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Choose Champion Build:
- The usual/easier way to play
- The AP Janna build
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Tailwind (PASSIVE)
Janna Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Annie will have the ranged advantage and her damage output is strong, but that's not why I think she's hard to play against, but because of her Flash + Ults, it's rare that your disengage will be helpful against her flaming bear stunning you in lane or your whole team. I recommend you start coin, as you'll likely even lose trades as she'll get extra AAs off thanks to her range and Molten shield, making Spellthief's less worth it, you can still do it if you want but I don't recommend it.
Because Flash is OP you always take it unless you play a champion that greatly benefits from Ghost. You take Exhaust or Ignite depending on the lane and team comps.
When to pick Ignite?
You pick Ignite when you have a very good laning ADC like Draven or if your enemy lane/ADC is extremely weak, like Twitch and you want to win the lane. Though picking Exhaust is still better against high burst ADCs like Graves (Exhausting Q/R reduces his damage by a ridiculous amount) or against Kalista.
When to pick Exhaust?
Exhaust is the better option most of the time when you're playing Janna. Exhaust brings a lot more utility than Ignite, it keeps your carries alive from their assassins, it shuts down the enemy ADC's damage for a few seconds if they get fed, it slows down and reduces the enemy champions' armor and MR if you're chasing them (Tho very rarely you use it for that purpose)
Also note that Exhaust is EXTREMELY effective against Kalista, because she relies on her AAs to kite enemies, as her all in potential isn't high, exhausting the Rend also lowers her damage output By a lot.
3x Armor quints
9x Hp seals
9x AD marks
9x Flat MR glyphs
You can use HP quints + Armor seals if you can't get Armor quints + HP seals and you can use MR/level glyphs if you want. Using full AD marks and Armor marks is down to preference and what lane you're up against, but generally you win trades lvl-1 with your shield, so I take the AD marks most of the time, you can also use a few Mana regen runes if you feel like you need to use your shield a lot, but mana's generally not a problem.
Here's the Janna page I use when I really want to win games:
3x Flat AP Quints
9x Armor per level seals
9x AP per level MARKS
9x Ap per level glyphs
What is this rune page? It's a rune page for advanced Janna play. The idea behind sacrifising your defensive stats for all this AP is simple: Janna's AP scaling is one of, if not THE best out of all the supports. Your W slows more and gives you more MS, your shield gains more strength AND boosts your AD's damage even further, and the biggest thing that a lot of people forget about Janna, the AP scaling of her ultimate is a 180% when fully channeled. That means that your ultimate can potentially heal over 1500 HP per ally in the late game.
But here's the catch, your positioning must be amazing. If you get hit by any sort of CC in or out of lane you're dead. I do not recommend using this particular set of runes if your positioning isn't great.
You can also go for a mix of these depending on the situation or if you don't want to use your auto attacks in the early levels, if you want that I'd go:
9x Armor marks
9x health seals
9x MR OR AP glyphs
3x AP quints
This page gives you a decent amount of armor along with HP. If the enemy bot lane or their whole team doesn't have a lot of Magic damage you can even go AP glyphs with AP Quints, this gives your shield a lot more strength and boosts your ADCs damage even further.
The 9/0/21 Masteries with AP runes is even more effective, thanks to the 10% CDR you get lvl-1.
1. The way I used to play Janna for the longest time, which is playing extremely passive and making sure your ADC gets the farm they need and that you don't die.
2. Starting Spellthief's edge + E and going aggressive in the early levels.
What are the pros and cons of the 2 styles?
1. You'll have a safe lane, perfect for a weak early game hyper carry, someone who wants to farm in the laning phase. Vayne and Twitch for example.
2. Starting the lane with aggression gives you more lane control, starting with Spellthief's gives you more early damage, so if you want to play Janna aggressively in lvl-1 through 5-6 start with a Spellthief's edge.
How do you play these lanes?
1. It's simple, you keep river and tribush (sometimes the enemy red/blue if you can) and shield the damage coming your way. This is a lot easier way to play Janna than the aggressive style.
2. You start Spellthief's and you go ham lvl-1, start E, focus your AAs on the enemy ADC, you can get them to under half hp with the Spellthief's procs + your shield if they don't respond. At higher elos you need to be more careful with doing this, as they know how to deal with it (they both start AAing you as you come close). You can't trade with the enemy ADC after their first back, so you need to make something happen in the early levels. If your ADC has a CS lead or if you have a kill on them you've done your job.
Your job is to either follow your ADC if you feel like he needs you, if he does't then go mid and try to prevent them from taking the turret (if it's not down already), try to relieve pressure by being where the majority of the enemy team is, you're the only champion in the game who can shield turrets, use that ability.
Depending on the situation you either want to ward defensively or offensively. If you have the advantage you should try to get your team to move in with you to the enemy jungle to ward deep.
Basically, as Janna you want to teamfight, Janna is among the best if not the best teamfighting support in the game. Especially if you build her AP, with 40% cdr and over 500AP there's absolutely no way you're going to lose a teamfight unless you or one of your teammates gets instantly popped. Keep yourself next to, or even behind your own carries and protect them at all costs.
When you see someone getting too close to your ADC use your W and Q to keep them away from them and when they get to your carries use your ultimate to knock them away again, if they're still alive after that your W and Q should be up again to make sure they finally die.
However if you're up against an Assassin like Zed or LeBlanc you should instantly use your ultimate to keep them away as your Q/W won't do much to keep your ADC alive. And remember: ALWAYS FULLY CHANNEL YOUR ULTIMATE IF YOU CAN. I see a lot of Jannas making the mistake of just tapping their ultimate and letting 600-3000 (up to 7000-9001) if you have a lot of AP in the late game) worth of healing go to waste. Your ultimate is one of the best AoE heals in the game, do not forget this.
Ideally your Mid laner should be right next to your ADC, but that's rarely going to happen so you have to make a choice:
Do I protect my APC or my ADC? Usually the right answer is the ADC because your Shield will not do as much as it could when you put in on someone else, but if your APC is incredibly fed and is carrying the game while your ADC is 0/5 it's an option to fully try to protect him over your ADC. Ideally you're there to make sure both of them live, but some times you need to make the choice.
I will start livestreaming too if I can get an internet connection for it.
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