If it's possible, ask your jungler to start top side so you don't have to leash as Alistar isn't a champion at level 1 and it's very helpful to get some poke down. After level 2 play in front of your ADC so his only option is to go for you and be prepared to Q his engage. Be mindful of his Phase Rush + Hexflash combo over walls or from bushes, not just in laning phase but also later on for teamfight flanks.
Don't stand next to minions in lane, he can stun you with Q. Teamfighting in choke points gives him an opportunity to catch multiple people with R, so try to avoid it.
Poke as much as you can early and whenever he misses his hook, because that's a 20 second window where he can't do anything. Stay behind minions to avoid his Q.
He mostly pokes with W, which has a big cast time and is easy to dodge. If he uses anything on you, avoid his Q at all costs.
She'll try to Q or R-Q you when you go in for W poke, so expect it and move to the side.
Poke her as much as you can early on. Save your Q and use it when she tries to E (her E passes through minions) you or your bot laner. You'll die if you get hit by her R, so expect it and dodge it at all costs.
Janna's W has a lower CD than Lulu's E, so she won't be able to always shield her bot laner if you manage to use your W whenever it's available. If you're trying to poke her, she will try to E-Q-AA and she will win the trade. You need to keep track of the spacing between you two so that only you can use your W.
Build Mercury's Treads and you'll always be able to dodge her R even if she hits her Q. Her E is fairly easy to dodge if you walk forward or to the side, but not backwards.
Play behind minions to avoid getting hit by her Q. Whenever she misses it, go in for poke. Usually if her Q hits you, you're dead, so avoid at all costs.
She has decent sustain, but if she uses all her mana to heal herself/her ally, she won't be able to poke and stack her Spellthief. Walk forward, not backwards, to avoid her bubbles. If she steps up in lane to poke your ally, shield him. If she steps up in lane to poke you, W her and immediately walk back so that her W doesn't bounce back into her.
Poke as much as you can early, but after that I recommend locking the wave right next to your tower to avoid potential engages. If you crashed the wave into their tower, do not try to autoattack the tower for Spellthief stacks, he can easily hook you in. Avoid his Q at all costs.
Stick to poking his laner rather than poking him, since he heals a lot of it back up. Try to keep the wave locked outside your tower. If you crashed the wave into their tower, do not try to autoattack the tower for Spellthief stacks, he can easily hook you in. You can get hit by his Q, but dodge his E at all costs.
Stand behind minions to deny his Q if you can't otherwise dodge it. Poke freely and just walk forward instead of backwards whenever he tries to W. The only time to be scared of a Rakan is if he has a Xayah ADC, in which case playing more defensively is advised. He will try to flank in teamfights, so ward accordingly.
You can interrupt her W with your Q, so don't waste it in lane for poke, as she will use that opportunity to go in. Alternatively, if your jungler is trying to gank you, bait her to jump on you by wasting your Q.
Renata Glasc
Play behind minions to avoid getting snared. Do not stand in a line with her and your laner or in a line with her and her ally, as that allows her to hit multiple targets with her Q. Ping when she gets level 6 to let your solo lanes know if they go for a 1v1, it might not be a 1v1. You could potentially play with Relic in this match-up to avoid giving her souls.
Her Q is very slow and easy to dodge. Her E slows you if you were previously unaffected by any CC, roots you if you were slowed, stuns you if you were immobilized - but it's also fairly slow and easy to dodge.
Focus either her or her ally, never both of them, as doing that lets her get more use of her W. Abuse her in lane or she'll heavily outscale you.
Bait her Q by walking forward just barely in range and then walking back again. When her Q is on cooldown, poke freely. Ping when she gets level 6 to let your solo lanes know their 1v1 might not be a 1v1.
Hard lane since you can only walk up to poke when E is on cooldown (and it practically has no cooldown). Play on its range to bait it out then poke as much as possible before it comes up again. If you get hit by it you will most likely die, so Flash it if you have to.
Tahm Kench
Treat both him and his ally as the personal punching bags that they are, as there is literally nothing he can do to stop you as long as you stand behind minions to avoid his Q.
Probably unkillable due to his sustain, but keep poking for a fast stacked Spellthief. His stun is telegraphed and should be easy to dodge. Not a very interactive lane overall, you can roam.
Most Thresh players start E level 1, but you can check that by clicking him and searching for the AA magic damage. Always be aware of the spacing between you two to avoid his Flash-E. As long as you're behind minions, he can't hook you, but he might hook a minion and use it as a way to get close to you and flay you back.
Watch out for his Q's in lane and walk up to poke him/his laner while it's on cooldown.
Unlike other AP supports, Vel'Koz scales extremely well because of his true damage passive and will ultimately act as a second mid laner in terms of damage. Getting hit by his Q-R in later stages of the game is usually a quick death, so avoid it at all costs.
