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Janna Build Guide by eiensiei

Support [13.7] eiensiei's guide to Janna | Support

Support [13.7] eiensiei's guide to Janna | Support

Updated on April 10, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author eiensiei Build Guide By eiensiei 772 39 1,400,320 Views 86 Comments
772 39 1,400,320 Views 86 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author eiensiei Janna Build Guide By eiensiei Updated on April 10, 2023
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Runes: Glacial

Glacial Augment
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Cosmic Insight


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Ability Order Q > E > W into E max

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hiii, I'm Anca and I used to be a Lux otp before swapping to support and one-tricking Janna to Challenger in S10, so it made sense to make a guide about her.

I'm not really a Janna otp anymore either, but I do still often play her when I stream, so if you have any questions whatsoever or you're looking for educational content, please drop by!

This guide focuses on things specific to Janna, like match-ups, how to build, abilities etc, however if you're looking for more in-depth information that pertains to the support role in general (roaming, laning phase, vision, mid and late game + anything and everything else that applies to all supports), this guide is probably the one you're looking for.
Table of contents
  You can use Tailwind to either stay in front of your bot laner as you both walk to lane and offer him bonus movement speed, or as a way to help allies run away from a fight faster.
  Janna's Q is a very powerful CC ability. A fully charged tornado can take enemies by surprise both in and out of lane, but you can also Flash- Howling Gale and release it immediately to give your opponents almost no time to react. Alternatively, it's a great interrupting tool as it stops a lot of abilities in the game (ex: dashes such as Leona's Zenith Blade, Jarvan IV's E-Q, Lee Sin's Resonating Strike or channels such as Katarina's Death Lotus). Before teamfights it's a good idea to ask yourself which abilities you're able to stop with your Q and use it accordingly. If you're getting chased, cast your Q in the direction you're running to instead of towards the enemy that's behind you, that way even if they try to Flash you can still release it and knock them up. Unless you need to hold on to it in lane to deny potential engages (ex: vs. Leona, Alistar etc), Janna's Q is a good poking ability.
  Good for trading in lane. Can be used while chasing down enemies to slow them for your team to catch up or, in the reverse situation, slow enemies trying to chase your team down. You lose your bonus movement speed and ability to move through units when this is on cooldown.
  Straight-forward ability. You can use it to save or buff up your teammates. Can also be used on towers. If an enemy died after taking at least one tower hit from a tower you've shielded, you will get an assist (or a kill, if there was no other teammate dealing damage to the enemy). Whenever Janna's abilities slow or knock up at least one enemy champion, she gains +20% heal and shield power for 5 seconds.
  Janna's R can be used in a multitude of ways. Whenever you fight and your Eye of the Storm is not enough to save an ally, you can try saving them with your R, you can use it as an interrupt on channels or dashes, or even just use it to knock back opponents that flashed onto your carry. You can also use it to knock back enemies chasing you or in lane if both you and your carry are low and he needs to stay for a couple more waves to get his item.
Moonstone Renewer
Standard purchase, good for drawn out fights and sustain all around.
Mikael's Blessing
If the enemies have any kind of targetable CC ( Shield Vault, Frozen Tomb), Mikael's Blessing is a must. You don't have to build it just because the enemies have a Thresh, but I strongly recommend it. Also it has 16% healing/shielding power which makes it superior to items like Ardent Censer and Staff of Flowing Water.
Buffs heals and shields, can potentially help you apply AoE Ardent Censer or Staff of Flowing Water, solid item all around.
Ardent Censer
When playing with hyper carries (ex: Jinx, Twitch) and you have nothing more pressing/better to buy, like Mikael's Blessing. If your ADC is playing something like Miss Fortune or Jhin, but you have other teammates that make use of Ardent Censer (ex: Kayle top, Master Yi jungle), you can still buy it.
Staff of Flowing Water
Definitely a good buy if you have an AP carry bot laner/any strong AP carry in general on your team.
Vigilant Wardstone
As your last item, buy Watchful Wardstone. It will automatically turn into Vigilant Wardstone once you've completed your support quest and reached level 13.
Mejai's Soulstealer
If I'm ever in base and am left with 350g, I'll get a Dark Seal. If I get 8-10 stacks on it, I'll upgrade it to a Mejai's Soulstealer.
Boots of Swiftness
If you back with 900g and want to roam, get Boots of Swiftness.
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
If the game doesn't specifically call for Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads, then Ionian Boots of Lucidity are worth it because of how valuable CDR/Ability Haste is on Janna.
Plated Steelcaps
Mostly I'll only ever buy Plated Steelcaps (and it will be a rush buy in that case) when the enemies have an early roaming AD mid laner (ex: Talon) and an early ganking AD jungler (ex: Lee Sin, Jarvan IV) or if the enemies are simply all AD.

Note: can also be a good idea to rush if you want to put your local Draven player on suicide watch.
Mercury's Treads
Plated Steelcaps reasoning, except for AP/strong CC.
Oracle Lens
Once you've got the first Spellthief's Edge or Relic Shield upgrade, it's time to swap over your Stealth Ward for Oracle Lens.
Control Ward
Control Wards count towards a support's full build. You should always have a designated slot for Control Wards and use them appropriately (on river for pressure early/mid game, bushes around bot lane to dissuade gank attempts, around objectives mid/late game).
Elixir of Iron
Good buy when full build or when an important fight is about to break out (ex: for Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon).
That's about it for Janna, but if you're looking for more, don't forget to check out my in-depth general support guide that goes over things like warding, laning phase, mid/late game, decision making and basically everything that you can possibly need.

As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to:
  • leave a reply in the comment section
  • catch me on my stream (where you'll also get to see me putting all these things into practice)
Thanks for reading, have a pretty day!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author eiensiei
eiensiei Janna Guide
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[13.7] eiensiei's guide to Janna | Support

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