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Recommended Items
Runes: vs easy lane
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Must ban. Make's your gold card completely useless. Dodge her Q, some Morgana players cast their Black Shield preemptively out of panic, so just gold card whoever is not shielded, or just hold it until the shield runs out.
Your CC combo well together, but be careful when using your W, because he's immobile and can easily get caught out if he isn't prepared. Your ult can give him vision to land his shots during his ult.
Your CC combo well together, but be careful when using your W, because he's immobile and can easily get caught out if he isn't prepared. Your ult can give him vision to land his shots during his ult.
Champion Build Guide
Reliable CC
Great Roaming
Great at short trades
Has an infinite mana supply with blue card
Very Squishy and Immobile
Can't use his passive (which generates gold off farming)
Cannot empower/buff the ADC in any way besides with runes and items
Very low damage compared to other mages
In terms of other team comp elements to keep in mind, he does very well with any champion who wants to engage/dive a lot.
Two big green lights to look for in champ select, is if you have a Nocturne or Shen on your team. Your ults have perfect synergy and completely dominate the map. Also if anyone picks a mage in the ADC role (I know, uncommon) you two together are unstoppable. Especially if you both take Ignite, you can get a kill as early as level 2.
Trailblazer provides more passive utility and gives you a bit of tank stats to keep you alive.
Also, Twisted Fate uses Bloodsong and Solstice Sleigh very well because his kit circulates around locking down a target, and bursting them. Bloodsong allows your entire team to deal a lot more damage to whoever you use your red or gold cards on.
Rapid Firecannon extends the range of your stuns and has previously been an integral item for Twisted Fate. The increased range allows TF to stun targets from a safe distance.
These are your main items. Shurelya's Battlesong is typically more useful because of its active, since it enables your entire team to either engage or disengage and also gives stats more beneficial to TF. Trailblazer gives you and your teammates an easy engage in the same way that Mobility Boots does.
Frozen heart is honestly one to the strongest tank items in the game at the moment. If you're vs heavy magic damage then you can take Abyssal Mask instead.
Anathema's is incredibly useful for dealing with a fed opponent. It also indirectly helps with peeling your carry since you can stun the biggest threat for longer.
Pick the Glacial Augment setup if you
Have a burst-oriented ADC (Tristana, Jhin)
Are laning vs another poke mage
Are playing with a marksman who needs protection later on.
Pick the Predator setup if
Self-sufficient ADC who can fend for themself
Want to impact other parts of the map
You have an assassin jungler whom you want to snowball
1.) If you find yourself in a favorable matchup, and you don't need to leash for your jungle, ALWAYS wait in the bot lane brush and cheese the enemy carry. Ask your ADC to come with you, if you take ignite, you will guaranteed to get both their summoners', and maybe even a kill. Even if you don't get a kill, this will give a huge lead to your carry.
2.) If you're poking with your Q, try to hit them with the side of it instead of the middle, this way you're not accidentally hitting minions and shoving the wave if you don't want to. Applying this, if your ADC wants to shove the wave then do the opposite, try to hit the enemy carry and the wave at the same time.
3.) Stack up your E three times before going for a trade, this way you can W, Q, and hit them with the empowered auto, without them knowing your E is stacked. Another small tip with staked deck, is when you ult, get two stacks before ulting. This way, you can gold card, Q, and your auto will be empowered, maximizing DPS.
4.) When ulting, lock in your gold card before teleporting so you can get your stun as soon as you arrive.
5.) You can apply a lot of pressure by simply walking into bushes, when the enemy doesn't see what you're doing, they play very defensively and may start wasting abilities and missing CS.
6.) When ulting to a fleeing opponent, instead of ulting directly on top of them, ult to cut off their exit or wherever they're running to.
7.) Use the "Target Champions Only" hotkey and enable "Treat Target Champions Only as a toggle", this way you will never accidentally gold card a minion or tower.
8.) If you have Zhonya's, you can ult directly into the enemy team and instantly stopwatch on arrival to bait out a lot of important abilities, you can also lock in your W while you're in stasis. This is called The Misaya Bait, if you wanna see an example click the link below.
9.) You can make the enemy carry miss CS or even a cannon minion by simply shuffling your cards, and walking towards them. You don't have to lock in a card, just let it shuffle, it will make them think twice about last-hitting. People are absolutely terrified of gold card and will never face tank one unless they're an engage supp like Leona or Alistar.
10.) This should go without saying but if your ADC falls behind really hard, you should build damage items to make up for the net loss of DPS, and let him get as much farm as possible.
11.) This is similar to tip #8 but is executed differently. You can actually cancel your ult teleport by using Zhonyas before the channel can finish. This is called the Reverse Misaya. Its use is similar to a normal Misaya but less risky since you're not actually placing yourself in danger. This does come at the cost of putting your Zhonyas on cooldown before a team fight though. I'll link an example of this below.
Borax the Mighty made an amazing video on support TF. His build is slightly different but all his advice is VERY good.
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