She has great sustain and her Q is mostly hard to dodge unless you're between minions or go out of its range. Because of the 3 combat summoner spells, you'll typically need your jungler to abuse her in lane or you'll just get heavily outscaled.
Walk forward instead of backwards to avoid his bombs. There's not much he can do to avoid your poke.
Unless Zyra gets a kill or pokes you out of lane in the first 4-5 levels, she ceases to be a champion and can be disregarded for the remainder of the game. Judging by the way she moves in lane, it's not hard to predict when she's going in to use a skillshot, so dodge accordingly.
He's not the strongest ADC early, but if Janna helps him survive until 4 items, the 200 years of collective champion design experience might just win you the game.
Janna W + Ashe W can easily win you lane without a lot of work and Ashe also scales well.
The same unfortunate affliction that plagues junglers when they see an allied Draven and path top to let him play weakside sadly rears its ugly head for Caitlyn as well. The synergy between Janna and Caitlyn is fine as they can both be lane bullies, but if you happen to get camped by the enemy jg and don't absolutely stomp lane, the enemy bot will probably outscale you.
Do keep in mind that most junglers suffer from the inability to play around him and always let Draven play weakside, which often results in Draven players ragequitting. Not much you can do about it, just felt it was my duty to warn you. Good luck!
Most support players hate Ezreals, but those are usually the ones that play engage champions and are upset when he doesn't follow up. Janna on the other hand is fine just slowly poking the enemies down and Ezreal helps with that. Plus he's a safe champion so he'll be fine if you roam. Pretty solid lane.
Janna likes ADCs that can have lane presence, and Jhin is one of them. He can follow up with W on targets you knock up with Q and is overall pretty nice. It also doesn't hurt that he scales really well.
Janna is great for hypercarries because she can peel for them in late game, so Jinx is no exception.
Kai'sa is overtuned and can do pretty much everything, however, she's usually good with heavy dive comps where she can follow up on her team's engage which is why she prefers supports like Nautilus or Leona. Also she's pretty weak right now.
I hate Kalista and Kalista hates me. Well, maybe not me specifically, but she does prefer engage supports like Thresh.
Janna+Kog don't have insane synergy together.
Lucian is usually looking to win lane and if you go for the Comet rune page it's definitely doable. There are way better ADCs in the meta though.
Miss Fortune
They can both be lane bullies and stomp lane if played well.
Senna ADC is not especially strong.
Sivir perma pushes and allows you to roam freely.
No amazing synergy, but it can be a strong lane as Janna pokes down the enemies freely and Tristana jumps in for the kill.
Twitch is fairly weak in lane and doesn't have incredible synergy with Janna (not the same way he has with Lulu for example). It's harder for you to win lane with him, and you can't really leave him alone while you roam.
She's average with attack speed Varus, but she's strong with lethality Varus, as they can really stomp lane.
Vayne can be a weak ADC in lane, but Janna helps her survive it and get to mid/late game, also keeping her alive in fights so she can 1v9.
They're okay together, but not especially compatible. Janna has a lot of disengage tools, but Xayah can usually do fine on her own with R.
She's okay with Janna because you have a knock-up on Q, but she typically has better synergies with engage supports.
He's not the strongest ADC early, but if Janna helps him survive until 4 items, the 200 years of collective champion design experience might just win you the game.
Janna W + Ashe W can easily win you lane without a lot of work and Ashe also scales well.
The same unfortunate affliction that plagues junglers when they see an allied Draven and path top to let him play weakside sadly rears its ugly head for Caitlyn as well. The synergy between Janna and Caitlyn is fine as they can both be lane bullies, but if you happen to get camped by the enemy jg and don't absolutely stomp lane, the enemy bot will probably outscale you.
Do keep in mind that most junglers suffer from the inability to play around him and always let Draven play weakside, which often results in Draven players ragequitting. Not much you can do about it, just felt it was my duty to warn you. Good luck!
Most support players hate Ezreals, but those are usually the ones that play engage champions and are upset when he doesn't follow up. Janna on the other hand is fine just slowly poking the enemies down and Ezreal helps with that. Plus he's a safe champion so he'll be fine if you roam. Pretty solid lane.
Janna likes ADCs that can have lane presence, and Jhin is one of them. He can follow up with W on targets you knock up with Q and is overall pretty nice. It also doesn't hurt that he scales really well.
Janna is great for hypercarries because she can peel for them in late game, so Jinx is no exception.
Kai'sa is overtuned and can do pretty much everything, however, she's usually good with heavy dive comps where she can follow up on her team's engage which is why she prefers supports like Nautilus or Leona. Also she's pretty weak right now.
I hate Kalista and Kalista hates me. Well, maybe not me specifically, but she does prefer engage supports like Thresh.
Janna+Kog don't have insane synergy together.
