This matchup is practically impossible, you should always ban her in draft. She is a very slippery champion, and can teleport around without you realising. Her massive amounts of burst damage make it very hard to farm and is very hard to make good trades with her when playing Yasuo. As a whole, she is very annoying and has alot of CC and very good mobility. If a gank is coming and you get hit by her E, you cannot do much. As in the skill order, you should take E level one because you can avoid her abilities. To avoid her CC, use your W when she casts her E. Instead of bork first, if you are heavily losing you should consider taking wits first item and later taking bork, and taking Maw 2nd or 3rd item. It's hard to kill her in lane, so you should also consider taking ignite. When playing against LeBlanc, you should finally consider taking Treads for the extra MR. EVERY TIME YOU PLAY MID YASUO BAN LEBLANC SHES SO ANNOYING YOU WILL WANT TO END IT ALL.
People believe malzahar is a very difficult matchup, and it is in lower elos. However, the matchup isn't that hard, but he can poke you alot. Try to take second wind in this matchup over bone plating, this can really help recover if you have taken a lot of damage from his trades. His Q can easily be dodged by your E. You can easily kill his W's by using your E, but try not to go in towards him or you may take heavy damage if you are not ready for the trade. You can stack your Q's on his W's, for it is basically free gold. After first back, you should consider taking Quicksliver Slash, because it can remove the cc from his ult. He will be stuck in his ult animation and won't be able to move if you use your QSS quickly, and can easily secure the kill.
In early game, this matchup is quite hard and annoying. Her abilities always seem to have a counter to yours, so be careful. Her passive makes it so when you cast your E it fears you, making it very annoying. Most players would use all her spells on the wave to clear quickly and push, and when they have been used that is a good opportunity to go in and trade, due to her cooldowns. Vex has medium cooldown timers, so you have to be quick with trades before she gets her abilities back. When playing against Vex, you should finally consider taking Treads for the extra MR if it is needed whether or not the enemy team seems to be dominated by AP builds, but building Treads is not always the best option and you should stick with greaves most of the time.
Playing against Darius is very hard and counters yasuo really well, however you wouldn't face him a lot due to yasuo top being quite bad. A good Darius will freeze the wave at his tower and you're unable to play the game. If you ever walk up, he will just Ghost, run you down, and kill you on repeat. The best thing you can do is take short trades and never let him 5 stack his Passive or you will always lose the fight. Early Cloth Armor is good in this matchup. On the plus side, he is very easy to gank chained with Yasuo's CC. Save your E for when he uses Q to dodge the sweet spot. Take short trades against him and do your best to kite. You will never win 1v1 until you have Shieldbow.
Playing against a yone is such an easy matchup if you know what you are doing. Pretty much all yone players go in for trades using their E and then Q, but this can easily be dodged by your E. His 3rd Q is a dash, but this can be blocked by your windwall. If your 3rd Q is up, you can windwall his 3rd Q and knock him up if he isn't careful and goes all in. You can often dodge his R simply by dashing. As a whole, Yone has better stats than Yasuo but if you know what your doing you are fine.
If your vision over the enemy jungle isn't good enough, you will find yourself dead if you aren't careful. Always be cautious where the enemy jungle is when playing against ww. He will often dive you if your low on health, but your 3rd Q can counter his ult if you are under tower, and he will die from all the damage the turret and your ult will do if he tries to ult you.
Pantheon is such a hard matchup when playing yasuo. He will just use his empowered W on you. A tip to help your team as a whole is to always ping missing if pantheon isn't in lane for all players of pantheon always roam with their ult, so be ready to ping missing and signal other lanes to retreat. You can block his thrown Q's with your windwall, so always be prepared to w his Q's when they are being thrown, that can be a life saver if you are one shot. However, pantheon players prefer to use their melee Q most of the time, which can't be blocked. To counter him, try to push lane as hard as you can level 1 to get level 2 before him. If he walks up to the wave, punish him with your Q and if he doesn't back take advantage of the lead you have in terms of levels.
Playing against Jax in the top lane is a very hard matchup, because basically his whole kit seems to find a way to counter Yasuo's kit. The best thing to do is take advantage of your Q, which cant be blocked by his E. You can poke him a lot with this. Try not to get to close level 1, because Jax is very strong level 1 in comparison to Yasuo because of his E. Try to bait out his E and then go in for trades level 2 if he doesn't have his E. If he Qs you and Es, E away and dodge it and go back on him. Jax players will often charge up their E before using their Q, so it is very hard to dodge. If you don't build up a lead before level 6, this lane can snowball on you very hard and you will never be able to fight him. Jax at 3 items is one of the strongest 1v1 champions in the game meaning you will often if not always lose 1v1s to him, so try to force team fights away from him.
