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Yuumi Build Guide by Terroronyou

Support [13.9] Reworked Yuumi Guide - Bizzleberry

Support [13.9] Reworked Yuumi Guide - Bizzleberry

Updated on May 4, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou Build Guide By Terroronyou 1742 190 3,735,763 Views 31 Comments
1742 190 3,735,763 Views 31 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou Yuumi Build Guide By Terroronyou Updated on May 4, 2023
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Runes: Best Runes

Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Champion Build Guide

[13.9] Reworked Yuumi Guide - Bizzleberry

By Terroronyou
Hi, my name is Bizzleberry and I am a longtime League of Legends player, playing since before Season 1. Over the years I have achieved high ranking in solo queue, from Platinum in Season 1 (the highest at the time) to Challenger multiple times throughout the years. I used to stream in season 4-5 and stopped playing League for a year during season 6. I have now returned and am currently in Master as a support main. You can catch me on my stream or my Youtube channel. I try to explain what I am doing in most situations; feel free to ask any questions on stream or leave a comment on the guide!
Why Yuumi?
Yuumi is a very unique champion in which she is able to attach to allies and be immune to almost all-damage and able to cast skills and abilities still based on where the ally you are attached to is. In large teamfights this means you are able to dash around to the front line in order to set-up big AoE plays or stick to kiting and hunting down an enemy trying to escape!

Yuumi has the option of taking NO escape summoners, so she is able to use Exhaust and Ignite in the laning phase enabling both you and your ADC to hairball, i mean, snowball early!

You also do NOT need boots and can save yourself a lot of money early and push yourself closer towards a Mythic Item before the enemy support can!
Rune - Current Favourite

Current strongest Build

Arcane Comet Provides extra damage primarily during the laning phase to help poke enemy champions in order for your ADC to not get bullied. Summon Aery is also an option for a more enchanter like Yuumi.

Manaflow Band

Manaflow Band Is the only clear option here, gives you a little bit more mana regen, although not really needed, the other 2 runes in this branch of Sorcery are really bad for Yuumi.


Transcendence is a huge way to get a lot of Cooldown Reduction early. Very easily the best option here.

Gathering Storm

Gathering Storm is massively better at 10m+ than Scorch.

Secondary Runes


Presence of Mind

Presence of Mind Will give you extra mana throughout the game which is much needed, especially early. Will also give you mana during teamfights which during early laning phase can be really clutch to save an ally due to the extreme mana costs early.

Cut Down

Cut Down give a minor DPS increase because Yuumi's base HP is very low so it will be easily to get some benefit from this rune.
Summoner Spells
Yuumi has the luxury of not needing Flash and Ghost as You and Me! attaching tool allows you to dart around enough as it is and will help you avoid damage.

I would advise you to go Ignite AND Exhaust. This will give you a lot of aggression for early in the laning phase to get a quick kill.

Other options could include, Yuumi taking Heal and the ADC taking Barrier or Teleport. The downside is Yuumi will very rarely need the heal, so your ADC could be healing another target and speeding them in at later teamfights.

Feline Friendship

New passive that allows Yuumi to passively heal whoever she is attached to when landing abiltiies.

If unattached you heal yourself but if you reattach with your W within a few seconds you will ALSO heal the person you are attached to.

This passive also keeps track of who is your 'best friend'. When attached to your best friend your abilties gain bonus effects.


Prowling Projectile

A projectile that fires in a straight line when unattached, or if you are attached, will briefly follow your cursor for a couple of seconds then launch of in a straight line and will damage and slow the target. The launch effect does extra damage and will do a stronger slow to the target if you are attached to your 'best friend'.

Currently maxing this ability provides the most benefit as it's damage is rather high. One suggestion is to use this ability like a Vel'Koz Q, Launch it off to the side and then snap it in like a right angle.


You and Me!

This is Yuumi's attach skill and she starts with it level 1 for 'free'. You remain untargetable and will not be effected by things like skillshots or Karthus Ultimate.

If you are unattached and get hit by crowd control, that will put this ability on cooldown for 5 seconds and leave you extremely vulnerable to attacks.

If you attach while under Ignite or with other DoT Damage then you will still take damage by it!

If you damage an enemy under tower when attached, you can still take tower aggro.

You will also get bonus heal & shield power and if attached to her best friend also grants them on-hit healing



Grants a temporary shield on use. If attached will give attached person the shield. Shielded target gets bonus movement speed and attack speed. Will also give the attached target mana regeneration.


Final Chapter

Casts waves out of Yuumi in a set direction. Can be interupted if UNATTACHED. If attached to an ally then it cannot be interrupted. If an enemy champion gets hit they take a stacking slow, increasing with every wave hit. You can control where each wave goes.

