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Background on me, this is my first support main. I'm used to Talon, Fiora, and Kayle, so it's been a learning curve, but I've adapted greatly.
Thing is, Rakan can do damage, even when you're building support. His basic attacks don't do much, but his Q and W if built right can help turn the tide of a team fight.
Due to his high movement speed and abilities, he can also be tasked with picking up kills of champs that are running away or are Bing under their tower. I'll explain that later.
We start with a core buy right away. No potions, just the Nomad's Medallion. You have a heal and shield and unless you're intent on feeding or have an absolutely horrid comp and the enemy team are gods, you're not going to be remotely close to death anytime soon. It makes you one step closer to your first build, and I urge you to pursue this path.
Like I said, Rakan can be tasked with picking up kills that others can't or won't go for. As a support, it's a little weird, but he can get away with it.
But because of his weak basic attack, you need to be able to dash in, Q, then E out of there, meaning AP.
Even to begin a team fight, he can dash and Q and take a large chunk of an enemy's health before returning to his team and healing them. He's quite agile and you need to use this agility aggressively like Xayah needs to play aggressively.
At the same time, he supports, so being able to make money on the side from your ADC creep kills and being able to make sure that they don't die is incredibly valuable. Knight's Vow is a nice little way to ensure you give your supportee support, as well as Talisman of Ascension to help your ADC chase and get the kills they need.
Like I said, Rakan can be tasked with picking up kills that others can't or won't go for. As a support, it's a little weird, but he can get away with it.
But because of his weak basic attack, you need to be able to dash in, Q, then E out of there, meaning AP.
Even to begin a team fight, he can dash and Q and take a large chunk of an enemy's health before returning to his team and healing them. He's quite agile and you need to use this agility aggressively like Xayah needs to play aggressively.
At the same time, he supports, so being able to make money on the side from your ADC creep kills and being able to make sure that they don't die is incredibly valuable. Knight's Vow is a nice little way to ensure you give your supportee support, as well as Talisman of Ascension to help your ADC chase and get the kills they need.
I'm going to explain the heal/flash first.
Flash is simple to understand, so that's my explanation for that.
But heal over exhaust/barrier because honestly, sometimes you miss your Q or your E is on cooldown, and you need to support somehow/get away. So, heal.
Rakan has harass. His Q is harass, his W is harass, and his E is just a "hahahaha suckkerrrr" ability.
Whenever you get the chance, just W on an enemy. Your ADC can pop a few shots on them when you land it, doing damage, and maybe even use a slow or stun on them to get more off.
Right after, try to land your Q (but watch out for minions, they're ****s).
Unless the enemy is low health, quickly E back onto your friend and you've escaped with minimal/no damage and you got a good trade out of the deal.
If the enemy was targeting your ADC, open up with the E on your friend, then W, then Q, then E again, because it has no recast cost within 5 seconds and you can shield them from incoming damage twice, making the enemy start to give up going for the trade.
Your R is good to use in several ways, whether chasing enemies down or running away from them, and it offers good harass in team fights, being able to hop over enemies and dodge their skillshots as well as doing damage and building your movement speed.
Flash is simple to understand, so that's my explanation for that.
But heal over exhaust/barrier because honestly, sometimes you miss your Q or your E is on cooldown, and you need to support somehow/get away. So, heal.
Rakan has harass. His Q is harass, his W is harass, and his E is just a "hahahaha suckkerrrr" ability.
Whenever you get the chance, just W on an enemy. Your ADC can pop a few shots on them when you land it, doing damage, and maybe even use a slow or stun on them to get more off.
Right after, try to land your Q (but watch out for minions, they're ****s).
Unless the enemy is low health, quickly E back onto your friend and you've escaped with minimal/no damage and you got a good trade out of the deal.
If the enemy was targeting your ADC, open up with the E on your friend, then W, then Q, then E again, because it has no recast cost within 5 seconds and you can shield them from incoming damage twice, making the enemy start to give up going for the trade.
Your R is good to use in several ways, whether chasing enemies down or running away from them, and it offers good harass in team fights, being able to hop over enemies and dodge their skillshots as well as doing damage and building your movement speed.
My first build page among other things, and it's relatively bland compared to others. If you have suggestions, let me know what to add/change/consider.
I'm going to be consistently updating this one as I play more and more Rakan 3v3s, but you guys may experience different things and strategies that I never have had to. So, that's what comments are for :P
I may add a champion weakness/strengths thing but honestly with people only playing Darius and Yasuo 80% of the time, it's hard to get a good read on who's good/who's not. Apologies.
I'm going to be consistently updating this one as I play more and more Rakan 3v3s, but you guys may experience different things and strategies that I never have had to. So, that's what comments are for :P
I may add a champion weakness/strengths thing but honestly with people only playing Darius and Yasuo 80% of the time, it's hard to get a good read on who's good/who's not. Apologies.
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