Lucian is usually looking to win lane and if you go for the Comet rune page it's definitely doable. There are way better ADCs in the meta though.
Miss Fortune
They can both be lane bullies and stomp lane if played well.
Senna ADC is not especially strong.
Sivir perma pushes and allows you to roam freely.
No amazing synergy, but it can be a strong lane as Janna pokes down the enemies freely and Tristana jumps in for the kill.
Twitch is fairly weak in lane and doesn't have incredible synergy with Janna (not the same way he has with Lulu for example). It's harder for you to win lane with him, and you can't really leave him alone while you roam.
She's average with attack speed Varus, but she's strong with lethality Varus, as they can really stomp lane.
Vayne can be a weak ADC in lane, but Janna helps her survive it and get to mid/late game, also keeping her alive in fights so she can 1v9.
They're okay together, but not especially compatible. Janna has a lot of disengage tools, but Xayah can usually do fine on her own with R.
She's okay with Janna because you have a knock-up on Q, but she typically has better synergies with engage supports.
Hiii, I'm Anca and I used to be a Lux otp before swapping to support and one-tricking Janna to Challenger in S10, so it made sense to make a guide about her.
I'm not really a Janna otp anymore either, but I do still often play her when I stream, so if you have any questions whatsoever or you're looking for educational content, please drop by!
This guide focuses on things specific to Janna, like match-ups, how to build, abilities etc, however if you're looking for more in-depth information that pertains to the support role in general (roaming, laning phase, vision, mid and late game + anything and everything else that applies to all supports), this guide is probably the one you're looking for.
You can use Tailwind to either stay in front of your bot laner as you both walk to lane and offer him bonus movement speed, or as a way to help allies run away from a fight faster.
Janna's Q is a very powerful CC ability. A fully charged tornado can take enemies by surprise both in and out of lane, but you can also Flash- Howling Gale and release it immediately to give your opponents almost no time to react. Alternatively, it's a great interrupting tool as it stops a lot of abilities in the game (ex: dashes such as Leona's Zenith Blade, Jarvan IV's E-Q, Lee Sin's Resonating Strike or channels such as Katarina's Death Lotus). Before teamfights it's a good idea to ask yourself which abilities you're able to stop with your Q and use it accordingly. If you're getting chased, cast your Q in the direction you're running to instead of towards the enemy that's behind you, that way even if they try to Flash you can still release it and knock them up. Unless you need to hold on to it in lane to deny potential engages (ex: vs. Leona, Alistar etc), Janna's Q is a good poking ability.
Good for trading in lane. Can be used while chasing down enemies to slow them for your team to catch up or, in the reverse situation, slow enemies trying to chase your team down. You lose your bonus movement speed and ability to move through units when this is on cooldown.
Straight-forward ability. You can use it to save or buff up your teammates. Can also be used on towers. If an enemy died after taking at least one tower hit from a tower you've shielded, you will get an assist (or a kill, if there was no other teammate dealing damage to the enemy). Whenever Janna's abilities slow or knock up at least one enemy champion, she gains +20% heal and shield power for 5 seconds.
Janna's R can be used in a multitude of ways. Whenever you fight and your Eye of the Storm is not enough to save an ally, you can try saving them with your R, you can use it as an interrupt on channels or dashes, or even just use it to knock back opponents that flashed onto your carry. You can also use it to knock back enemies chasing you or in lane if both you and your carry are low and he needs to stay for a couple more waves to get his item.
Moonstone Renewer
Standard purchase, good for drawn out fights and sustain all around.
Definitely a good buy if you have an AP carry bot laner/any strong AP carry in general on your team.
Vigilant Wardstone
As your last item, buy Watchful Wardstone. It will automatically turn into Vigilant Wardstone once you've completed your support quest and reached level 13.
Mejai's Soulstealer
If I'm ever in base and am left with 350g, I'll get a Dark Seal. If I get 8-10 stacks on it, I'll upgrade it to a Mejai's Soulstealer.
Mostly I'll only ever buy Plated Steelcaps (and it will be a rush buy in that case) when the enemies have an early roaming AD mid laner (ex: Talon) and an early ganking AD jungler (ex: Lee Sin, Jarvan IV) or if the enemies are simply all AD.
Note: can also be a good idea to rush if you want to put your local Draven player on suicide watch.
Control Wards count towards a support's full build. You should always have a designated slot for Control Wards and use them appropriately (on river for pressure early/mid game, bushes around bot lane to dissuade gank attempts, around objectives mid/late game).
Elixir of Iron
Good buy when full build or when an important fight is about to break out (ex: for Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon).
That's about it for Janna, but if you're looking for more, don't forget to check out my in-depth general support guide that goes over things like warding, laning phase, mid/late game, decision making and basically everything that you can possibly need.
As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to:
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