If you are playing Top yasuo, you should try your best to ban Renekton. He is so strong against Yasuo and Yone, for he always wins 1v1s. This champion is so braindead for you can just point on your target and click after you've casted your W, and your stunned for 1.5seconds, so be careful of that and try not to die when 1v1ing Renekton. The only time you are pretty much stronger than him is level 1/2 because he isn't very strong if he doesn't have his fury built up. Try to go in for big trades level one, where his fury is very low and his abilities won't do as much damage. However, when Renekton has full fury, do not go in for a fight, you will always lose because of how strong he is. In early game, try to bait out his flash by making very good trades level 2, so that he will find it harder to kill you without flash. Try to trade with him when he has no fury and your passive is up. BAN THIS GOOFY CROCODILE IT'S SO OP WTF
Gangplank is a very hard matchup. Don't simply allow him to poke you with his Q, so try to have your passive up before he can use his Q so that he can't poke you as easily and deal tons of damage. You can block his Q's with your windwall. If you have your ult and trying to go in for a fight with him, if you knock him up with your Q, don't auto attack him while he is knocked up, instead as soon as he is knocked up use your ultimate. This extra auto when he is knocked up could lose you the whole fight because he will use his W to remove the cc from your Q. If you immediately ult when he is knocked up, he wont have time to react to the knock up and use his W to remove the cc. However, if he used his W to heal, you can use your autoattack or go for an airblade combo because his W will be on cooldown. However, be careful because his W can cleanse your ult, so be quick with it. When he uses his barrels, try to use your E to destroy them before he can use them.
Fiora has a lot of healing and is a hard matchup when playing top, and her stats are a lot stronger than Yasuo's. When playing against her, try to go in for short trades rather than long trades, which yasuo is better at, however you need to go in for short trades to avoid taking chunks of damage. When Fiora uses her ult, try to stand next to a wall so she can't hit all of her vitals. Here is a trick- if she uses her W you can immediately cast your Q and then W to block the stun. For your build, you could build anti-heal or maybe even running ignite so she can't heal as much. in early game, you should run executioners calling and build it into a anti-heal item.
When playing top, Malphite is definitely one of the major extreme level threats, because of how hard he is to lane against. His Q is very annoying because of the poke. To counter this, you should not get into his Q range until you have your passive up. This will help you avoid taking huge chunks of damage. However, if you see his Q coming and your passive isn't up, aim to use your windwall to block it. To counter his R, there really is no option but to flash, if you are lucky you can use your E to get out of it. Malphite will use his E when you get too close, so try to bait it out and E out of range of his own E.
Riven is one of the most annoying matchups in the whole entire game when you are playing Yasuo. Like Jax, her 1v1 capabilities are so strong and you will pretty much lose every single 1v1 against Riven if you don't get a strong lead. Her Q's are a free dash on thin air unlike Yasuo's E which needs a target to dash through so she is very good at chasing. She can also use her Q so dodge your Q, which is very annoying. However, you can block her second R cast with your windwall, but it is hard to block it because Riven players would CC you before you can use your windwall and use the second part of their ult on you. The best time to fight Riven is when she only has a couple of abilities, so take advantage of that and try and kill her early, around level 1-2, or go in for short trades and avoid taking damage as much as you can. Never use your E on riven directly in lane, because she can easily stun you. Try to use your tornado to bait out her E in efforts to dodge it, and you can go in for a trade when her shield isn't up.
Poppy is very hard to lane against and is very annoying. Don't stand near walls when playing against poppy so that she will find it harder to cc you. Her hitbox is quite small for such a tanky champ, so try to hit your Q's as best as you can. Go in for trades when her W is on cooldown so that you won't get ccd and you can freely use your E.
When playing Yasuo, Azir can really easily find ways to poke you a lot, so try to build MR early, maybe even taking Wit's end first item if you are struggling a lot. Make sure to windwall his R when going for a big trade with Azir.
Jayce has very good poke and it is very hard to play against him and 1v1 due to his high amounts of burst damage that he can do. When he uses his E, you should immediately use your W if you know that his Q is up. This is because when his Q goes through the gate, it gains loads of speed and does tons of damage if it hits you, so try your best to block it. You should also go back a bit when he places his gate because if he goes through the gate he gets a rush of movement speed and can use his melee mode Q on you. Make sure you are outside of that range so he can't jump onto you and deal tons of damage. Try to dodge his Q by using your E. Build armour early, if the matchup is too hard.
Viktor has very strong poke, so with this matchup you should definitely take second wind to heal from all the damage he can poke you with. Despite Viktor's E being a ranged projectile, it can not be blocked with your winwall because it is a laser, alike Lux's ult. Instead of wasting you windwall on his E and taking the damage, you should use your E to quickly dodge it. In early game, buy some MR and if the matchup is too hard and you are losing heavily buy Wit's end first item. Don't push the wave into Viktor but instead let the wave push into you so you can go in for trades level 3 and deal a lot of damage to him because he is quite squishy. Don't go in for an all in combo if he has his W up, or you will get stunned and won't be able to finish him off. When you are being slowed by his W, be very quick to E out of his bubble, or you will get stunned, opening a gate for Viktor to burn all his abilities on you. If you are low and have been hit by his W, if needed you should flash out of it.
Irelia is very hard to not end up playing against, you will encounter her a lot. You will find her in top or mid, so be careful. Try to get level 2 before her, and punish her with your Q and E. If needed, you can use your windwall against her E if you don't have enough time to use your E to dash out of it, so you need to have quick reactions if your going to use your E to avoid the damage from her own E. However, your windwall cooldown is a lot longer than her E, so keep that in mind. You can actually use your windwall to block her R, but your windwall should be saved from when she uses her E, so you don't get stunned and take a ton of damage. Instead, you should E out of her Ult.
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