvan IV
Very strong helps you setup your E's and is good in teamfights with you.
Xin Zhao
Good setup can help you land E's
You can help sejuani proc her E stun cause you're melee.
CC is good for assassins in general but the only thing that sucks is that double ap you and elise.
Jarvan IV
Very strong helps you setup your E's and is good in teamfights with you.
Xin Zhao
Good setup can help you land E's
You can help sejuani proc her E stun cause you're melee.
I am a challenger Akali one trick I hit challenger in S12 920 lp and s13 last split 960 lp on the NA server. I want to help people improve on their Akali gameplay so if you want some tips on improvement check out this guide.
If you guys want more information about matchups I also have a youtube guide explaining matchups
So conqueror is usually better for extended trades long fights etc, usually is the better rune to take. Helps in teamfights and lets you get a few extra Q's off because of presence of mind rune. Conqueror just provides more damage overtime and is pretty easy to stack so you don't have to worry about how to stack it. Also conq is just the better rune overall because of how much damage it provides.
electrocute is good into squishy matchups not really good for extended fights or trades really only take electrocute if you want to play for lane and snowball hard to help team. Electrocute is very good for lvl 1 trades now that lvl 1 Q is only 110 energy so it allows more early pressure and short trade potential.
Early game items
Doran Shield good into poke matchups, or matchups you want sustain in.
Dorans Ring Usually go Doran's ring when you're confident and want to play aggressively, only take Doran's ring if you aren't afraid of missing sustain from Doran's shield.
Dark seal is only taken if you are very confident that you are going to win lane and can solo kill your important, but it is usually very greedy to take.
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