This ability will grant your best friend Armor and Magic resist for the duration of the ultimate. It also heals allies inside the ultimate.

Spellthief's Edge

Spellthief's Edge has now changed to auto-upgrade to Frostfang (500 gold collected) and Shard of True Ice (1000g collected) from the Tribute gold quest.

You are now allowed to receive gold from hits on enemies / turrets without an ally nearby. You can also 'accidentally' get cs from throwing out skillshots in lane without being punished (Until you meet the Support Rule CS Limit which won't kick in until around 30-40 Creeps Taken, depending on what time it is in the game).

Shard of True Ice

The final Support Quest upgrade. You will no longer generate tribute gold, but the stats on this item for 'free' are very good for mid-game and also supply you with 4-ward charges that can be refreshed when you go back to the fountain.


Moonstone Renewer

Yuumi is one of the best enchanter supports that can use Moonstone Renewer. You will naturally get a lot of healing off on this item as you and your ally will be on combat a lot which will ensure the ramp up of healing on the item. Try to wait until it has stacked 5 times for a stronger heal.

Chemtech Putrifier

Converting this item fully is really cheap, however the additional stats are fluff as the primary reason for picking this item up is for anti-heal but Oblivion Orb gives you the anti-heal you need. If you need anti-heal super early, get the Oblivion Orb then finish completing other items first before finishing chemtech.


Redemption is currently one of the best utility support items in the game. It is a soft counter to poke comps, but is usually purchased because of the versatility of the item. Provides a massive heal AoE heal, at a very long distance and can be used while dead. It can be a massive game changer when used in the centre of a teamfight.

Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer works best with an auto-attacking hypercarry such as Vayne or Kog'Maw.

staff of flowing water

Staff of Flowing Water is not a great option. I would only purchase this item if I find myself wanting to attach to a heavy AP user. Enchanter Yuumi item only.

Mikael's Crucible

Mikael's Blessing is an OK item. It no longer heals and provides the target with a cleanse. If you are quick it can disable Death Sentence but would likely be used to stop basic annoying cc such as Wither, Frenzying Taunt, stuns and fears. I only recommend this for experienced players due to the fact that having to pay attention to so many things already that keeping an eye for CC also can be a bit too much.


Luden's Tempest

Ludens provides Yuumi with a huge damage boost in her harassment with Prowling Projectile while expensive, you should only be using AP Yuumi if you come out of laning phase with an a lead, and you will need to identify this very early on.

Horizon Focus

Horizon Focus continus to increase your damage while also providing a reveal factor to your Prowling Projectile.

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rabadon's Deathcap is an extremely expensive item but worth it if you can purchase it. ONLY purchase if you get INCREDIBLY FED!

Chemtech Putrifier

When you shield an ally or heal them you will make their next attack / ability apply 60% grevious wounds. Run as a second item if you are against a lot of healing. Still provides a nice chunk of AP and some extra mana regeneration.

Void Staff

Void Staff provides a huge chunk of magic pen. Can be effective even as early as a third item if the enemy team is stacking magic resistance. Will give you more damage than a Rabadon's Deathcap if they are.
How to play Yuumi
During the laning phase, your Q Prowling Projectile is on a relatively high cooldown so be active and un-attach from your ally often. Auto attack minion waves to try and get a level advantage and try and proc Feline Friendship as often as possible to top up yourself & ADC hp.

Prowling Projectile should be used often as possible during the laning phase. If your ally is too close to a unit in melee range, you will need to spawn Prowling Projectile behind your ally and do a huge curve back in to get to the target in front. This is to ensure that the bonus damage and slow take effect.

Zoomies has one charge at a semi-large cooldown however provides a decent shield and attack speed to your target. Use it before your ADC takes damage.

In fights try and be as active as possible and prioritise surviving over everything else. For example, if the enemy jungler is coming down, try and use Prowling Projectile to slow the jungler to give yourself more time to get to the turret. Use Zoomies for the extra movement speed to help dodge engaging skillshots.

Try and save your ultimate Final Chapter for when you get tower dived or setting up a fight. Don't forget you can use You and Me! to another ally and continue the channelling.

In some certain matchups - usually against hard engage tanks like Nautilus or Rell you may want to stay attached more than normal so you don't get caught out. Be smart and only un-attach when you are certain they will be unable to crowd control you.
I hope this Yuumi guide helps you and if you have any questions feel free to ask on stream here.

I also post videos daily on my Youtube channel and includes Guides, Tier lists and Support gameplay videos!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou
Terroronyou Yuumi Guide
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[13.9] Reworked Yuumi Guide - Bizzleberry

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