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Thresh Build Guide by H0tch66

Support [6.19]The HOOK IS REAL

Support [6.19]The HOOK IS REAL

Updated on September 30, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author H0tch66 Build Guide By H0tch66 2,349 Views 0 Comments
2,349 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author H0tch66 Thresh Build Guide By H0tch66 Updated on September 30, 2016
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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My name is H0tch, and i am Gold V.
I present here passive/skills
Damnation is the passive Thresh, he does not win by armor level, however when an enemy is near death, he can leave a soul that Thresh can pick to win the armor and the PA. Souls are 8 seconds and they appear only when Thresh is less than 2000 range of the unit died.

Death Sentence is the first spell of Thresh, which can catch the first enemy hit by reactivating the skill, Thresh then pounced on target.

Dark Passage is the second out of Thresh, he swings his lantern at the location referred providing a shield at first champion touched ally. If an ally champion click on the lantern he will move rapidly toward Thresh

Flay is the third out of Thresh, this spell has a liability when Thresh does not attack its next auto attack deals bonus damage based on the number of collected souls. The assets of this spell can attract or repel the enemy for a short distance while slowing them.

The box is the last spell of Thresh, this spell can create a prison around Thresh, each enemy champions that pass through one of the walls are slow and suffer damage.
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Here are some interesting wards in place. Note that you can not put them all, it's up to you ^^.
Blue side: When in the early game, before the T1 has fallen.Blue side: When you drop the T1, T2 pushing you.
Blue side: When you go with your team in bot lane
Blue side: When you go with your team in mid lane
Blue side: When you go with your top team in lane

Red side: When in the early game, before the T1 has fallen.
Red side: When you drop the T1, T2 pushez you.
Red side: When you go with your team in bot lane.
Red side: When you go with your team in mid lane.
Red side: When you go with your team in top lane.
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☷☷☷ In Phase Lane

For starters, Thresh is a very versatile medium, I would advise you to roam: 1. When your lane is push and your ADC at back, take the opportunity to go for a mid tower and place wards near the Dragon and in the jungle ennemies.2. When opponents push, and the minions are found in your turn, let your ADC alone, for that farm, before heading think ward and try to find the last position of jungler (if your ADC will do dive do not go and ask for help from your jungler if possible).

In ☷☷☷ Mid Game (after leaving your lane)

Once your lane stage left, trying to ward next opponent: 1. If they are on the defensive, go ask offensive wards, near them, to put pressure on them and see if they shift to a objectif.2. If conversely they are aggressive, go ward on the flanks, so come see if they try something, (this position is difficult on a timer Dragon or Baron for if they depart from the lane in the direction of these goals, you'd tend to follow, but if you lack the vision they can trap you in a bush (this is the beginning of a 4vs5, so you lose a fight team and a goal 4 times 5).

In ☷☷☷ Team Fight

Team fight in phase two main things you can do one things you need to do is an opponent of Death Sentence (we will favor a carry (ADC or mid AP in general)), if you carry a Death Sentence key and your team is behind you ready to commit, you can go there (it's for you to judge if you can go without fear of dying alone). If a tank Death Sentence button (the top laner, jungler or support (Alistar Leona, Nautilus, ...)) there will certainly not (unless it is only if you are ON that his team is not not behind). Then there are two possible gameplays: 1. The peel is to protect your carry (ADC and mid laner) this is where items such as Face of the Mountain, Mikael's Crucible for example, it will protect the opposing tanks that want their death at all costs. 2. The second stratum consists of all in a carry in your face with top laner, jungler or mid laner and try to kill him as soon as possible for the fight in your favor.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author H0tch66
H0tch66 Thresh Guide
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[6.19]The HOOK IS REAL

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