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Veigar Build Guide by TunaBuna

[14.20] Season 2024: Veigar Guide

[14.20] Season 2024: Veigar Guide

Updated on October 22, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TunaBuna Build Guide By TunaBuna 6 3 19,288 Views 0 Comments
6 3 19,288 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TunaBuna Veigar Build Guide By TunaBuna Updated on October 22, 2024
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Runes: Main Runes

1 2
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Manaflow Band

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport



Item Alternatives: This or That
Item Alternatives: Healing or more Penatration
Item Alternatives: Defensive Items

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[14.20] Season 2024: Veigar Guide

By TunaBuna
The stacking goal on Veigar is pretty simple corelating to CS.
10mins/100 20mins/200 30mins/300
this should be your average/bare minimum. usually for me after 20mins ill be at 250, and 30mins ill be at 400+/-. this all will depend how your game goes and you keeping track of all cs being attempted to be stacked.
Team Fighting
Veigar has many uses in a teamfight. This can be seen in ways like protecting your carries from the enemy using your to zone off or stun champions from persuing the squishies.
Example: Zed ulting the adc: what do you do? you can place your cage around the adc right behind their back so the moment Zed comes out of R he will be stunned by the cage and killed for it.

Another example as why Veigar is good at teamfighting is his ability to zone off people from their teams.
Example: spliting a team down the middle using the cage to pick off one side of the enemy team.
Veigar after 25mins usually has enough and burst to steal objectives from most junglers besides .
(her + burst is up in the 3k damage mark late game)
Another good thing about Veigar burst if paired with your jungler you can easily sneak/execute / plays quick enough without alerting the enemy team for being gone for too long.
Runes and Masteries
Going to brush over each rune as the reason I pick them.

- because the basic Veigar combo is E-W-Q-R, with Veigar gets a hair closer to getting the target to that critical mass of HP where can execute typically around 30% is where I find the sweet spot.
- for trading in lane to keep your health up. (usually poking is how you usually get it to proc)
- easier to stack than the other runes because you usually don't take sweeper unless is in the game.
- to snowball gold income for your expensive items
band to give you more mana and mana regen to keep you in lane, easy to stack just by poking with
- for more Ability haste and spell cooldown refunding on kills. just a no brainer if you're trying to stack passive.

rune is a weird one I personally take to set up minions early for double stacking with . It will also help me trade with champions in skirmishes early game in and out of lane because your abilities will be on cooldown you need those other options you know :3
Adaptive and Bonus are the only others you'll need to take so no comments.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TunaBuna
TunaBuna Veigar Guide
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[14.20] Season 2024: Veigar Guide

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