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My go-to counter when someone takes my Katarina. Try to farm with Q and go electrocute if you want to trade with her. You always lose extended trades so never over-extend when she's level 6.
Go doran shield and farm until 6. You can one shot him after 6 as long as you dont die before then. He can dive you easily if you take too much poke. Your shunpo cancels his E.
You can't kill this champ but with doran shield you can easily farm. Use shunpo to dodge her Q.
Aurelion Sol
Punish him early with doran's blade ignite. You can run him down easily if you let him push into you. If his W is not up, its a free kill. Your Ult does NOT get canceled by his E.
Do not trade with fizz. He wins every trade until you have your item. This matchup used to be playable with sunderer but now its really hard, just try not to get dove and farm for nashors tooth. His ult is easy to dodge, and you can all-in him after he uses his E.
Farm with Q and try your best to dodge her Q's with shunpo or sidesteps. Before ulting, step back so your character is backwards which will make you immune to her ult.
Set up daggers on the ground with Q and jump on them when Ekko Q's the wave. Don't let him get 3 passive hits, you can jump away with shunpo if needed.
You kindof have to build AD into kassadin. I like BORK rush since it lets you one shot hit when you reach your spike. If you cant buy a pickaxe on first base then probably go kraken into terminus. All in when he walks up too far.
You can shunpo behind her when she uses Q, after that its an easy trade with ult or just WQ. Easy matchup, just dont get poked out early. You can ult while rooted.
As long as you dodge her knockup theres nothing she can do against you. If she uses big Q just shunpo behind and use W movespeed to dodge the knockup then run her down.
Use shunpo to dodge her charm. Try to burn her ulti and then all in her while its down. Respect her early damage.
Shunpo behind her, even if she uses E you will be behind her so you can just run her down.
Doran shield, second wind. Farm the best you can and do not shunpo on him if hes close to tower.. he will just ult you lol.
Malz is very weak early. Let him push into you and then you can run him down when he walks up. Trade hard before 6, you can still win after but his gank setup with ult is op.
She wins every trade because of her W. Farm until nashors tooth and then all in her, you wont win until then. Wait until she uses ult before you use yours.
Outscales you hard but you can punish her early game. I go electrocute and look to chunk her early and kill before 6. After 6, use your shunpo to escape her ult AOE.
You can ult during her root, but not her ult. Her early damage is pretty high so go doran shield. You probably cant kill her so try to get nashors and jump into fights after she uses her ult on someone.
Corki is squishy early so try to punish him before he hits level 6. After 6 he can farm safely.
Use shunpo to dodge her E and dont trade when her passive is fully stacked. You lose when she has BORK.
You outscale leblanc but she has insane poke so go doran shield. Do not fall behind early or you will get oneshot.
Hwei can only use 1 CC ability at a time (purple abilities). After he uses it, just jump on him with ult and he is dead.
Rush BORK, only trade after you see him use his Q on the wave. After he uses EWQ you can run him down since his CDs are pretty long.
Heavy poker, go doran shield. Save ult for after he uses his knockback. You win after 6 because jayce has no ultimate lol.
You can win as long as you dodge her E. Save ult for after she ults, matchup is easier after nashors tooth.
Jump on top of her right after she throws her Q because she gets bonus resistances when the ball is on top of her. Doran shield to farm early, all in with nashors.
Skill matchup. You can always dodge her first Q with shunpo, do not stand next to walls when trading because she will ult you. Very hard to dive because of ult and grass Q.
Easiest kat matchup. Run him down if he walks up, you can just shunpo out of his cage.
Doran shield, try not to trade early and farm for item spikes.
Doran shield, poke him with Qs. Stand behind minions so his Q does reduced damage. When he ults, shunpo away to a minion.
Rush BORK, use Q on minions to set up daggers, his windwall will block Q and ult. Do not let him run you down with lethal tempo.
Jump on top of him and use W movespeed to dodge his E. Easy to run him down if you can do this.
Do not let his W2 hit you, shunpo behind him to dodge it if you need. Ult while he ults since it will hit him while invis. Short trades, dont let him proc passive.
Easy to dodge her Qs with shunpo. If she uses W on you, try to shunpo under you turret to bring her with you. She has no way of canceling your ult.
Dorans shield, hope for jg ganks. You dont win trades so try to farm for items.
You lose most extended trades. You can shunpo behind him if he uses W, shunpo away if he casts ult. Short trades until hes low enough to all-in.
Shunpo on her when she uses bubble. You can run her down afterwards as long as you dont get hit. She will use Q aoe on minions to poke you.
If you can bait his W with short trades, run him down before it comes back up. Use ult for grevious wounds so he doessnt heal as much. DO NOT let him get empowered Q on you.
Shunpo behind him if he uses shield. Keep track of his passive bar, don't trade when its fully stacked.
Doran shield, just farm and jump on her with ult if she wastes her fear.
You always lose short trades because he will heal off W. All in him and use shunpo to dodge his E. You can win with conqueror and ignite.
Use shunpo to dodge his E, then all in with dorans blade ignite.
She will poke a lot but its easy to punish her when her empowered E is down. Shunpo behind her when she ults.
Keep track of her passive, dont trade when stun is up. You can kill her if she walks up without stun but she has a lot of damage after 6.
He cant deal with you when you jump onto him, use W move speed to dodge his E.
Twisted Fate
Only look to trade when his gold card is on cooldown. Ward for roams and hope bot lane doesnt die to his ult lol.
Demacia xdd
Farm early and dont let him get empowered auto off after he uses Q. E is not dodgable and his ult cancels your ult.
My name is Wundrew, I have mained Katarina since season 11 and I have over 2 millions mastery points on her total. My main achievments are hitting grandmaster playing only Katarina, and reaching rank 1 Katarina on a few websites. Ive gotten several accounts to masters with this champion, and all my games are streamed on my twitch channel.
How to play Katarina
Katarina has one of the weakest early games in mid lane. You main priority in most of your matchups should be to SURVIVE lane and try to farm the best you can. You can bounce your Q to help with last hitting minions, and shunpo will help you with farming under tower.
My rule of thumb in most cases is to go Doran's Shield into ranged matchups, dorans blade into fighters like sylas, and dark seal into anything else. Of course there are exceptions but this is a good rule to go by in most games
Let the enemy push the first few waves into you. Safely farm under tower until scuttle spawns. Keep an eye on your jungler in case they need help with invades or with scuttle.
If you've made it to mid game without falling too behind, then you are already in a very good spot to carry the game. Look for dragon fights with your team and side lane to make sure you dont fall behind in XP or Gold. If you see a skirmish, walk to it and try to take fights that you think are winnable. Mid game on Katarina is all about using your item spikes to fight and capture objectives through teamfighting.
Katarina has pretty good scaling, and spikes very hard at deathcap. In late game, one good fight can completely flip/win the game, so play fights very patiently. DO NOT start fights for your team, Katarina is too squishy to play as the engage. Instead, look for flanks or setup a dagger onto their backline by using Q on their frontline. Most games are won through baron fights or by someone getting caught.
Don't be that guy who facechecks a bush at 40 minutes and loses your team the game because there were 5 guys in that bush lol.
- Very fun
- Insanely high skill cap
- Flashy AF
- Solo Carry Champ
- Very difficult
- Weak early
- Feast or Famine
- Lots of bad matchups
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