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Varus Build Guide by MultiWorld

Jungle [14.1] Varus Jungle: new one shot build (THE 1V9 KING)

Jungle [14.1] Varus Jungle: new one shot build (THE 1V9 KING)

Updated on January 11, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MultiWorld Build Guide By MultiWorld 17 4 59,781 Views 1 Comments
17 4 59,781 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MultiWorld Varus Build Guide By MultiWorld Updated on January 11, 2024
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Runes: Best runes

Hail of Blades
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite



Starting items
Blue if you want to create more opportunities
Build starter pack
The journey to the one hit heaven
If your game is looking good, at min 10-12 min you should buy this
At min 20 you should have the next item finished
At this point, you can already 1 shot 98% of champs
Variations against their teams
If vs heavy 1 shot team you should buy this instead of RiftMaker
Vs zed/malph or similar
If you need even more cover
Full Build Examples
Build that can one shot every single champion no matter the stats they have

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.1] Varus Jungle: new one shot build (THE 1V9 KING)

By MultiWorld
Critical information if you are going to try this
There are a lot to take in care when you play Varus as a jungler, but the hardest thing to consider and to adapt vs is Gap Closers.

Gap Closers: These abilities that can put them on a face to face situation are the most dangerous ones, like a Yi with a "Q" or lee sin when he already landed the "Q" on you and he goes in, a Volivear "R" that is thrown at your feet, a VI's Ult. All of this champs, some harder to face than others, you will need to adapt your playstyle vs them, staying far more at the back than normal, useing your ult much faster just to damage them so they have to be more carefull, and so on.

If you learn hard matchups, the only thing that is left to get for the 1V9 glory, is to master the dodgeing skill, this is the most satifying thing to do, it will happen a lot of times that you will be hyper focused on games, always try to dodge any skill abilities thrown at you, it is obvious but in order to get to the immortal point, i belive that you need to do this perfectly.

Other than that is just practice, know when you need to one shot and when you need to just lower the enemy health.

One last thing to consider is that most of the games will start with your team mates saying things like "some1 dodge", "why troll varus", "varus jungle?"... just take in mind that you can win alone the game, just don't lose your mental for a bunch of npcs.

Thanks for all and enjoy.
I believe that Varus can be the answer to win all games
I am MultiWorld, the creator of this new strat/meta.

My opgg profile

This is the answer that I have reached from the infinite question of what should I play to win most games 1v9 in low elo or high elo.

I will be streaming this as fast as I climb to diamond

Not much more to say, if you were in the search of the holy glory of champs to win alone games, this is the way.

If you have any questions, I will be looking the VarusMains reddit page, you can ask there. Varus Mains Reddit page

In a close future I will be live on twitch on my channel:
MultiWorld's twitch
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MultiWorld
MultiWorld Varus Guide
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[14.1] Varus Jungle: new one shot build (THE 1V9 KING)

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